Photoshopped cars.

  • Thread starter sn00pie
Show the orig and i will comment, have no idea what it looked like before to comment on:sly:


Therre :dopey:
Well on the mustang you have got better since you started but just follow the tutorials on the site i gave you to help. Saying this trying to make you better not bashing you mate. First on the body color it just looks dirty, like you made the layer dark then slightly lightened the car body. Second is the headlights and side signal in the rear. Looks like you made a new layer and set the layer property to color and left it. Basically its just desaturated. So just check out the tutorials on the page i gave you and print it out if its easier and just pick a car and look at what you want to do and follow the tut for that. Its harder to do it the way the tuts say but that is the correct way and you will never get a car chop that looks right unless you do it that way.
Heres a jag XKR i did for a comp over at PSC. If anybody else in that comp sees this, dont copy me!:mad: :irked: :D anyway i really like the way this turned out, it is my first kind of whole picture chop, instead of just the car. but anyway here it is.

Looks nice, but you really didn't do all that much to the car. I mean coming from that Hemi Jeep, you have to step it up You did allot on the jeep. But the whole picture chop (which i do everytime) always make it look better. Most of the time i leave it in its stock background but change aspects of it so it just looks a little better than everyone else's because all of there's looks the same except the car. Most of the time the first thing i do is reverse it horizontal so it just looks different. Now don't copy me....haha.
lol, i actually didn't do thaaaat much work to the jeep, but i see what your saying. I wanted to keep the Jag lookin basically stock, kinda VIP style. I realized that i hadnt done much to it so i added the open window and rear fender vent thing. I would like to do more to it but i dont want to do anything to big that would make it look really modified. I wanna keep it real clean.
Yeah i seen that you were going for a cleaner more stock type car. I would have at least done something to the grill, like maybe black it? And also removed the grill emblem:tup:. Color change on that color would have been very unrealistic so i understand on that one too. The background change fit in with the vip style though, very Miami upper class:)
i just went back to PS and realized that i screwed myself. When i was brushing the headlight beams i had a layer for it but somehow it ended up on the background layer. Then it got saved like that so anything done to the front end will result in me having to rebrush the lights, ill see about it later, it might be worth it in the end.
EDIT: This was my inspiration, that was basically what i wanted. I realize now that it need more so im on it!

EDIT2: Doors yes or no? im not sure,
I see qutie a bit of shaving and all thats great but, you really didnt do anything to the car. The chop of your (To me atleast) looks a bit NFS-ish, you can take the comment as good or bad but i reckon the ambience is great 👍

I WAS RIGHT! I swear i didnt see that last post, because i only saw the last page but didnt bother with this page, i was right about NFS!! :sly::D
haha well i guess my goal was achieved. What do u think about the door though? i like it and i cant think of anything else to do that would keep the sleeper look.
Im going to say very much no on the door. Reason being if you are going to do one you need not to be a slacker and do the easy one that is hidden. Another reason is that this picture makes the car seem as if it is actually driving down the road. And who drives with one door open? So that being the view on the car i would go with that and actually motion blur the background just a bit and radial blur the rims also to make the car actually have a motion effect to it. It just looks like the car is in motion with no signs of motion because of its surroundings to me. But if your not wanting the motion type thing going on i would just leave the doors or do them both.
:lol: Imageshack only works on some of my pic's, mostly small sized one's. :|

Didn't you say that you tried photobucket also and you had problems with it too? If so doesn't seem like either one of the sites are the problem, especially since i have been using photobucket for the past 2 years without having even one single issue with it.