Gearing in the GTI

  • Thread starter 95GTIVR6


Rice, I love it.
United States
Charlotte, NC
Okay, I did a search which brought up some 24-page "BUGS" thread but I honestly dont feel like looking through 24 pages of complaints seeing as I am already not in the best of moods.

However, I was wondering what the heck is up with the Gearing in the MKV GTI. There is almost no change between 4th and 5th gear which makes driving the car almost a hassle. It is a pain when you have to downshift twice from 6th gear to get the appropriate powerband.

At first I thought this to be a glitch in the particular car I bought. However, when I opened my other save game I found the gearing to be the same. I figure it will be easily fixed by a new transmission but I was just wondering (and hoping) about this. Is it a glitch or is the new transmission in the GTI really that awkward.

Thanks and sorry for this little rant. :ouch:
Okay, I did a search which brought up some 24-page "BUGS" thread but I honestly dont feel like looking through 24 pages of complaints seeing as I am already not in the best of moods.

However, I was wondering what the heck is up with the Gearing in the MKV GTI. There is almost no change between 4th and 5th gear which makes driving the car almost a hassle. It is a pain when you have to downshift twice from 6th gear to get the appropriate powerband.

At first I thought this to be a glitch in the particular car I bought. However, when I opened my other save game I found the gearing to be the same. I figure it will be easily fixed by a new transmission but I was just wondering (and hoping) about this. Is it a glitch or is the new transmission in the GTI really that awkward.

Thanks and sorry for this little rant. :ouch:

Final Drive 3.94:1
1st Gear Ratio 3.36
2nd Gear Ratio 2.09
3rd Gear Ratio 1.47
4th Gear Ratio 1.10
5th Gear Ratio 0.87
6th Gear Ratio 0.73

Using the above and wheel/tyre size to calculate the MPH per 1,000rpm (which make this easy to compare) we get

1st 6.01
2nd 9.67
3rd 13.74
4th 18.37
5th 23.22
6th 27.67

All the above are taken from the real world Mk V GTI and for upshifts once you take into account the revs dropping your not going to see a huge ammount of difference between 4th and 5th. In the real world car 6th is little more than an economy gear.

The car needs a fully customised gearbox in a big way. In other words, its the car not the game.

BTW please bear in mind that the MPH per 1,000 rpm are maximum speeds that the gears gives, not the actual maximum speeds that could be achieved.


The Golf MkV GTi in GT4 uses the DSG gearing which puts gears 4 and 5 almost identical... that is how it is in the real world GTi using the DSG gearbox... the thing is that GT4 doesn't have the DSG settings for different final drive ratios too...

I did a search and if you intend to race the GTi using the standard 6-speed manual gearbox... you will have to do the following...

First you will have to get yourself a full-custom gearbox...

Next is to set the final drive ratio to 3.200

Next is to set the Auto Gear settings to 23

It is only then that you can set the gears individually...

1st - 3.36
2nd - 2.09
3rd - 1.47
4th - 1.1
5th - 0.87
6th - 0.73

Once you have set the gears, set your final drive ratio to 3.94

changing the auto settings after this will mess up the settings... so take care or you will have to start all over again...

This is how I got mine fixed...
The Golf MkV GTi in GT4 uses the DSG gearing which puts gears 4 and 5 almost identical... that is how it is in the real world GTi using the DSG gearbox... the thing is that GT4 doesn't have the DSG settings for different final drive ratios too...

I did a search and if you intend to race the GTi using the standard 6-speed manual gearbox... you will have to do the following...

First you will have to get yourself a full-custom gearbox...

Next is to set the final drive ratio to 3.200

Next is to set the Auto Gear settings to 23

It is only then that you can set the gears individually...

1st - 3.36
2nd - 2.09
3rd - 1.47
4th - 1.1
5th - 0.87
6th - 0.73

Once you have set the gears, set your final drive ratio to 3.94

changing the auto settings after this will mess up the settings... so take care or you will have to start all over again...

This is how I got mine fixed...

It's got nothing to do with DSG at all, they just messed up the gearing in GT4, that's all there is, to get full potential of the car, you should opt for a customisable gear box. DSG is "Unlike normal automatic gearboxes, where one ratio must be disengaged before the next can be selected, the DSG technology permits the next upward or downward ratio to be pre-selected and the result is a lightning-quick change - 200 milliseconds to be precise - and a seamless delivery of power".
Yea, try gearing the Rabbit one.
No the change between those gears is a change of the DIFFERENTIAL! My MK4 GTI changes diffs between 5th and 6th. Watch your speed/RPM gain between the two gears. You will notice the speed increasing faster / RPM on the taller (smaller number) diff in the 5th gear. Also dont wind that car up to red line. It makes the most power @ 5500, after that is useless. The MKV GTI makes a ton of torque vs. HP, and the crazy transmission tries to make use of this charateristic. I seem to think I shifted into 4th around 90 and fifth at 95 or 96, (depending on uphill or downhill).
Yea, try gearing the Rabbit one.
No the change between those gears is a change of the DIFFERENTIAL! My MK4 GTI changes diffs between 5th and 6th. Watch your speed/RPM gain between the two gears. You will notice the speed increasing faster / RPM on the taller (smaller number) diff in the 5th gear. Also dont wind that car up to red line. It makes the most power @ 5500, after that is useless. The MKV GTI makes a ton of torque vs. HP, and the crazy transmission tries to make use of this charateristic. I seem to think I shifted into 4th around 90 and fifth at 95 or 96, (depending on uphill or downhill).

It is just programmed incorrectly. The real car will not gain five miles-per-hour in a gear. The GT4 engine only allows for one final drive, so the cars that switch final drives will have this problem. The new Eclipse GT, for example.
OK as its Christmas and my post above was done from work, I thought it was time to actually have a look at the car in GT4.

The gearing speeds (in mph per 1,000rpm are correct for the real car fitted with a six speed manual 'box. Ebiggs, the real car does gain approx 5mph per 1,000rpm between 4th and 5th gear, the calculations are based on gear ratios, final drive ratio and the driven wheel size.

So I bought the car and took it for a spin around the test track, and with the revs at approx 3,000rpm, I recorded the speed in each gear. From these a simple division by 3 will give the gear speed in mph per 1,000rpm, which can then be compaired to the real car.

1st = 19mph @ 3,000rpm = 6.33mph per 1,000rpm (6.01 real car)

2nd = 31mph @ 3,000rpm = 9.67mph per 1,000rpm (9.67 real car)

3rd = 44mph @ 3,000rpm = 14.66mph per 1,000rpm (13.74 real car)

4th = 59mph @ 3,000rpm = 19.66mph per 1,000rpm (18.37 real car)

5th = 59mph @ 3,000rpm = 19.66mph per 1,000rpm (23.22 real car)

6th = 71mph @ 3,000rpm = 23.66mph per 1,000rpm (27.67 real car)

Now I do wish I'd taken the time to drive the damn car before writing my last post (but when you're bored at work what can you do).

4th and 5th gear are identical, and given the gearing speeds 6th gear is actual a close match for 5th gear on the real car. Its almost as if the 6th gear has been stolen.

So I had a look at the gearbox settings, as even with the standard gearbox fitted it will still show the gear ratio chart (you don't get to see the actual ratios in numbers, just the graph) and lo and behold what do I see, only five gear ratios are shown on the graph.

It would appear that while the car itself is set to have six gears, someone 'forgot' to put in the required ratio for 6th gear. So when you change from 4th to 5th it is in fact the same gear, you only get the correct ratio for 5th when using 6th gear!

My apologies for anyone who was mislead by my original post (that was not my intention) and hopefully this helps to put it right.

ppcsurfr is quite right, in that to get the true 6 speed manual ratios you will need to fit a fully customisable transmission and set the ratios as given (they are correct for the real car), which will solve the problem of the missing gear.

BTW - I'm not 100% sure this mistake is down to a mix up between the DSG and manual ratios, as they are both 6 speed 'boxes and a gear ratio is clearly missing from the car.


^maybe Honda paid off PD so the Civic Type-R wouldnt have the competition of the GTI. :dopey:

anyways, good analysis as always Scaff.
^maybe Honda paid off PD so the Civic Type-R wouldnt have the competition of the GTI. :dopey:

anyways, good analysis as always Scaff.

Thanks 95GTIVR6, I still would rather have the Mk V GTI than the Civic Type-R, even with a wonky 'box.

BTW - When will you get around to number 11 in you're write ups, I used to enjoy them.


Thanks 95GTIVR6, I still would rather have the Mk V GTI than the Civic Type-R, even with a wonky 'box.

BTW - When will you get around to number 11 in you're write ups, I used to enjoy them.


I figured I would relax until the new year arrives. I am going to try maybe reviewing two similar cars at the same time. Kinda like comparing the Honda Beat and Suzuki Cappuccino; both have 0.7L Inline 3's but have different drivetrains and weights. Something along those lines. Im not sure what #11 will entail but you can count on at least 2 cars per review with times for various tracks AND mild tuning settings.

And to get back on to my OWN topic, although I love my VW, I am not very pleased with the styling direction they have recently taken. But that still wouldn't stop me from choosing the MKV over the EP. 👍