GT4 PMC Week 28

  • Thread starter Slick6


United States
United States
Welcome to the 28th Week of the GT4 PhotoMode Competition.​


Please read all rules. Inability to follow rules will result in disqualification from the competition.


  • Use only your own work that also has not been used in a previous competition.
    [*]Photoshop may be used to crop, rotate, resize, adjust brightness and contrast, add text, add a border, and remove the "Gran Turismo/©SCEI" watermark.
    [*]Photoshop may not be used to change color curves or manipulate the photo in any other form.
    [*]Only one entry may be submitted, and it must be uploaded using Imageshack and have the thumbnail picture.
    [*]Please submit your final entry and clearly label it "Final Entry".
    [*]Additional photos may be posted in the form of two honorable mentions in thumbnail form or in a preview image not to exceed 400*300 pixels in horizontal orientation or 300*400 pixels in vertical orientation.
    [*]Do not ask other members to choose your final entry.
    [*]For members that have not participated in a Photomode Competition, please contact me if there are questions about how the system works.


  • The competitions will run in much the same manner as the other artistic competitions. The approximate deadline is:
    September 10th.


  • This week’s competition theme is "Open Theme" as chosen by week 26 winner 440 CHARGER.

Further explanation of theme:
None Needed.

Disqualified list:

Any questions, please PM me.
I hope people use this theme as a chance for some Real creativity.
I'll do my best.

Edit: On second thought, this is going to be real hard to choose from all my pictures.
Here's my "different approach" to this open theme.


Honorable Mentions
My kind of theme ;)

I'll dig around the ol' archives or maybe come up with something new, I think what most people will have in mind is having the most realistic looking picture, I myself don't know which way I'll go with this one..


I'm going with this pic, because personally I think it's awesome. It, to me, looks like an M5 ad of somesort.. I dunno why I went with no color but I'm glad I did, it's one of my favorite pics and I'm proud of it ;)


This is my current wallpaper, I like it, reminds me of my days at Autobahn ;)

This is one of my Top 3 favorites, I love how this picture came out, to me it looks pretty realistic, and cool I guess? :dunce:

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