eMad's Gallery: Now with winter landscapes and panoramas

  • Thread starter emad
Your blacks are too deep to match the heavy blues and teals you have going, espcially the top few. That's why I like the shot with the back of the fellow with the yellow shirt, which is my favorite of the bunch. The grays and slightest bit of noise really do the shot favors. Is it on Broadway? Seems vaguely familiar. 3rd from the top's warmth pleases me in the midst of the cooler blues everywhere else as well. Overall, great sharpness and reminds me of why I love the NYC so much. Thanks 👍
This was my first weekend camping. Ever. I took the pentax in a pelican case and it survived the beating. I'll definitely do this again. Check the pics - plenty more on my flickr.

Camping rocks. Almost as much as your pictures. Nice shots, emad. 👍

How much post-processing did you do? Only reason I ask is because the sky in shot #2 and #5 is crazy blue. :crazy:

I'm itching for the day my boys are old enough to camp and enjoy it.
#2 and 5 were taken early morning - around 7am and the sky was crazy blue on its own. Admittedly, I did do a bit of processing to get a more velvia-like effect on most of these shots in lightroom which, of course, ramped up the blues and greens further.
I was in Calgary for vacation just recently. I made a trip out to Banff and Lake Louise while there and took some lovely landscape shots and some uber-panoramas. These are waaay too big for posting on GTP, so you'll have to click the links:

Panorama 1
Panorama 2

And my first non-ugly attempt at HDR

More to come soon!
Very well done panno's emad. The HD shot is nice too, not over done like many others I've seen.