Greycap's Greatest Snapshots - Updated 020608 - Mercedes Benz 300SL-C

  • Thread starter Greycap
GT4_Rule - Thanks, the third thumbnail captures the speed pretty well.

jgda9rs - Thank you, the roughness is a known thing but as with all my shots these are unedited excluding brightness and contrast. ;)
jgda9rs and .*StReeTz*. - That's usually the impression people get when hearing about the amount of editing, and I thank you for that. It tells I've done something right. :)

LGforce - Thanks! Can't win it? It's the prize car of the Crossfire Trophy. 👍
About time I got myself back here... Placeholder in case I've not written my review before I leave for New Year :)
Added January 3rd

Time for another of these, then... They're getting few and far between, especially since you don't advertise your updates to me enough! ;) Too modest... :)

Hmm, no opening/ending shots this time? OK then, straight into the thumbnails.
The first thumb is a rather unspectacular shot, but it does give some sensation of speed and is still quite clear. The car actually looks fairly upright in this photo, which is unusual. The black wheels looks very good here, though. Some of the game's graphical limits are shown on the bodywork of the car here.

The second shot... Hehe, it's amazing how someone like yourself can always, always find some scenery, even at the Test Course! In all the time I've spent going around this track, I've never looked at it this way - it's quite good, the yellow marker lines look very clear and crisp. Again, though, it's a shame the car isn't very crisp.

Number three - Ooh, although it's not like you to come in close to a car, this is a fantastic shot. The car itself is extremely clearly captured, you can even see the carbon fibre of the front splitter. That electricity pylon in the background adds a nice sense of speed, as does the lack of detail in the barriers and the track. Once again, the black wheels look good, as does the side-exit exhaust. I'd never noticed before that this car has a double-deck rear wing. A very realistic shot.

The fourth shot employs an angle you rarely use, and an angle I've not seen this car from. Unfortunate that it's burdened with that jaggy-JPEG appearance again, though... Having said that, and trying to ignore it, the car does look rather good racing along the line like this, and the stripes are an interesting thing to look at - it almost seems that there is a red stripe within a white stripe, rather than two whites on red.

The fifth photo is, at first sight, quite similar to the third - however, looking again, it's darker, not on the banking and uses a slightly slower shutter speed - enough difference to make it a different shot. This is the first time we can actually see that the car has wheels at all. For some reason, my eyes are being drawn to the bonnet vents, which looks good here, if unsymmetrical in the middle - a strange anomaly there. A nice shot, it takes the eye to different parts of the car than the others, such as the foglamps - I hadn't looked at those before either.

Number six is very nice. My immediate response is to look at the huge scowl on the 'face' of the car, and to realise that it's ground clearance is greater than first impressions would lead one to think. The carbon fibre is extremely clear here, and looks great. The focusing and shutter speed make all of the distance markers blur - although it doesn't look like that, it looks more like the car's vast power has been shaking the ground so much, it's leaving a warped, vibrating mess behind it. From the aggressive stance of the car, you could really believe it. A very good photo, and well thought out.

The final photo of this varied update... is a good one! Very good in fact, showing the tree line and hilly backdrop well, and the car looks good right on the top marker line. The banking seems rather unexaggerated here, which might be a good thing, and the tracks of where other cars have passed car clear. The car is free of aliased appearance in this shot, too, and it's two air scoops on the bonnet and roof look very good for some reason. The aggression is still there, as if the car is eating the track rather than travelling along it. A nice shot.

Overall, a pretty good set of photos - a few issues with quality in a couple of cases, but apart from that it's nice. My favourite is definitely the sixth shot, it looks just as real as any and gives a great conveyance of the power of the car. Well done! 👍

Thanks DE!


As it says, Happy New Year 2007 from me! :cheers:
THAT IS SOOO NEAT!! I scrolled down looked at it, thinking it was just markers on it, then i realized, wait a minute, oh! hahaha took me a minute to realize what it was.

Happy New Year !!
I only just re-read the post by Dark Elite and noticed that the review had been added... big props for writing one more of those! 👍 But I wonder how you didn't see the big shots, there were two of them too. :odd:

The new year got a bit of a slow start but there is an update coming up in the near future. :)
Lotus Europa Special '71
Two big pictures, five thumbnails



Resurrecting again, this time with a pretty rare car. I wish the result is worth the effort it took to get the car! :cheers:
Wow love the europa shots!!
I didn't even know you could get it on GT4!!!
TVR&Ferrari_Fan - Oh well, maybe not but I didn't think of it as ugly. ;)

.*StReeTz*. - Thanks!

Tommi2000 - Thanks, it's one of the last known cars but certainly not one of the unremarkable. :)

Bullet.Proof - So do I, and thanks, especially for the rep! :)

jgda9rs - Nah, the following post pretty much explained my point there...

Leonidae - this car gets "a bit nervous" to say the least when tuned. :P
lmracer - That's exactly what it is, thanks! :)

MMORacing - I don't think there is much else to be said? :P

More to come, sooner or later... I have at least three sets under planning now.
i really like the Lotus, and so i simply have to like your pics, i'm not 100% pleased with the spoiler but that's my personal taste.
once more a wonderful update 👍 :bowdown:
