
Touring Mars

ツーリング マルス

Show us the subjects you are interested in and create a single post with links to your favourite Wikipedia articles. You can use your post as a handy reference to your favourite/most useful/most frequently visited pages on Wikipedia, and update it as time goes on. It will also give other GTP members a chance to see what makes you tick... As such, you can make your list as basic or as creative/visual as you like, use your own artwork or make the post in a design/style that tells us something about yourself as well. Please upload images using Imageshack or an equivalent hosting site. This first post will be used as an index of GTP members' WikiWonderWalls. :)

Featured WikiWonderWalls

Sage - Sprite - JoeyD - TB - Nicknamealguem - Moglet - SweetshopUnion

Personal WikiWonderWalls
Last Update: 9 May, 2008

ceiling_fan - Danachronism

ferrari_chris - FoolKiller

JoeyD - Metar - Moglet - Muzaffar Musa

Nicknamealguem - NTX1982 - Only in F1 - Sage

Speedster502 - Sprite - Solid Lifters - SweetshopUnion

Tangled Web - TB - TheCracker - Touring Mars

Wallrunner51 - YSSMAN

Themed WikiWonderWalls

Amazing People (by Touring Mars)

Amazing People/My Heroes (by Only in f1)

Featured Link Gallery

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Last updated: 24/04/08

Two childhood hobbies, amateur astronomy and dinosaurs, still fascinate me to this day. I work in spectroscopy and have recently become interested in how spectroscopic techniques may be used in astrobiology. I was lucky enough to meet a NASA astrobiologist, Mike Russell, a few years ago and realised how I could pursue two of my main scientific interests - the origins and evolution of life on Earth - by combining my work experience with my personal interests.​
Danachronism's WikiWonderWall

1. 2.

3. 4.

Why does this relate to me?
  1. I enjoy studying advertising in media, and hope to take that aspect of my studies further.
  2. I've always been fascinated by brain activity. I'd have loved to study disorders professionally, especially Psychosis.
  3. Body language is something else I'd love ot have studied. It's really amazing how much you can determine from it.
  4. Property development is something I'd like to undertake when I'm older.
This is a great idea. Kind of a shame that I don't specifically watch any Wiki page though.
Don't let that stop you! :P Although I read Wiki pages fairly often, I can't say I have explored even my favourite pages fully or even in that much depth yet.

There's no rush, though... a good idea would be to post up a rudimentary list and then embellish it later (either graphically or otherwise) to suit your own tastes as and when you have the time. 👍

Updated 24/6/09

1. In December of 2008 I graduated with a degree from Oakland University in Archaeology. I've always had a love for it ever since I was young, sitting around watching the Discovery Channel. Still at a loss for trying to find a job in the field, but I still do volunteer work for local excavations.

2. Extraterrestrials have always been an interest of mine and I firmly believe that there is intelligent life in the universe. However, I like to have a logical look on it such as how Carl Sagan put it in his book Cosmos.

3. The only "sport" I play any more is golf. Although it's more of a recreation then anything else. More of something to smoke cigars and socialize with friends.

4. Electronica is really the only form of music I listen to on a regular bases. My favourite artists include Tiesto, BT, and Daft Punk.

5. I drive a MINI Cooper, which explains why this made my wall.

6. A Datsun 510 is my dream car and one day I'll get around to getting one to tinker with.

7.As far as video games go I enjoy playing all things RPG, my favourites include the Elder Scrolls series, the Baulder's Gate series, and Diablo II. Diablo II was the first computer game I really got into and I still play it to this day.

8. My only real main hobby is my R/C car, the car pictured is the same chassis as the car I own. It's a TA-04R racing platform with various bits of carbon fibre.

9. My favourite TV series, always found it quite humourous and well done, it was a shame when it was canceled and the new ones just aren't the same.

10.My favourite book series, profound and funny at the same time. I honestly can't think of anything else I would rather read give a choice.

11. Scotch whiskey is something I really enjoy in moderation. I don't drink to get drunk, I just really enjoy the taste of a fine scotch, must have something to do with my family being from well Scotland.

12. Cigars, I love to sit back with a fine cigar and a tumbler of Scotch whiskey and talk about life, the universe, everything.

13. The town where my family is from, one of these days I plan on going back. I wish I would have been able to get there when I was in the UK but unfortunately the flooding stopped me.

14. I love Norse Mythology. I always wear my Mjöllnir amulet and I love the stories told in the Poetic Edda and Prose Edda. How can you not like stories and beliefs where the world ends with a massive war between the gods and when you die you go to a huge hall where you drink, fight and eat for all eternity?
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Awesome idea, very cool indeed. 👍

This space reserved for mine, will do it later. :D
Sounds very interesting, I will try to put here something as soon as I have more time on my hands:)
Only in F1's Gallery
Mike's WikiWonderWall

Thursday 24th April 2008


Well this TV show is one of the best I have ever seen.


I've just been accepeted for a Media- Tv and Film course at college so i'll be keeping an eye on this.


This wiki page is edited every so often. Most of this page is can be rubbish and made of rumour but some of it may be true

The Human Brain

I'm just instrested in this.
YSSMAN's WikiWonderWall

1 List of GM Engines - Because even I get confused by the codes...

2 The Marvel Universe - Because I can't keep up with all of the comics all the time, and when I have no idea who a new character is, I gotta find out more!

3 Adult Swim Program Listings - They're some of my favorite shows, and I like to stay up to date. That, and I can never remember the Anime names...

4 The Totally Rad Show - Its my favorite show, possibly ever. Keeps me up to date with content, lets me know what the intro was, etc.
Sorry I didn't get to reply yesterday, but I got your PM TM. 👍
I'll try to get something tonight after I finished my tuition...... ;)
Great work so far, everyone 👍

It's interesting to note that you could probably identify the person posting each wall so far just from the stuff they have posted! (kind of the idea!)

Looking forward to seeing some more, too :)

These are my three top Wiki pages...when the business is cars of course👍

BTW...great Wiki page about the TV serie Heroes, great information there. Well done Only_in_F1:)

Now, two of my favourite cartoons ever:tup:

One of the best consoles ever made, and two great games for it:tup:

This is a very interesting idea TM, interesting links too.
I think I went overboard, I could of added more stuff too. :D Might add that later.

Fantastic additions, guys... :eek:👍

This is a very interesting idea TM, interesting links too.
I think I went overboard, I could of added more stuff too. :D Might add that later.​
:lol: Very neatly presented, though! And the idea is that you can always add/change it later too... I've spotted a few updates already, JoeyD's new title and some more descriptions etc.

Where'd you get the idea to do this from, TM?
I was trying to make an easy reference list of my favourite Wiki pages, which you can do in Wikipedia, but the list appears as a simple list of words and it doesn't look very interesting. Then I figured that I could make a thread like this one, and add a bit of creativity to it by making the links visual. Apologies to the late, great George Harrison for ripping off the name "Wonderwall", but if Oasis can do it, then so can I :P
This is very neat indeed. I'll update this post when I am sober and can better construct and consider what i most frequent on wikipedia... already know a few things that will being into it at this moment, but certain a few more will pop in while I think about it.
Awesome updates so far guys 👍! There are some really creative people here with some pretty unique interests.

I added three more things to my wall today, I think I'm getting close to being done but things might still pop up.
Metar's WikiWonderWall


Aerodynamics: I intend to study this fascinating subject.
Orca Whales: A magnificient animal I much admire.
Mortal Kombat: Midway's attempt at injecting a storyline is almost laughable - but fun to read.
Ship of the Line: The subject of 17th-18th century naval warfare has gripped me ever since I started reading the Master and Commander series of books by Patrick O'Brian.
Matt Groening: Creator of The Simpsons and Futurama, two of my favourite shows.
Cracker: Easily the best TV series I have ever seen. Perfectly-built storylines as well as perfect acting, directing and shooting make this my favourite show.
Blackadder: Cracks me up every time I watch it... Which should be the 20th time by now?