Official GTP Challenge: NK4E Vs. Mike le chat noir

Delphic Reason

Staff Emeritus
Okay guys, this is the official thread of the GTP Challenge ...

NK4E Vs. Mike le chat noir
Deadline: Sunday, December 5th, 2004 Midnight

Here are the judges for this challenge:
Der Alta---------None
Delphic Reason-----IDM
Forced Induction---None
Breaker Ohio-------Monkey D

Your video must not contain your name, or any way to identify who's video it is (to promote fairness in judging).... Instead, use the number that has been assigned to you (via PM), by the head judge...

When you want to turn in your entries, please upload it to either Pergatory's FTP or 19XX's FTP (or any FTP of your choice) and only give the head judge the link to the videos, and as soon as they are evaluated, the links will be made public to promote fairness in these challenges.

When the video is uploaded please PM the head judge [DelphicReason] with the link of the video... and post in the thread that your video is uploaded so the judges will know to check there PMs...

The video must include the steering wheel, speedometer, T times, and lap time.

Good luck to our participants and drift on....

Course: Deep Forest
Car: Skyline
Horsepower: No Limit
Tires: No limit


NK4E (Contestant #1): 23.82 1.wmv

Mike le chat noir (Contestant #2): 28.24 Challenge NK4E vs Mike le Chat Noir contestant 2.wmv

Congratulations to Mike le chat noir for winning this challenge...



  • Final Scores.PNG
    Final Scores.PNG
    1.9 KB · Views: 56
Oh my lord. NK4E, what are you thinking.

You are one brave soul 👍 I will be rooting for you.

Edit: yay, i am a judge in this one.
heh..I take challenges like this because I have to know where I am .. This won't go against my team or their doing this to check if I still have it
wow. i almost missed that just kidding there.

you sure went way out of your way for nothing though.
aaahh, i was just bored, that it would be funny

but seriously, i cant wait for the results and to watch the video's, i know there both gonna be good.
Heh i know what you mean NK4E I dont think i still gots it.. but I've manged to get my drifting to a higher level in the last couple of weeks perpin for the Phantom D Video Part 2 so yeah Good Luck man And REPRESENT OUR TEAM!! LOL PHANTOM D 4 EVER WERE NOT GOING TO LOSE OUR TEAM YET!!! LOL most of the team is in Hibernation LOL so yep once gt4 comes out in DEc 15 its all good in the Neighborhood
NK4E, I give yoiu props for stepping up to the plate like this. Mike has got skills that we've all seen on his umpteen vids :) But you've got skills in your own right. So show him what's up!

Have a good time with this one gentlemen!
yo, I have a big bug on my pc. perhaps, I'm not sure but I thinks that I lost all my hard drive contain :yuck:

the black cat its not lucky!!

but I am always ready for this challenge :crazy:
mike le chat no
yo, I have a big bug on my pc. perhaps, I'm not sure but I thinks that I lost all my hard drive contain :yuck:

the black cat its not lucky!!

but I am always ready for this challenge :crazy:
That sucks.. do you mean like a Virus?
mike le chat no
yes man, I had cleared one and my system had a big trouble. but I resolve my problem last night so I'm very happy.
be carrefull the black cat it's very very ready :crazy:
thats very good
These sort of challenges are good for the forum.. We need more! ( If it's not too much work judges ;) )
eh, ill do a few more after the holidays are over with. once i get my DFP :) ill be very happy. going to take a while to learn, but ill get it sooner or later.