Hurricane Katrina; Is the U.S. responding fast enough?

  • Thread starter s0nny80y
Republican or Democrat, you have to ask yourself; did we respond fast enough?

I live in South Florida and was recently hit by Katrina. It snuck up on me during school the day before (it hit Florida) as a severe tropical storm. Katrina was a tropical storm so many people didn't take the storm seriously. Then it hit hurricane status as a category one hurricane. South Floridians on category ones usually take it lightly but after Thursdays landfall, it was apparent that Katrina should have not been taken lightly.

Trees and fences fell down. In fact, a grand old Oak tree in my yard--that has survived countless hurricanes before--fell for this one. Objects the size of motorcycles were picked up by the wind. Power was out and flooding took place. This was what an unplanned, underrated category one did to us.

Katrina left South Florida a category two. It was forecasted to hit the coastal areas around the Gulf. The scale of its effect was apparent from what it left behind in Florida. New Orleans is six feet below water, surrounded by the Mississippi. Civil engineers knew that the levies were made to withstand category threes. Not category fives. Water was bound to drown the city.

The threat assessment on the hurricane by the US government should have been more dire. Response should have been faster. In fact, evacuation should have been done by force, if possible. Government help eventually came though. Days after the devastation.

People may say that's expected. But everyday, hurricane survivors are dying. Took four days after the hurricane hit for an assesment by the President. Four days for assesment of his own people. For days of people dying. People still dying because supplies haven't reached everyone yet.

Katrina was seen coming as a category five. Why weren't our troops amassed along bordering states ready to storm in after katrina blew over?

What's more discouraging is that even though alot of political moves have been made to have the US quickly respond to disasters, be it dirty bombs or what not, after this one it would be scary to see how we would respond to a a surprise disaster.

We are quick to respond to global conflicts that could secure our nation economically, but when it comes down to our own people, OUR OWN PEOPLE, we're worth waiting for four more days and 1/20th of the cost of war in Iraq.

Is the U.S. responding fast enough knowing how dire the situation was going to get?
Joe Scarborough on MSNBC just confirmed again that news crews have been driving up to the Superdome for two or three days, and he's almost foaming at the mouth with anger that no relief had been brought to the thousands of people stuck there with no water, food, or sanitation until today.

This is ridiculous. Heads are going to roll.
The U.S. responded with the extreme speed that it should have.

That said, there hasn't been enough help sent by the government to the regions affected by Katrina.
The big question is, what were the Mayor and Govenor doing? I understand that it's a national crisis and needs natural response. But obviously the first on the seen would be the local authorities. Look at what the new york local authorities did during 9-11. They were incredible. In New Orleans, it simply wasn't what it should've been.
I overheard someone saying that they knew that the levy system would not hold up under class-5, maybe 4 circumstances, is this true?
They've known for years what would happen in a Cat 4 or 5 hurricane. Many studies have shown that exactly what has happened would in fact occur. The predictions were in place and were completely accurate.

Hard as it is to believe, it appears the local governments did not have an effective evacuation plan in place at all. As near as I can tell, they simply said "Everybody get out of here!" about 24 hours before the storm hit, and that was pretty much it.
I overheard someone saying that they knew that the levy system would not hold up under class-5, maybe 4 circumstances, is this true?

Yes, absolutely true. The levees were designed for Category 3 hurricanes. They've been trying to get the money to greatly strengthen them for many years, but they never got it.
Well, this will most likely turn into a ball game to find who's responsible for this, between the mayor, the governor, F.E.M.A, the D.O.D. and the white house...

I think the answer to the thread title is pretty obvious when you look at any footage from the news network: the response was simply too slow, forces in place were overwhelmed, and delays have cause a lot of casualties.

Heck, every major news network was able to send reporters on the scene, and supply them with food, water and gas during the week, so the reasons why they had to wait 4 days to bring a convoy with a proper number of supplies and troops to restore order and relieve thousands of people in a life-threatening situation are just beyond me. I'm not sure who is really to blame for the lack of planning or proper intervention, but someone obviously screwed up, badly.

I don't think we can't compare this in any way to 9/11. Although casualties in both cases are high, the scope of devastation is just unbelievably huge here. New York was hit hard, but it didn't lost most major communication, transport and services infrastructures all over the city.
The big question is, what were the Mayor and Governor doing? I understand that it's a national crisis and needs natural response. But obviously the first on the seen would be the local authorities. Look at what the new york local authorities did during 9-11. They were incredible. In New Orleans, it simply wasn't what it should've been.

You are right on target.

As far as I can tell, the Democratic Mayor and Governor hasn't done much besides complaining to the national government and blaming the President for everything, including the hurricane itself.

The National Guard and Coast Guard are doing an excellent job, far beyond the Democratic leaders of Louisiana.
The initial FEDERAL government response to New Orleans IS A F%%$#N sugar coating , It was bungled and people died and went without water and food for days . The national guard did not EVEN ATTEMPT to create order for THREE F%#$*N days . The people in the two charity hospitals died in their beds BECAUSE they were not evacuated FOR FOUR DAYS after the flooding . As far as New Orleans go's a third world country would have done a BETTER friggin job . I AM ASAHAMED OF MY GOVERNMENT . You can not expect much from the MAYOR ...HES UNDER FRIGGIN WATER ! WTF can he do ? THE CITY IS GONE !
ARE YOU NUTS ? The governor is a moron and should have declared martial law on the second day of the flood so that at least LOOTERS could be shot . The president after 5 days of this fiasco recognized that his team let him down and said so...Ask yourself this ...
New Orleans is a major city its been completely and utterly devastated...What if it was from a terrorist attack ..WOULD YOU WANT THESE IDIOTS IN CHARGE ?
I am not blaming Bush although as he is in charge he is ultimately going to take the hit .
FEMA is a disgrace . The idiots who decided it cost too much to fix the dikes should be flayed much will it cost now you stupid bungling m*&^%krfs ! we have a serious need to get rid of assmunches in government service .

RANT HAS ENDED go eat a pop tart
You guys try coordinating a relief effort on this scale. It's not all that easy.

Never mind the fact that rescue workers are being attacked...
The big question is, what were the Mayor and Govenor doing? I understand that it's a national crisis and needs natural response. But obviously the first on the seen would be the local authorities. Look at what the new york local authorities did during 9-11. They were incredible. In New Orleans, it simply wasn't what it should've been.

Eh how can you compare the two. The new orleans disaster covers large ground whilst 9/11 did not.
Eh how can you compare the two. The new orleans disaster covers large ground whilst 9/11 did not.

New orleans had a least a few days warning. 9/11 had none at all and it was still more organized and was able to save many lives. That's my point.
New orleans had a least a few days warning. 9/11 had none at all and it was still more organized and was able to save many lives. That's my point.

You just can't compare organization between a rescue effort within a small area of an intact city and one in a flooded city with no working infrastructure at all and tens of thousands of people scattered over it.

And I agree 100% with ledhed about the mayor... what the hell are you guys expecting from him once all of his city is flooded? (or even the governor while most his state is completely devastated??) From the first day of flooding it was quite obvious to everyone how bad the situation was, and that the city would need a major military / rescue operation to address this... yet it took OVER 4 DAYS to get the a proper convoy trough the city, while news networks were able to freely go in and out of the city from the first day. This is just freakin unbelievable...
You just can't compare organization between a rescue effort within a small area of an intact city and one in a flooded city with no working infrastructure at all and tens of thousands of people scattered over it.

Ok, so why wasn't there more state action done to get the people out. That's why we have state governments. After the hurricane hit, you can say, "Hey President, where's the help?" But before it hit, the resonsibility is on the local governments.
Comparisons between 9/11 and Katrina are silly. They are so different they can't even be put in the same category.

I'm watching Fox now, and finally, six long days later, we're seeing some small boats ferrying survivors out of flooded neighborhoods.

Do not even begin to try to tell me that there is some sort of justification for those people still being there. This is utterly ridiculous. The idea that they couldn't have rounded up enough small boats many days ago and had all these people on dry land long before now is just nonsense.

For example: Has anyone anywhere heard any government or relief official put out a call for citizens to bring in their small boats on trailers? Imagine how many little outboards there are within a 500-mile radius of New Orleans. This is insane.
Comparisons between 9/11 and Katrina are silly. They are so different they can't even be put in the same category.

I'm watching Fox now, and finally, six long days later, we're seeing some small boats ferrying survivors out of flooded neighborhoods.

Do not even begin to try to tell me that there is some sort of justification for those people still being there. This is utterly ridiculous. The idea that they couldn't have rounded up enough small boats many days ago and had all these people on dry land long before now is just nonsense.

For example: Has anyone anywhere heard any government or relief official put out a call for citizens to bring in their small boats on trailers? Imagine how many little outboards there are within a 500-mile radius of New Orleans. This is insane.

What I'm telling you is that New Orleans is what, 50 feet BELOW sea level? What does that mean? When a storm comes it WILL flood. Logic dictates that there be a flood evacuation plan. I just don't understand how they could have no plans for that. This is what I'm talking about. Of course not everyone would be able to get out. But it simply shouldn't be the numbers that we're seeing now. Do you see where I'm coming from?
...Logic dictates that there be a flood evacuation plan. I just don't understand how they could have no plans for that. This is what I'm talking about. Of course not everyone would be able to get out. But it simply shouldn't be the numbers that we're seeing now. Do you see where I'm coming from?

Same place I am:

Its just that 9/11 and Katrina are so different we can't compare them. That's all I meant.

But yes, it appears that the locals did not have a mass evac plan in place, even though everybody knew what would happen if a Cat 4 or 5 storm hit.
The initial FEDERAL government response to New Orleans IS A F%%$#N sugar coating , It was bungled and people died and went without water and food for days . The national guard did not EVEN ATTEMPT to create order for THREE F%#$*N days . The people in the two charity hospitals died in their beds BECAUSE they were not evacuated FOR FOUR DAYS after the flooding . As far as New Orleans go's a third world country would have done a BETTER friggin job . I AM ASAHAMED OF MY GOVERNMENT . You can not expect much from the MAYOR ...HES UNDER FRIGGIN WATER ! WTF can he do ? THE CITY IS GONE !
ARE YOU NUTS ? The governor is a moron and should have declared martial law on the second day of the flood so that at least LOOTERS could be shot . The president after 5 days of this fiasco recognized that his team let him down and said so...Ask yourself this ...
New Orleans is a major city its been completely and utterly devastated...What if it was from a terrorist attack ..WOULD YOU WANT THESE IDIOTS IN CHARGE ?
I am not blaming Bush although as he is in charge he is ultimately going to take the hit .
FEMA is a disgrace . The idiots who decided it cost too much to fix the dikes should be flayed much will it cost now you stupid bungling m*&^%krfs ! we have a serious need to get rid of assmunches in government service .

RANT HAS ENDED go eat a pop tart

The US government didn't do as much as it could have - it expected NO to be better prepared.

In general, this is a prime example of how government does a bad job - even at the things it's supposed to be doing. I say we tell our government to concentrate on what it's supposed to be worrying about.
New orleans had a least a few days warning. 9/11 had none at all and it was still more organized and was able to save many lives. That's my point.

Yep... They KNEW what was coming and how bad it was gonna be they should have been more prepared or set to go there no matter what and regardless of the size.

The US government didn't do as much as it could have - it expected NO to be better prepared.

Yep, pretty much... you can tell by Bush's half ass "I'm trying" looks.
Maybe it's because a lot of the people in New orleans are black?? And all politicians are white!:odd: Think about it:idea: . It just might be true:tup: .

Those damn racists! You've got a point. Not.
There is no race card being played here. The Liberal Media wants you to think it's racist.

For the record: The mayor of New Orleans is black. So much for those white politicians...
Blame those who started politicizing the hurricane, mainly the Democratic Governor of Louisiana and the Democratic mayor of New Orleans. It wasn't until their radical rhetoric that people started taking their political sides.
Maybe it's because a lot of the people in New orleans are black?? And all politicians are white!:odd: Think about it:idea: . It just might be true:tup: .

Blacks can vote too.
Viper Zero
Blame those who started politicizing the hurricane, mainly the Democratic Governor of Louisiana and the Democratic mayor of New Orleans. It wasn't until their radical rhetoric that people started taking their political sides.
At work, all the Bush haters are blaming him for poor rescue effort in Louisiana. I'm pretty sure if a Democrat or Clinton was in the office, they'd be making excuses for the President. Shame on people who try to politicize something like this. :grumpy: