Time Trial: N3, S3, R3.

  • Thread starter Kent
When I saw that the initial thread was closed I was afraid that again I would have missed an interesting series.
Kent, I'm sorry but I'll kick your butt out of all 'dead last' spots on the board. :)
Nurburgring - Mercedes CLK Touring Car '00 - 6'01.325

T1- 38.334
T2- 1'07.037
T3- 1'31.267
T4- 2'14.244
T5- 2'47.003
T6- 3'09.921
T7- 3'51.739
T8- 4'27.563
T9- 4'45.677
T10- 5'21.504
T11- 5'42.465

My T Times and Final Time...

0'37.912 T1
1'06.653 T2
1'31.138 T3
2'13.784 T4
2'46.461 T5
3'09.618 T6
3'51.969 T7
4'27.400 T8
4'45.786 T9
5'21.767 T10
5'42.678 T11

Those T times disappoint me and concern me.
1) They disappoint because I am falling behind by so much in certain areas.
2) They concern me for the same reason.

Wakeem/Kent (Difference for "Kent")
T01- 0'38.334 / 0'37.912 (-.422)
T02- 1'07.037 / 1'06.653 (-.384)
T03- 1'31.267 / 1'31.138 (-.129)
T04- 2'14.244 / 2'13.784 (-.460)
T05- 2'47.003 / 2'46.461 (-.542)
T06- 3'09.921 / 3'09.618 (-.303) (178mph on Straight)
T07- 3'51.739 / 3'51.969 (+.230) ("Karussell"- Wakeem gains .533)
T08- 4'27.563 / 4'27.400 (-.163) ("Kent" gains .393)
T09- 4'45.677 / 4'45.786 (+.109)
T10- 5'21.504 / 5'21.767 (+.263)
T11- 5'42.465 / 5'42.678 (+.213)
S/F- 6'01.325 / 6'02.100 (+.775)

What do you all think?
Personally, I am suprised to see the specific areas where Wakeem gains so much (such as the Karussell and the final section).
I felt like those sections in my lap were nearly as good as the rest of the lap even though they are areas where I use caution to stay clean.

Holl01, do you think you could shed some light on the subject by giving up your own T Times?
They should be faster than both Wakeem and I, but helpful none the less. :bowdown:

Oh, and again, thanks for participating everyone!
I've updated all the times except for this Ring lap I just finished (which I will update shortly). :D

Later. :cheers:

Btw, flat-out, feel free to grab up all the last places you want. :P
Whats a mystery to me is Autumn ring. I can barely get 1'15 !!!! :crazy: All of Holl's times are a mystery...they couldn't have been done by natural means...
I tried the Nurb again once I saw Holl's time. I beat my own record and overwrote the older replay. That shouldn't matter now, heres the new one.

Final- 6'00.676

T1- 37.515
T2- 1'06.200
T3- 1'30.963
T4- 2'13.846
T5- 2'46.547
T6- 3'09.521
T7- 3'51.311
T8- 4'26.836
T9- 4'44.886
T10- 5'20.751
T11- 5'41.715
Whats a mystery to me is Autumn ring. I can barely get 1'15 !!!! :crazy: All of Holl's times are a mystery...they couldn't have been done by natural means...
I tried the Nurb again once I saw Holl's time. I beat my own record and overwrote the older replay. That shouldn't matter now, heres the new one.

Final- 6'00.676

T1- 37.515
T2- 1'06.200
T3- 1'30.963
T4- 2'13.846
T5- 2'46.547
T6- 3'09.521
T7- 3'51.311
T8- 4'26.836
T9- 4'44.886
T10- 5'20.751
T11- 5'41.715

Of course they were done by natural means :sly: and to kent, i dont have access to the ps2 right now but i'll try and remeber the t times as best as i can for the merc lap

T1 37.036
T2 1'05.595
T3 1'29.815
T4 2'11.615
T5 2'43.9xx
T10 5'16.076
T11 5'37.007

the places were i lost a bit of time were in T6-T7 lost about .4 there due to nerves. but usually when u make a mistake at the nurb, u get angry and u'll find u'll do the next few corners really fast to try and make up that lost time.

to wakkeem, i think the only way to do this time is if u have a dfp, u got one?
i also uploaded all of the replays as u requested, but if i'm not supposed to do that, oh well. cya


  • N3 times.zip
    64.8 KB · Views: 14
  • R3 times.zip
    90.9 KB · Views: 13
  • S3 times.zip
    77.8 KB · Views: 13

Would you be able to make recorded versions of those replays for all to see? Like when you click the link on the page, it automatically opens it up playing in Windows Media Player?

Unless I'm the only one without a Maxdrive, I don't expect you to do it just for me :D

maxdrive costs hardly any money, and if you are truly as fast as you claim you better get yourself one.

And Kent cant see Holl01's replays because Kent is NTSC and Holl01 is PAL, Hugo Boss and I however can see Holl01's replays :sly:
Thanks for checking into that holl.

Sorry Wakeem, I have no way to make movies like that.
That sort of thing requires a video capture card, a web site for hosting and all kinds of other little things. :(
I just use a Sharkport and get my actual replay files onto the net (as well as to get other replays off the net).

No new times from me for now.
Till next time,

Btw, holl,
posting replays is just fine. 👍
and if you are truly as fast as you claim you better get yourself one.

Am I even fast? Look at my time! I get crush by Holl and you and Iceman. Unless you guys tried the other challenge where I did the Nurb with all those cars. I'm assuming if I can't keep up with Holl at all here, he'd waste me there too. I'll try to get a maxdrive sometime...but it should only be demanded of me this much if my times top Holl's...which they don't.

Hugo Boss and I however can see Holl01's replays

Then can you post the replays up! I'm NTSC too.

Sorry Wakeem, I have no way to make movies like that.

I see.

To the honor of Small Fryz...

To the honor of holl01...

To the honor of Iceman...

To the honor of Hugo Boss...

All of those laps were in a race championship that required replays from every driver from first to last place (and the average drivers were some of the best GT4 drivers on the net).

Simply put, they are among the best drivers on the net.
When you even come close to that league of game play providing replays becomes an important issue.

Although I am not on that exact level, I do provide replays. 👍

Along those lines, I hope to see you (Wakeem) start providing replays.

Without actually seeing your replays for laps like the 6'01 I am hard pressed to believe you didn't ride the carousel wall, cut the grass down T9's hill and then cut it again in the final section.

I just don't see it being possible for someone to nail those sections the way you did in your 6'01 lap and at the same time get spanked in almost every other section by my own 6'02 (which didn't really mess up those specific sections either).
(and providing an even faster lap's t-times several hours after I've posted a comparison with the lap in question does not change the situation).

So basically, I suggest you get a replay transfer device like the max drive. 👍

Anyway, until next time,

Btw, the time it took Wakeem/ holl01 to get from T11 to finish...
Wakeem: 18.860 Seconds
holl01: 19.064 seconds
(assuming holl's memory wasn't too far from his actual times)
(I'm interested to see what a comparison would show for all of holl's times compared to Wakeem's)
i might run a lap of ring for some extra T times also. Im by no means capable of Holl01's time but will be interesting none the less.
yeah, the T11 split time was right, but i think i probably lost .2ish from t11 to finish anyway, so wakeem taking 18.860 secs to reach finish is definitely possible- but still, getting a max drive is definitely what u should be doing wakeem, so u can watch replays from fast NTSC drivers like hot604boi and veilsidber!
Quick Update to respectablize my slow first post ;
Amuse @ Motorland 0'45.565
Had a crack at Motegi in the R-tune ; 2'07.934 . This was fun to get clean .
Also managed to squeeze a few laps in the tarmac Rally @ AR ; 1'15.672 ( i have'nt examined the ghost though so i can't guarantee this to be a clean time )
Will definitely have another shot at the Nurb when i get a chance as ime lagging severely there.

All's good. I'm not worried about Wakeem at this point (and frankly, I don't think he's interested in this anymore because it has come down to "put up or ..." and he doesn't seem to wanna put up." :( )
Also, I haven't seen him come in here or do anything related to this since the other day when him and I had PMs regarding a replay and what not.

Of course, on a final note regarding that subject...
I know 18.8 is possible in that last sector... I'm not under the impression that when Holl runs a lap it is impossible to improve it.
However, when a racer can't even keep up with my normal sectors, then out of the blue manages to beat the "fast guys" in very specific areas, I don't just take their word for it that the lap is clean.

Fact is, anyone who can pull together a perfect finish that would beat holl01, or crush me through the carousel & T9 hill, should be able to beat me in other sections as well. That was not the case in this situation.

New topic... that stuff doesn't really matter anymore.

So, next topic:
Delorean Brown...

Keep up the good work on improving those times. 👍
I will come in and edit the original post a little later to show your new and improved times.
Also, when you run the Ring, if you are looking for any advice on specific parts of the course or anything, feel free to come here and ask.
I'm not the fastest Ring driver but I'm fast enough that I might be able to help you pull that time down a bit. :D

Good luck and good speed.

Until later on,
I'm still very much interested in this challenge, though it is discouraging because it is so difficult to near Holl's time. I managed to get a 5'59.7ish, but I wont make an official update on my time just yet..

You might as well delete my times, I wont have replays by the deadline.
Sorry to hear that Wakeem.
Do you think you will ever get a replay device?
They aren't that expensive, christmas is around the corner, and at this point, you are running within 4 seconds of holl01 on the Ring.
Lap times like that are going to have you in similar situations to what you found here nearly any time you race.
I suggest you seriously look into a AR Max Drive for your own sake and not anyone else's.

Also, I've updated the first post to show DeLoreanBrown's more recent efforts.
"DLB" ;)... You're giving me a real run for my money on the autumn ring. :mischievous:
I may have to try and improve all my times just to see if I can lose you and at the same time catch up to the other guys.
Still some great work though DLB 👍

No new times from me.
Haven't been playing much GT the last few days.
Planing on getting back into it this weekend so hopefully I will have some new times not too long from now.
Until then,
4 seconds is still far far away. The closer I get, the further I feel.
Will there ever be replays on here??? I'm DYING to see how Holl pulled his times off

I am new to these chanllenges, and I love them ! Here are my first 2 times below :

Amuse S2000 R1 - Motorland

- 0'43.175 ---- It was hard, I thought I was gonna go nuts, going so slow in turns and STILL loosing traction !!! aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgh ! I don't know how holl01 got is 42.231, but I would love to see it to find out where I am loosing time !

Honda NSX-R - Tsukuba
- 1'00.302 ----- still a long ways from holl01's 58.807... :ouch: he's fast, so are the 3 guys behind him ! I never drvoe with the N tires before, I'm adjusting, it's hard ! :)

looks like i'll be driving those cars a little more...lol
First post edited to show newly submitted times (by sr21racing)...

Speaking of which, welcome to the racing sr21racing. :cheers:
Nice work on those laps. 👍

Sorry it took so long to update but I've been a busy fella over the holidays and just before (exams at school).

In any case, good luck on your future laps.

Catch you all around later on after I've put some laps down for these races... I think I hear "Sarthe" calling my name. :mischievous:

Later. :D

I know it's been a few months since the last post was made...to say the least...but If you're still wanting to keep this thread updated, I've just completed two quick laps in the Mercedes Benz CLK Touring Car @ Nurburgring Nordschleife with the fastest time being a 6'30:695

If T-Times and/or replay is in order, just let me know and I'll upload em'.


Incredible, i just happened to have been working on some of these for a past few days! I now have a 5 57.1 on the nurb:dopey: and im behind just 1 second at Paris, and about .6 behind at Tsukuba and Motorland:) Incredible how i got faster times, faster, than what i had before. these dont have to count, im just glad to let everyone know since this thread has been bumped up. This was my favorite challenge i ever played for Gran Turismo.
nice times there wakkeem, u certainly have improved substantially;) nice efforts at the ring aswell in the nurburgring challenge with the unmodified production cars. i also had fun with this challenge when i attempted it, all the available combos u selected were very varied and enjoyable, nice job Kent, glad to see this thread alive again.
nice job Kent, glad to see this thread alive again.
I'm afraid the thread won't be alive long. Kent is now a busy man and he cannot spend as much time as he used to do here at GTP, so I'm not certain that he will add newly posted times to post #1 on a frequent basis.
And I have myself no admin rights in this forum so I can't do it either. :(
I will do my best to come in and update (can't do it this instant but tomorrow will be a good time for it).

Wakeem, only one second off of Holl01's time on the Ring?
Very nice.
You know what that means?
I need you to verify the time with a replay. Until you do that I will not post any of your times on the first page.

For now I'm off to work.
Back later today or early tomorrow.
Till then,

PS. Thanks for stopping in with the news flat-out. :bowdown:
I'm doing my best to stick around when I have the time. :sly:
very unusual post there wakkeem, i have know idea how to take it, question: did u actually do 5'56.7xx at the ring? simple yes or no, and if yes, then how about u buy a bloody maxdrive already, what is preventing u from doing so, they r fairly easy to get??