GT4 Photomode/Photoshop Competition Week 28

  • Thread starter Vonie

Week 28
Judge: Danger Orange


Photoshop MUST be used (or other photo editing program)
You may alter the photograph in ANY way, the more creative the better
The photograph must be hosted by ImageShack
The photograph must be within the parameters of each weeks theme, chosen by the judge
Each Person will be allowed THREE entries
Entries will only be considered if "ENTRY" is above each one
Only 20 Entries will be voted on, and will be selected by the judge
The judge will be the winner of the previous week's vote


Deadline will be approxametly Saturday December 3rd(based on GMT -5/ EST USA)


(as choosen by franz, sort of)
"Police Cars"
Turn a car of your choice from GT4 into a criminal chasin', bank robbery bustin', speeder naggin' Cop car. Entries may be of any "livery", blue & yellow checkered, good old black & white, or some random one that you made up. Be creative & have fun!
hmm this will be interesting.....i hope I can get an entry in (vacation....won't be back until saturday afternoon) so I will have to get another 10 min entry in lol
Great theme. Now that I have finished my exams, I can finally enter (for the first time). :)

... I will need more then one day though :scared:
That week extension is looking very good ATM ;)
Glad to see that you'll be entering.

That extension will, most likely, be taking affect.
Wow!! If I won another one of these comps, that was gonna be my theme!! And exams are over (as of about 2 hours ago) so I'll be entering!!


Never mess with the West Australian Police!! :lol:

... I never new the pic would turn up like this 👍

*Edited* ... new photo, with more action!
nice damage jacoja
nice lexus speedy2
I think people can get lots of idea when they play NFS:MW :D
This is my first ever photoshop like this, so it kinda sucks.
(But I still have 2 more entries. 👍 )


EDIT: My other entries will probably be multiple cars. I wasn't sure if we were allowed to have not-cop cars in the pic.
How have I never come across this before?

I think i'll enter this, i rather like the idea of making games more like reality :)

*Turns on ps2 again*
Hi everyone. Great entries so far! Anyway, i've got an entry too. I didn't spend ages on it (as you can see) but i'm pretty pleased with it. Anyway here it is:



Yes, police cars in the UK really are this ugly!

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