kaede's tt gallery - Random pics added

  • Thread starter kaede
mavi - Haha, PoliniJake has got it:lol:. Its the rise of the shadow rider...:scared: Thanks btw.

PoliniJake - You got it!:cheers: Thanks.:P

freddy86 - Thanks, I couldn't agree more.:) Its a pity for pic 3 though; the right hand has sunk into fuel tank:indiff:
Pic six is my fav as well, the two BMWs look right on the ragged edge, stunning detail.


freddy86 & Scaff: Thanks guys:) , that happens to be my fav from the set too. Details of the bikes are well captured in the presence of speed.
Scaff & freddy86: Thanks guys, love the 3rd one and of course the rest too.:) That bike just look absolutely stunning at night.
Nice gallery, some lovely shots... 👍 Particularly liked the ones of the BMW's on June 15th... the 2nd one (1st pic, 1 st row of four) of the single bike is very nice indeed :) ,as is the shot directly below it of the two bikes together :crazy: