PhotoMode Competition Week 86 - Closed

  • Thread starter arsenal

Welcome to Week 86 of the GT4 PhotoMode Competition


  • I wanted to leave this week's theme fairly open so that you have plenty of room for creativity.
  • I feel like there has been a bit of an anti-phototravel bias lately though, so I want to see your best still shots at these locations.

Eligible Cars
  • Any

  • Any Phototravel Location

Week 86 Theme & Top 10 chosen by week 84 winner arsenal


  • This competition will run for one week.
  • The approximate deadline is November 6th


Please read all rules. Inability to follow rules may result in disqualification.

  • You must use only your own work that has not previously been entered in any competition.
  • Only one entry may be submitted, mark it clearly as Final Entry.
  • Use to host your entry and copy the 'Thumbnail for forums' code into your post.
  • You may change your Final Entry once. If you do so, please edit your original entry make a new post linking to it. Minor updates to the same image are allowed.
  • Do not ask other members to choose your final entry.
  • Additional photos may only be posted in the form of either two honorable mentions in thumbnail form, or a single preview image that does not to exceed 400x300 pixels in size.
  • Photoshop or other graphics programs may only be used to crop, resize, adjust brightness, contrast or gamma, rotate, add a border or small signature, or to remove the "Gran Turismo/©SCEI" watermark, if you so wish.
  • If you don't have Photoshop or other professional image management software, try a shareware one such as IrfanView or GIMP.
  • Photoshop or other graphics programs may NOT be used to change levels, hue, saturation, sharpen, apply filters or otherwise manipulate the image in any form.
  • When using brightness and/or contrast filters to alter an entry, it must be uniform throughout the entire picture.
For members who have not participated in a PhotoMode Competition, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how the system works.

Don't forget to have fun!
Is it OK if I use one from my gallery? I have one in mind that I love.
I think this weeks PMC is a good time to use one of my old shots from my gallery, and this was done in January 2006, which means that it was when I only used brightness and contrast to make the shots look brighter.

Final Entry

Originally Posted By Rules

Photoshop or other graphics programs may NOT be used to change levels, hue, saturation, sharpen, apply filters or otherwise manipulate the image in any form.
Doesn't using photoshop for that fast light effect breaking the rules as it probably uses filters? Correct me if I'm wrong as I have no idea how that is done but I'd expect it was a filter.
Doesn't using photoshop for that fast light effect breaking the rules as it probably uses filters? Correct me if I'm wrong as I have no idea how that is done but I'd expect it was a filter.
I assume your talking about moglets & james, and that light is at the phototravel location. No filters were used.
Bah, whatever! I'll probably end up last again 👎

Final Entry​

Click for larger size

Please try to stay within the competition rules located in the first post of this thread. You need to have a link to your entry hosted by imageshack, and if you post a preview pic in this thread, it can't be more than 400x300 pixels.

Just a quick one this week, won't be surprised if I don't reach the poll, some great entries here!

Click for full size

VR6...thats awesome...looks like a painting.:) Nice done!!