Should I get a vasectomy?

  • Thread starter Delirious

I have absolutly no desire to have kids...therefore I think the above procedure would be best suited for me.

Does anyone have any helpful words of advice one can share with us all about this idea? (Aka is that the best procedure, how much it'd cost in the US, any other precautions)

I'm not one of the 'Cut Club' but I have a few friends that are. If the doctor says to take it easy after the procedure and to leave your package packed with a bag of frozen peas, do it. Even if you feel like a million bucks and want to take on the world, take it easy and keep it packed. In friend "A's" case, he followed the doc's directions to the "T" and didn't even have any discomfort, friend "B" on the other hand decided he felt good enough the next to get a cord of wood. He did not do so good.

Be absolutely sure!!!

Both friends have zero regrets but both have kid(s). Friend "A" had it done at 22 years of age, friend "B" had it done in his early 30's.
This thread came in really handy because I have a question to make to both to TB and Der Alta, and if you feel that is getting too personal, then go ahead and remove this :
While performing the intercourse, does the satisfaction level at the end (orgasm) feel the same as when you did it before the vasectomy?
There was no change in appearance, volume, "pull", trajectory or taste (according to Lady_DA, and yes, I understand that was more than you needed to know).

Sperm makes up a minute part of the ejaculate.
Depending on how long you can wait before pursuing one option or another Delirious, there may be the option of the Male Contraceptive Pill in a few years time (2009 or 2010). That's something my girlfriend and I are interested in and will likely try when it's available. We do currently use multiple forms of birth control, but a little more never hurt. And any option that will put an end to me running to Shoppers every few weeks to restock the rubber supply is welcome.

Of course, this method is not permanent like a vasectomy is, so if you're sure you'll never want to father a child this method may not be the best for you. My situation is slightly different - my girlfriend and I do want children but we each have career goals we'd like to pursue beforehand and probably won't be ready to start a family for 7 or 8 years.

Obviously we have different outlooks on things, but it just seems to me that 22 years old is very young to rule out the possibility of kids for good. If you meet the right girl you might find that you change your mind.

On a sidenote, I'm impressed with the level of maturity and seriousness of each response in this thread. Well done guys 👍
I know that in Australia, doctors won't perform permanent contraceptive procedures on males or females under the age 30, while some won't do it under age 35.
I had mine done when I was 28. They were more than willing to do it, but they also want to make absolutely sure you know what you are getting yourself into. That said, I almost fell asleep on the operating table. The doctor said I was by far the calmest patient he had ever worked on. I told him it was because with a 2 year old and a 2 month old at home, this was the only time I had to relax. :P
In friend "A's" case, he followed the doc's directions to the "T" and didn't even have any discomfort, friend "B" on the other hand decided he felt good enough the next to get a cord of wood. He did not do so good.
Thanks for using those letters, Pako. :lol:
There probably is some percentage of the sperm bank idea not working, but its better than nothing.

Still probably more reliable than keep some old dirty sheets 'just-in-case' ;)

Thanks for the use of your initials. 👍

No kidding?

*wipes strong electromagnet across skull*

:lol: Can I borrow that when your done?

Honestly waaaay more info than was needed....., a simple "the semen is the same as it was before the procedure".

I currently don't like the idea of having kids but until I decide for sure I will keep everything connected. Even then a tiny bit of research tells me there is a chance that everything can be reconnected and that improvements make the procedure more succesful all the time.

Before you take this extreme just be sure you are sure. I would definitely want to have a spousal approval before taking this step.
My advice is to talk to at least two urologists that perform the procedure.
If you are confident and comfortable with the advice given by these docs, go for it.
I would, at your age consider a procedure that is reversible, in the event your viewpoint changes.

As an aside, before you have sex after the procedure: follow the doc's recommendations as to how long to wait, and when to have your semen analyzed to ensure there are no swimmers present.
I know of a woman who got pregnant after her hubby got snipped.
He was not a happy camper, to say the least!
Paternity determined that the baby was indeed his.
He had some serious apologizing to do!!
A fantastic story abou tthe human body is my friend Kimberly Jonston. She is eight years younger than her older sister. She was a surprise.

Her father was cutting wood in the back yard with a chainsaw, 7 years after his operation. Saw kicked back, and did some serious damage to his upper body. Hospitalized for 2 months, and on all sorts of healing medication.

The medication "healed" his vasectomy.