.::S12ken's Dreamscape::. Moving To TT now!

  • Thread starter s12ken

Me (s12ken), My mom, my sister, Niky (Niky), his wife

Thanks Kenny! hehe.. i'd like to take credit for the header, but as you see i'm in there as well. the boat driver took it for us!
sure was VR! snorkling down in Boracay is really awesome! scuba was out of the budget, makes me wish i had an underwater cam! :grumpy:
Great photos you truley no how to use this game i can say with confidence that you are #1 by fare well done

#1? no not really, there are more photographers who are far better than i am, I'm sure though that I do rank as one of the top 10 or 20 photographers in this board though :embarrassed:
Wow .... nice stuff
It must be real fun ... love the 2nd last shot
just curious ... Is Niky's wife the pregnant lady?
Thanks franz yup.. that's her.

That 2nd to the last shot was an island cave, we went snorkeling down in the reefs there. awesome dive too! 👍

edit: 400th post! yay! :embarrassed:

My last reply shows I'm truly ready for college! lol


Hahaha kenny, worst mistake you made so far in forums;) Just when you were about to leave lolz;) :P

No j/k mate, lolz, but those are quite some oposites lol. A photographer and a fisher man:P:lol:

I think he quit. maybe he has to work all the time or something. I haven't seen him since, well, September 28.
Kenny is here.....

been very busy lately, photography career and all... will fill you all in later.

meanwhile GT4Fan and PerfectBalance thanks for keeping in touch!

Only three, actually. But that was only yesterday. I just hope he doesn't forget to fill us in on stuff.
I'm sorry for leaving you guys without notice, but I was really busy for the past few months with my photography. It's really demanding and i rarely have time to use my PS2, this may be my final post as i will really be focusing on my work from now on. It's really been a blast to be with you guys and share many thoughts, insights and artwork. I will be in contact with GT4Fan and Perfect Balance on MSN every now and then, but I may not post here again (for a long time). Thank you all for a wonderful time here and allowing me to show my GT4 photgraphy skillz, I hope the mods won't take my gallery down, I've really worked long and hard to put it together. As for now, Thank you and God Bless you all!