..and that's just a small selection of what I could get on Ibiza (and the Countach from the Italian Classic on Hawaii). There are many more goodies yet to come.
Some people say 60FPS is the advantage of PC gaming. I'd say this is more like it.
Well then, you have found the perfect Ibiza Eden when it comes to TDU 2, it seems...
Couldn't say it better myself on that last one, really. Most of the time I struggle to hit 30 FPS, and most of the time I prefer a more consistently fluid experience to trying to hit the impossible mark... Dinky PC problems!
It doesn't actually run that bad on my starting-to-age, slowly-dying one. There's the occational bit of lag when the game loads people to drive around you, and I am not running a full 1920x1080 setup (for reasons of sneaky gaming), but I had anticipated worse.
Discovering all the roads again, though.. yeah.. seeing as I have already cheatsydoodled my way to a billion moneys, I feel like that (and the inevitable questionable obtaining of exclusive cars) is enough of the easy way.
How high can you get the FPS count, if you don't mind me asking? Most of the time, it just doesn't run at a speed consistently enough to be bearable for me, the lag isn't minor in my PC's case. I'll be lucky if I can hold 30 FPS for more than 3 minutes... And that's with most of the fancy options either turned down or turned off.
Well, at least you have plenty of different ways to find the roads again, if anything.
I'd like to say it's a stable sort-of-around-45, sometimes slightly better, sometimes slightly worse. With all fancy options bar fullscreen turned to max. I haven't actually bothered to find the exact number yet, so I may be wrong.
Even if it's the wrong number, it's still a better number than what my PC can achieve, I can tell you that much. At best it's 30-35, and it takes a lot of nothingness to get the numbers that high. I play in fullscreen because that's how I like most of my racing games to run.