GT4 Countdown

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United States
Bay Area
Possibly setup a GT4 countdown on the front page (

I think it would be a nice touch, I mean it is Gran Turismo Planet.(Don't flame me for saying that)
Sounds like a good idea. I have a countdown clock on my desktop here, but I don't know how easy it would be to integrate it into a website. Mine's set for 10AM on the 23rd (since my GameStop gets games a day late, and they don't open until 10AM, I think). Most stores like Best Buy and Circuit City also don't open until 10AM, so that would probably be the way to set it up.. 10AM EST on the 22nd.

And, in the interest of fairness and world peace, a second countdown clock should also be added. 10AM GMT on March 9th, for our European bretheren.
I think this would be a good idea. I was trying to think of a way to intergrate a counter into my signature, but couldn't figure out how to because you can't type html into your signature and have it show the result of your coding.
pimp racer
Flash yes but for people who use GTP lite such as Skip0110 they cant get Flash and plus he thinks flash is evil!
WEll, then boo hoo to him. One person's hatred towards Flash and Windows can't change the will of the masses.
Event Horizon
WEll, then boo hoo to him. One person's hatred towards Flash and Windows can't change the will of the masses.
Pimp Racer can't get the subtleties of my humor. I don't mind Flash, it's fine--web developers are welcome to use it. I just don't think I ever miss anything of content without it. If going without those annoying talking ads means I can't see the latest stupid animation, fine by me.

P.S. -- I can get flash, I just don't want it.
Pimp Racer can't get the subtleties of my humor. I don't mind Flash, it's fine--web developers are welcome to use it. I just don't think I ever miss anything of content without it. If going without those annoying talking ads means I can't see the latest stupid animation, fine by me.

P.S. -- I can get flash, I just don't want it.
Excellent point. Touché.
Sounds like a good idea. I have a countdown clock on my desktop here, but I don't know how easy it would be to integrate it into a website. Mine's set for 10AM on the 23rd (since my GameStop gets games a day late, and they don't open until 10AM, I think). Most stores like Best Buy and Circuit City also don't open until 10AM, so that would probably be the way to set it up.. 10AM EST on the 22nd.

And, in the interest of fairness and world peace, a second countdown clock should also be added. 10AM GMT on March 9th, for our European bretheren.

What about the Kiwis? We get it on the 10th. There are about 5 of us on here. Me, DRIFT4EVA, Taurine, Alpha and I'm sure I've seen others.
What about the Kiwis? We get it on the 10th. There are about 5 of us on here. Me, DRIFT4EVA, Taurine, Alpha and I'm sure I've seen others.
But you guys belong to the PAL region fool :sly:
Don't you guys get it 9th?
I was under the impression that the PAL release was across-the-board, that everyone outside of Asia and North America would be recieving the game on the 9th.

Might just depend on your locality.. technically, I can't get the game until the 23rd, because GameStop here always gets their games a day late. But the release date is still the 22nd.
Yes, I may add countdown counters soon.
Nice site, but, you said leave a comment in the guestbook, and you don't have any links to the guestbook. Might want to get that fixed :D

:lol: Are you sure? You see that side menu on the left? The blue thing saying GT4 Hot Spot? Thats my menu and look at the thing second to last in it and you will see the the Guest Book link! :D Anyways Skip and I need to move the menu to the right!
Are you guys sure? You two are the ONLY ones that are having this problem out of the few thousand people that visit the site.

Let me give you step by step instructions! :rolleyes:

1. Go to this URL -

2. Wait for the page to LOAD COMPLETELY!

3. You will see a bar on your LEFT in BLUE SAYING GT4 HOT SPOT vertically.



6. Go to any section of the site and start ripping images off the largest GT4 gallery in the world! :lol:

:lol: Sorry about the caps but this is so easy I dont even know why its not working for you guys? Might be your browser but its been confirmed to work with FireFox, Internet Explorer , NetScape and all sorts of other browsers and according to my partner Skip we are currently compatable with just about every browser! Mind if I ask what browsers you guys are using?

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