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How To Share PS, PS2 and PS3 Game Save Data and Game System Data Files With Your PS3 and PC
Over 5,000+ Downloads Completed, So Far!
Over 5,000+ Downloads Completed, So Far!
- Read the entire first post before asking questions! Then, read it again!
- If you've found this game sharing thread via search engine, and are not a current GTPlanet.net forum member, you must sign up before you can download any game save in this thread. Sign up and use of the forum is FREE! Please read and understand the Acceptable Use Policy and Privacy Policy before you sign up. You can sign up now by clicking here!
- All game saves are NTSC, unless otherwise noted with (PAL). NTSC is for North American game saves, and PAL is for European game saves. Make sure to use the correct game save for your region.
- Most game saves are tested to work. (This excludes PAL game saves since I'm limited to testing only NTSC game saves) If they don't work for you, the problem might be on your end. Game saves and files can go 'bad' because either they've been removed or storage location time has ended. Re-read the entire first post for help and report any game save that has been deleted or is no longer working correctly.
- Most files here are compressed. Make sure to "extract" or uncompress the files with the proper program like WinRAR Archiver. They are free programs you can download from the net. If you don't, you'll get "Corrupted File" warnings on both your PC and PS3. You'll also notice the files must be "unlocked" after being uncompressed. You can only unlock uncompressed game saves with the software program that first compressed it, so make sure to use the proper program.
- NEW! You can now upload most .PSV files directly to your GTPlanet.net posts using the MANAGED ATTACHMENT feature. No need to compress or Zip all of your .PSV files before uploading! However, there is a 1MB file size limit and some game saves, like GT4, surpass that size limit. You will need to compress these game save files first before posting, or use an external file storage site.
- Make sure the files you are trying to download or upload are NOT game save files of the following type: Max Drive, X-port, CodeBreaker, SharkPort or any other non-.PSV file type. They will not work on your PS3 Virtual Memory Card.
- Do not PM me asking me to convert .max files, X-Port files, etc. or any other game save file type, to a usable game save. I have never used any of those devices or files. What I have to offer is already found below.
- Not all PS3 Game Saves can be shared. Some are "locked" to the game console that first created it. For a list of games that cannot be shared, click here... Locked Game Saves. Note: Some PS3 game saves can be shared, however you wont be able to obtain any trophies with it. For example; Call of Duty World at War can be shared, but you cannot earn any trophies. You'll need to create your own personal game save to earn trophies.
- You should note what some of the 'thread lingo' means. If you see a game described as "PS3 Friendly" and "PS3 Compatible," it means the following. "PS3 Compatible" = Compressed/Uncompressed PS3 Usable Format Game Save. "PS3 Friendly" = PS3 Compatible Game Save Downloadable Via PS3. You can use the PS3's 'Internet Browser' to download "PS3 Friendly" game saves, but not "PS3 Compatible" game saves that are compressed. The PS3 has no way to uncompress and unlock compressed game saves. For these files, you will need to use a PC. Please be careful how you use these terms within this thread as not to cause any confusion.
- You use this guide, and game saves, at your own risk. Not I, GTPlanet.net or any other member here are responsible for any problems, viruses, issues, etc, you might come across while downloading game saves supplied within this thread.
- Having trouble finding game saves? Try these links...
Getting Started!
This guide will show you how to get easily started sharing your PS, PS2 and PS3 game saves with other internet users. In no way am I or anyone responsible for any errors, mistakes or problems you may incur. You use this guide, and game saves, at your own risk.
The first step will tell you how to get PS, PS2 and PS3 game saves uploaded to the internet. Downloading game saves from the internet will come a little bit later. So, let's begin.
START BY USING THE PS3 MEMORY CARD READER The easiest way to start uploading your game saves to the internet is attach the PS3 Memory Card Reader accessory to your PS3 and save your PS2 and PS1 game saves onto your PS3 hard drive (Virtual Memory Card). You insert your PS3 controller's USB cable into the device, and insert a PS2 or PS1 memory card. Under the "GAME" heading on your PS3 screen, scroll down to "Game Save Utility" and you'll see the PS1 and PS2 memory card icons. When you've inserted a PS1/PS2 memory card into the PS3 Memory Card Reader, the data will show up here and will ask you to save the contents on a "virtual memory card." Save and label for all the memory cards you own. Make sure you assign "Slots" for your cards for PS3 use. Once that is done, you wont need the PS3 Memory Card Reader again.
COPY PS3 FILES TO A MEMORY CARD DEVICE Second, insert a USB 2.0 Flash Drive, or other memory card device, into the PS3. It should show up under "Game Save Utility" found under "Game" and pick a PS/PS2 virtual memory card. If not, don't worry, just continue on. Choose a particular game save from either your PSOne or PS2 virtual memory card, and push the Triangle button. Choose "Copy" and then choose the "USB Device" to copy it to. Do this for whatever PS/PS2 game saves and files you need to. Next, scroll down from "Game" and choose "Saved Data Utility" for PS3 game saves. Choose a particular PS3 game save and push the Triangle button. Choose "Copy" and then choose the "USB Device" to store it to. Done. It's that easy. Note: Not all USB 2.0 Flash Drives will work. I had a CRS Electronics Flash Drive that was "Locked" from the PS3 with no way to unlock it. If this happens to you, or your particular Flash Drive wont show up on your PS3, purchase a new Flash Drive device. Note: I only used a "Flash Drive Device" by example. You can use just about any electronic or storage device you might already own! For example, your PSP, i-Pod, video-Pod, 'whatever'-Pod, certain digital phones, cameras, video cameras, external HDDs, etc. The list of devices is limited to what your PS3 and computer can BOTH read. Experiment with whatever devices you already own!
MEMORY CARD DEVICE AND YOUR PC: UPLOADING With the steps above completed, you've created a "PS3" folder on your USB Flash Drive. Now, take out the Flash Drive and insert it into your PC. Choose the Flash Drive and you'll see the newly created "PS3" folder. Click on it. Notice there are two different folders, one for "EXPORT" and one for "SAVEDATA." Click on the "EXPORT" folder and you'll see a new folder labeled "PSV" and click on that as well. Here's where you'll find your individual PS/PS2 game saves and game system data. Choose a particular game save, Zip it, and you're ready to upload it onto the internet. Easy. Don't forget to copy and save all PS, PS2 and PS3 game saves to your PC for backup. If your PS3 ever crashes or gets reformatted, you'll have copies of all your game saves on your PC. Also, it's a good idea to update the game saves every once in a while. Note: You can usually skip the game save compression (ZIP) if you download the game save to a media storage website. New! You can now upload your .PSV games saves here at GTPlanet.net using the "MANAGE ATTACHMENTS" feature found with every post you make without needing to first compress or Zip the file before uploading, unless it is larger than 1MB (GT4 for example)!
MEMORY CARD DEVICE AND YOUR PC: DOWNLOADING Here's how to download game saves from the internet and place them on your Virtual Memory Card. Download the game save to your computer. UnZip it (Use the program that compressed the file to UnZip it) if it is zipped. (Most files below use WinRAR so use WinRAR Archiver.) Move or copy the un-Zipped (uncompressed) file to your USB 2.0 Flash Drive or other device in the proper location. But, make sure it's also "Unlocked" before transferring. Yes, some game saves are "locked" even after uncompressing, so make sure to use the program that first compressed the file to unlock it. If it's a "PSV" (PS or PS2) file, you must save it in the correct location. Save it in the folder labeled "PSV" which is found in the folder labeled "EXPORT" which is found in the folder labeled "PS3". If it's not saved precisely in this location, with all CAPITAL letters as I've written them, your PS3 wont be able to read it. Make sure to save PS3 game saves to the "SAVEDATA" folder found in the folder labeled "PS3" or they too wont show up on your PS3. Next, safely remove the USB Flash Drive from your PC and insert it into your PS3. Go to either "Game Save Utility" for PS/PS2 game saves or "Saved Data Utility" for PS3 game saves. Select the "USB Device" and push the X button. You should see PS/PS2 game saves exactly as they would appear on a real PS2 memory card. Choose a game save and push the Triangle button. Choose "Copy" and copy it to your virtual PS2 memory card. Done. You can now load that game save from your PS3 when you play that particular game.
"How To Download A Compressed (ZIP, RAR) Game Save" Example!
Download a .PSV game save file from the list of game saves below and save it to "My Downloads" on your computer, or where you want to save it that you can remember later. Go to where you saved it and right click the file and choose "Extract Here" from the list, if the game save is compressed. The new file that gets added to your list is now uncompressed but needs to open in WinRAR Archiver to unlock it, if that particular file was compressed with WinRAR. Note: Some files are compressed with Zip, so choose that program to 'unlock' the file if needed. When WinRAR Archiver opens up, it should list the now uncompressed file. If the file reads "PS3" then you need to open it all the way to a file the PS3 can read, which should be a "BASLUS-(a bunch of numbers).PSV" file. This is the file in its raw form. This particular file can now be moved to a storage device in a "PSV" folder, which needs to be in an "EXPORT" folder, which needs to be in a "PS3" folder. If it is not stored precisely in this location, the PS3 wont be able to read it and might display it as a "Corrupt File" which you wont be able to download to your PS3 HDD. Remember, PS3 game saves are stored in the "SAVEDATA" folder that is placed in the "PS3" folder. Don't place game saves in the wrong folder, or again your PS3 wont read the game save.
Links To Posts With Downloadable Game Saves
- PS3 Resident Evil 5 - Game Completed Levels: Easy and Normal. All Weapons Unlocked and Fully Upgraded. Infinity Weapons Unlocked: Smith & Wesson 500 Magnum, PSG1 Sniper Rifle x 2, Bow and Arrow (Sheva) and Rotary Cannon (Chris). Not all BSAA Emblems found. Not all Treasures Found. Start from "New Game" or Chapter Select Screen. Over $170,000 and over 7,000 Units available. Bonus Items: Filters, and Characters (statues) Unlocked. Two Uniforms Unlocked. Added 8/04/2009 Contributed By: Solid Lifters
- PS3 Ghostbusters - Game Completed. All Ghost found a photographed. All 'Items' found. Saved at "New Start" for starting at the beginning. Added 8/04/2009 Contributed By: Solid Lifters
- PSOne Chrono Trigger - (Up to Chapter 19 w/ All Characters Level 32 or Higher) Added 8/31/2008 Contributed By: nick09
- PS3 (PAL) Gran Turismo 5: Prologue - (F1 Ferrari Unlocked)) Added 6/19/2008 Contributed By: MS7XWDC
- PS3 Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots - (100% Complete x 7, Stealth Camo, Infinity Bandanna, All Drebin Guns, Items and Specialty Ammo) Added 6/18/2008 Contributed By: Solid Lifters
- PS2 - Resident Evil: Code VERONICA X - (100% Game Save w/ Infinity Rocket Launcher, All Characters and Alternate Costumes Unlocked) Added 6/10/2008 Contributed By: Solid Lifters
- PSOne (PAL) - Metal Gear Solid - 100% Complete Game Save w/ Stealth Camo & Infinity Bandanna (Easy Difficulty) Added 5/28/2008 Contributed By: Deadpool1302
- PS2 (PAL) - Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec Added 2/25/2008 Contributed By: Solid Lifters
- PSOne - Metal Gear Solid Added 1/24/2008 Contributed By: Solid Lifters
- PS2 (PAL) - Gran Turismo 4 Added 4/27/2007 Contributed By:__V__
- PS3 (PAL) - Resistance: Fall Of Man (100% Complete, All Intel and Skill Points collected for All Levels: Easy - Superhuman) Added 4/11/2007 Contributed By: lukeduke101
- PS3 - Fight Night Round 3 - Near ESPN PPV Fight Added 3/17/2007 Contributed By: Duck
- PS2 - Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec w/ Hybrid Vehicles (Diablo JGTC Race Car & Porsche 911) Added 2/18/2007 Contributed By: opendriver19a
- PS2 - Final Fantasy 12 (Still Shrine w/ 57hrs Invested) Added 01/21/2007 Contributed By: Jeremy Ricci
Current Downloadable PS2 & PS3 Game Saves
(Description of the game saves found below) Contributed By: Solid Lifters
(Description of the game saves found below) Contributed By: Solid Lifters
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty ULTIMATE Game Save: 100% Complete with Bandanna (Infinity Ammo), Stealth Suit, Brown (Infinity Ammo) Wig, Blue Wig, Orange Wig, DG Camera Specialty Items and ALL Dog Tags Collected for levels Very Easy - Extreme. Contributed By: Solid Lifters Added 3/25/2007
- Metal Gear (MGS3:S) Game Save: 100% Complete with Bandanna (Infinity Ammo) Specialty Item. Contributed By: Solid Lifters Added 3/12/2007
- Resistance: Fall Of Man ULTIMATE Game Save: 100% Complete. All Intel Files and Skill Points collected for All Levels: Easy - Superhuman. Contributed by: (Found at www.ps3brew.com) Added 2/19/2007
- GT4 Game Save: 78% Complete, All Gold Licenses, Black Racing Cars, 25 Million Credits, Awesome Garage of Cars (Click here GT4 Game Save for the game save; for all others click below) Contributed by Solid Lifters Added 2/09/2007
- GT3 ULTIMATE Game Save: 100% Complete, 100% Win Ratio, Day 229, All Gold Licenses and Awesome Garage. (Note: The last game save listed below BASCUS-9710247414D4544415441.PSV is a NON-COMPRESSED version of this game save for those downloading from their PS3.) Contributed by Solid Lifters.
- Lego Star Wars ULTIMATE Game Save: 100% Complete, Every Stage Unlocked, Every Vehicle Unlocked, Bonus Level Unlocked, Every Character Purchased and Millions of Credits. Contributed by Solid Lifters.
- MGS3: Subsistence ULTIMATE Game Save: 100% Complete, All Face Paints, All Camo, Croc Hat, Monkey Mask, Bonus Items: Stealth Suit, SAA, Patriot, Camera, EZ Gun and Infinity Face Paint. Contributed by Solid Lifters. Note: This game save is at the very bottom of the game save list found below. The MGS3:S game save at the top of this list is a game save cued at the "Ending Movie" and song.
- MGS3: Subsistence Game System Data: Needed MGS3:S Game System Data that goes with above game save. Note:This game system data save is found at the top of the list.
- Resident Evil 4 (Leon) Game Save: Awesome Game Save w/ Leon, Infinity Rocket Launcher, Laser PRL 4.12 Rifle, Tommy Gun and Tons of Jewels and Credits. (No Handcannon; Time Stages incomplete) Contributed by Solid Lifters.
- Resident Evil 4 (Ada) Game Save: Ada Wong Game Save w/ Tommy Gun for above Game.
- Resident Evil 4 Game System Data: Game System Data for above game saves.
- Black Game Save: Easy and Normal level completed. Silver Weapons (Infinity Ammo) and Black Ops level unlocked.Contributed by Solid Lifters.
Lego_Star_Wars_ULTIMATE_Game_Save.zip12.7 KB · Views: 355
MGS3Subsistence_Game_Save.zip29.1 KB · Views: 619
MGS3Subsistence_System_Game_Data.zip17.9 KB · Views: 460
Residen_Evil_4_Leon_Game_Save.zip24.2 KB · Views: 838
Resident_Evil_4_Ada_Game_Save.zip16.5 KB · Views: 392
Resident_Evil_4_System_Game_Data.zip11 KB · Views: 573
Resistance_100%_Complete_(All_Intel_Files_Plus_Skill_Points_All_Levels).zip90 KB · Views: 444
Black.zip14.3 KB · Views: 253
GT3_ULTIMATE_Game_Save_(Day_229_100%_Complete_100%_Win_Ratio_All_Gold_Licenses).zip28.7 KB · Views: 1,325
Metal_Gear_Game_Save_Infinity_Bandanna.zip9.3 KB · Views: 345
MGS2_ULTIMATE_Game_Save.zip36.6 KB · Views: 633
MetalGearSolid3SubsistenceGameSave2withStealthSuit.zip28.7 KB · Views: 345
BASCUS-9710247414D4544415441.PSV146.8 KB · Views: 407
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