Automotive Creative Competition Week 12 "Closed"

  • Thread starter Pebb
Southampton, UK
Last weeks Winner - Tangled Web


The Automotive Creative Competition is an edit a stock shot of mine, from a different automotive game or real life car photo each week, with as much photo editing work as you like to do, but with a mix of racing games, driving games and real life car photos by me.


Click for the full size shot


Participants must submit their entry that edit from the theme photo
Entry must be obviously based on the theme photo
Any image(s) outside GT4 can be added but they should not violate GTPlanet's AUP
You must post your entry along with "Final Entry" label in red
Preview image may be used but its dimension should not bigger than 400x300 pixels.
You may change your Final Entry once but you must post a notice if you do
Only 1 entry can be submitted per participant
Entry must be uploaded using


9th August 2007 - 22:30pm (UK - BST Time)
World Clock help:

Time you should be comparing your time with should be London of course.

What types of games will this contain at the moment, along with the car photos

*GTHD Concept
*Forza Motorsport 2

Future games:



Shot for week 12 was picked by the community
You need to mark your entry with Final Entry in Red please, and another thing your preview needs to be resized too:

400 by 106


Update if there are only 3 or 4 entries this week, then this will be the last week for this competition.
Here's my entry, went for a different look. I like it, and I got it in on time. ;)

Final Entry

Click for full sizes.

There is not enough entries so Week 12 is still the last week of this competition still due to lack of interest.
I'd like to enter in this competition because it is the last one, hopefully I'll have an entry by tonight. ;)
Hope I'm not too late!

Final Entry
Since this is the last week I allow you to be 8 minutes late. Anyway the poll will go up on Friday, and don't worry mouser your entry will still be in the poll.
Sorry, I tweaked my entry just a little bit right after you posted, is it possible to put the refined one in the poll instead of the original? If so, thanks a lot. ;)
Sorry, I tweaked my entry just a little bit right after you posted, is it possible to put the refined one in the poll instead of the original? If so, thanks a lot. ;)
I let you do it this once.