Summer is over. Snow is here :(


United States
Sure enough. It is 30 degrees out today and we are getting snow. Upper Michigan is supposed to get anywhere from 1 to 2 FEET!!!

I like snow to an extent, but that was back in high school, when it made the district to cancel school. But now I really don't need snow...not until late December.

BTW I live in NYC and it becomes the white heaven if you want to walk at least 3 or 4 blocks to get somewhere.

Well on that note we are now starting to get warmer weather, last couple of days its been pushing just under 100 degrees F. Not looking forward to the hot days. :(
Danm you and your 2 feet of snow! Down here in Dayton we're supposed to get something sometime. I haven't watched the weather in a while. Anyway, this will be the first winter I've had my own car to drive, so I don't know if I'll likw it or not. No clue how the Del Sol does in the white stuff. It will be interesting.
Well on that note we are now starting to get warmer weather, last couple of days its been pushing just under 100 degrees F. Not looking forward to the hot days. :(

So it's time to get back in the ol' underground house huh? :D

I don't mind the snow since its usually plowed off the roads right away, its the salt that they lay down when they're plowing that bugs me. Rust free cars don't exist in Ontario (and I presume Michigan) thanks to the tons of salt they throw all over the roads.

Snow is a nice thing to have on Christmas day, and watching it fall can be quite calming, but other than that, it just makes life that much more difficult. :indiff:
in some parts of Austria is has already a bit snown........but not in my federal state, we have about 0 °C in the night to about 20 °C during the day.

That's quite the temperature flux, isn't it? That's from 32 at night to 68 in the day, by Fahrenheit. Ridiculous.
We would normally get snow by now, but it's about 60 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. It's absolutely beautiful. :)

*It's coming though...
Gotta love Montana...those mountains and the people make it a great place to live :). I went there like a year ago and I was just facinated of being there.

The best part of our current weather condition are the leaves. Its so beautiful around here. Orange, gold, yellow, red, purple leaves everywhere. I took a lot of pics last year or the year before and posted them on this site. Last weekend I also took some pics of the camaro with leaves in the backround.
Unfortunately the beautiful leaves only last about 2 weeks then its just brown ugly branches and brown grass. After that comes the white ground.
You guys get snow already?! It's just October...No wait, we also got snow in October last year.

Once it start snowing here, it doesn't stop, ahhhh, skiing paradise :D
Gotta love Montana...those mountains and the people make it a great place to live :). I went there like a year ago and I was just facinated of being there.


Not to hijack the thread, but where abouts did you guys visit?
Cool 👍
We had snow last year on November 25th. Ironic that it was exactly one month before Chrsitmas day ;) .
We had about 3/4 of a foot where I am. That's quite a lot for the SOuth West of England.
Not to hijack the thread, but where abouts did you guys visit?

We went to many places, Anaconda, Helena, Great Falls, also Belgrade (this is where my uncles lives) after we met him there, he took us to every corner of Montana where you can have fun, it defenitely was one of the coolest states that I have ever visited. We stayed there for like about a month (long vacation) and we visited so many cities I forgot most of their names but I won't forget Ramshorn Lake...where my cousin almost drowned and I saved him :)

Luckily I used to work as a Lifeguard here in NY.

Great stuff. I recommend everyone to check it out.

For somereason, it has snowed really bad here the last few years( long island, NY) And each year, it is with in the week of the last.

Example: 2004- Dec 17th

2005- Dec 14th

Weird. Also, I think that this year there will be a lot of snow.

SNOW DAY!!! :D :D :D
It snowed, I know because I wrote my name in pee last year :D

EDIT: Then please explain the snow on the ground last year, yes It did snow in Deer Park, NY
Oh, no way, its like 70 degrees now. ( don't pay any attention to the temp, I have no Idea what it is out.)
Florida's finally getting cooler. Most days have been absolutely beautiful of late. A word of wisdom, if you ever plan to visit South Florida, DO NOT come in summer. Come in the middle of autumn or winter.

The best part of winter for me is that I can finally break my hurricane-warding concentration. :P

Edit: Lmao. As soon as I posted, I heard this huge crash of thunder.
Let's see, 17 plus 70? Whereabouts 87? Yes, he shall die in 7 decades.:lol:
The most annoying thing about this transition period from summer to winter in south east england is that in the morning its freezing cold so i put loads of clothes on, by the time you get to work and settle down the weather gets better and i always end up being too hot! and id rather not take some clothes off and carry them around all day so i just suffer :grumpy: