PS3 Remote Control

Quite a good review, I remember when I first saw the remote I really wanted it! reminded me of those chunky 80's AV remotes, very cool! but seeing as the controllers are now wireless it makes little sense to own one unless your a keen Blu Ray movie watcher... As for it not being back lit, that is a pity but I wasnt expecting it to be, I was hoping the Sixaxis would be lit in some sort of way (I mean the PS logo glowing would have been a cool touch) but that didnt happen either.

It is odd that the PS3 doesnt have an IR port... guess Sony deemed last last gen aswell! The real reason is to stop people buying third party stuff but eventually there will be an IR dongle im sure.....

Ill see how much it really costs before I consider buying it.... I would rather spend the money on 2 dual shock to USB converters so I have 3 controllers.....
This was a no-brainer for me, because I plan on using the PS3 largely as a Blu-ray player, and I'm a much bigger movie buff than I am a gamer. While the controller is "acceptable", it's just not good enough for everyday movie-watching.

In fact, I already own the remote, and I haven't even bought my PS3 yet.. hehe. I can attest to the fact that's it appears very well-built. Sturdy, solid construction, definitely not "cheapy"-feeling. The only other thing I need is for the buttons to do what they say they do, and I'm pretty sure they will, so I call it a good purchase. :)
I would assume so, but I fail to see the point. It's a remote control, for cryin' out loud. It's not there to be cool, it's there to be functional.
There has been this fad in the last year with making they cheap nasty latex type skins for EVERYTHING...... mobile phones, mp3 players and now console controllers... I would never coat something as beautiful as the PS3 remote in some nasty transparent blue or whatever colour sleeve!
CNET just posted a decent review of the PS3 remote:
I was going to wait until upgrading my universal remote with one that supports Bluetooth, but at just $25 I may get one of these until then.

You'll be waiting a long, long time. I'm surprised there's no set of ethernet commands, though. It would be extremely easy to do. In the meantime, I've tried using the PS2-to-USB adapter with the old PS2 DVD remote. Some commands work, but most don't. Critical ones, like POWER, do nothing. PLAY doesn't even turn it on. Too bad SCEA doesn't enjoy talking to the gaming division....
You'll be waiting a long, long time.
Why? ...or is this like those who thought it would be a long, long time before we could listen to lossless HD audio? ;)

Seriously though, you say that with so much assurance, so you must have some real facts that support that statement. For instance, from a technical standpoint, what would prevent Harmony or any other major designer of universal remotes to add Bluetooth support to any of their remotes? There is also nothing that would prohibit the use of a USB IR device for the PS3 with future software updates.

In the mean time, there are already people coming up with temporary work arounds, some of which have been around since the PS3 came out back in November.

So no, I don't see much, if any evidence that it will be a long, long wait. :)
Here's another solution:

Adding IR Remote Control to the Sony PS3

But it looks like those with Bluetooth & IR/RF PDA's with universal remote software are able to still control the PS3 via Bluetooth, and the rest of their equipment via IR and/or RF.

Considering all this, I suspect we will see some brand name universal remotes offering the same capabilities very soon, if they are not already. I've gotten used to using the controller, so I'm not in a big rush to replace my universal remote at this point.

:odd: Where were you 3 posts ago?

(hint: look up)

But it looks like those with Bluetooth & IR/RF PDA's with universal remote software are able to still control the PS3 via Bluetooth, and the rest of their equipment via IR and/or RF.

That's nice. Why bother with a single-unit solution when you can use both hands.

Considering all this, I suspect we will see some brand name universal remotes offering the same capabilities very soon, if they are not already. I've gotten used to using the controller, so I'm not in a big rush to replace my universal remote at this point.

Brand name as in who? Niles, Crestron, AMX/Phast, even Universal Remote have nothing going for Bluetooth. The only people in the CE industry talking about Bluetooth are Sony (for the PS3), computer makers, and the mobile phone industry. Until Crestron (or at least Niles) puts some type of Bluetooth interface in their controllers, it will remain unused in home theater/automation, outside of people who think Best Buy is a worthwhile place to spend money.
I am sure a third-party somewhere is working on a USB RF remote that will be universal with everything else. If they aren't they should be.
They are, and have been. This one:
is better than using the old PS2 remote and an IR dongle. So clumsy, that one, and so unreliable.

But this:
seems to be the best solution. Some work involved, but it's a real slick. Uses the front power contact for power or something. Plus both the Nyko and Schmartz products have easily learnable IR commands.

The IR4PS3 is the best solution I have seen for those needing to control their PS3 via a Universal IR remote while at the same time be able to control every button used on the PS3 Bluetooth remote, including the PS button.

I have heard the argument (not from experts though) that Bluetooth may be a remote standard in the future.
If the last CES was any indication, they will be. I know a lot of HT guys, including myself, who would love to get rid of all those bloody IR wires taped to the equipment, and needing an IR receiver and repeater.

However, their is a bit of a chicken and egg dilemma, and A/V manufacturers are not rushing to spend money on adding Bluetooth support to their products when the support from universal remotes is lacking... and vice versa.

There is also the issue of how to pair multiple products to one single Bluetooth device and communicate to those devices separately, but at basically the same time.
There is also the issue of how to pair multiple products to one single Bluetooth device and communicate to those devices separately, but at basically the same time.

Can't PS3 do this, using the Sixaxis and a BT headset simultaneously? Or am I misinterpreting your point?
Can't PS3 do this, using the Sixaxis and a BT headset simultaneously? Or am I misinterpreting your point?
Those are two different Bluetooth devices communicating to one device. A universal remote is one device communicating with multiple devices.

To better understand the trouble with this, consider a Bluetooth headset. If you have it paired to the PS3 and are using it with the PS3, you can't use it for your mobile phone without disconnecting it from the PS3 and pairing it back up with your phone.

This is the main issue that is holding up the adoption of Bluetooth for universal remotes... and of course the lack of Bluetooth support in equipment.
Im sure they could find a way to switch between differently paird devices like:

Signal 1 = TV
Signal 2 = PS3
Signal 3 = AV Amp
Signal 4 = HDD-R

and have the remote just switch between the permanently paired devices, plus this would then be good for things like getting rid of one bit of kit and buying a new one and just un-pair the old kit and re-pair the new kit. Im sure this must be a simple software thing.
When I first got my PS3 remote I remember trying to use it for a couple games and it never worked, so I assumed this was the case for all games.

That was until recently when I was setting up a game of Hot Shot's Golf for four players, and noticed that when I was cycling through the available controller channels, channel #7 showed up... which is of course the channel that the PS3 remote uses.

So I assigned the remote to one of the players and sure enough it worked like a charm. 👍

The only thing it doesn't have of course is the joysticks, but it does have the L3 and R3 joystick buttons. Fortunately for that game, the joysticks are not necessary.

So this got me wondering how many games are there that you can use the PS3 remote as a controller. If you know of any, please list them here.
