

What is the best steering wheel for ps5
Grant turismo 7
I've only ever used a Logitech DFGT & G27 on GT5&6 and a Logitech G29 and G-Pro (which I just got set up about a week ago) on GT7. I did get a short session years ago on a Thrustmaster T300 belt drive wheel on GT5. Not really in a position to say which one is best for GT7, but I'm liking the Pro upgrade so far. The Trueforce really changes the game. Really depends on your budget and how far you want to go with your "rig" setup and accessories. There are quite a few more wheel manufacturers now so, good luck in your hunt.
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I've only ever used a Logitech DFGT & G27 on GT5&6 and a Logitech G29 and G-Pro (which I just got set up about a week ago) on GT7. I did get a short session years ago on a Thrustmaster T300 belt drive wheel on GT5. Not really in a position to say which one is best for GT7, but I'm liking the Pro upgrade so far. The Trueforce really changes the game. Really depends on your budget and how far you want to go with your "rig" setup and accessories. There are quite a few more wheel manufacturers now so, good luck in your hunt.
Thanks for the update.
I am thinking about the thrust master direct drivewhat do you think 🤔
I've only ever used a Logitech DFGT & G27 on GT5&6 and a Logitech G29 and G-Pro (which I just got set up about a week ago) on GT7. I did get a short session years ago on a Thrustmaster T300 belt drive wheel on GT5. Not really in a position to say which one is best for GT7, but I'm liking the Pro upgrade so far. The Trueforce really changes the game. Really depends on your budget and how far you want to go with your "rig" setup and accessories. There are quite a few more wheel manufacturers now so, good luck in your hunt.
Hey thank for that .
I hope to see you on the track sometime
Hey thank for that .
I hope to see you on the track sometime
You'd need to check out

◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win a Digit Racing EDGE Masterclass enrollment!!

for that to happen. I've avoided Sport Mode dailies, or whatever they're called, since I got my BS rating and my only online racing is with SNAIL and the occasional GTWS exhibition series. Do the weekly TTs fairly regularly but that ain't door to door racing in any sense of the word.

Thanks for the update.
I am thinking about the thrust master direct drivewhat do you think 🤔
When it came out last fall, I was waffling twixt that T598 and the Logitech Pro wheel set and pedals. Logitech won. The T598 was considerably cheaper and, until recently, had the "ecosystem" side of things locked down, compared to Logitech's offerings. Thrustmaster has a slight lead on that area now. Logitech is really only lacking an H-Gate shifter and it will be neck and neck for add on pieces like wheels, shifters and hand brakes. You can check this thread and this one to read up on both. Then make your choice.

I've heard good things about both and a few not so good things about both. Been drooling over the Pro set for 2 years and was sorely tempted by Thrustmaster's new DAD (Direct Axial Drive) motor tech. The pedal set that came with the T598 wasn't really what I wanted and I have a long history with Logitech products so, it was, practically speaking, a natural progression for me to go that way. Just had to wait for a sale to hit to bring the expenditure to a tolerable point. Fanatec and Moza are next level wheel sets. Their product lines are considerably more expensive than either Logitech and Thrustmaster however.

Fanatec just went through some serious financial issues and got bought out by Corsair. I've not ever heard anything good about Fanatec's customer support. Perhaps that will improve with Corsair's backing in place.

At any rate, those are my thoughts on this subject. Good luck in your search.

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