For me, owning a Hyundai would be very embarrassing and I would never haul one outside. I'd be scared of it breaking down in the middle of a freeway and crashing into the water for me to drown a slow, painful death. Either that, or I might be instantly burnt by the poor-quality engine casing catching fire and exploding. Prior to my death, I would begin to have a series of violent nightmares about how I would die in it.
Meanwhile, acceleration from 0KM/PH to 100KM/PH would take 15 minutes and it's horrible handling would be more dangerous than a mentally-disturbed 4-year-old kid with a glorified lawnmower.
Styling looks like something designed from the guys at Fisher and Price and the entire car would be made of black plastic.
My friends and family will laugh at me and I will lose my automotive dignity, developing an uncurable fear of driving for the rest of my life.