Patch V2 Connection Problems

  • Thread starter ferraripro

Some people are experiencing connections issues after installing the new patch. We believe that this is due to the PSN ID being below a certain amount of characters i.e. too short.

As a work around you can create a new PSN ID with at least 10 characters in the name. We have already fixed the bug and will try to deploy a new patch late next week.

Unfortunately there is no way to Beta test a PS3 game and this issue, despite 3 weeks of testing managed to get through.

Sorry for this...
hi :) bit of a bummer, that must niggle you somewhat. mind you, i've started again to get trophy status,
so the single player game will keep me going until the patch and beyond

despite all the problems, i still reckon ferrari challenge is a very good game. just gotta love those cars 👍

looking forward to the dlc for some new tracks and cars :D

ps. i've got great admiration for the way you keep in touch here, that's a great personal touch :)
Ferraripro, could you squeeze in the Croatian flag in the upcoming online patch - for the benefit of all FC:TP drives in Croatia - shouldn't be so hard. Thanx in adv.
We have already fixed the bug and will try to deploy a new patch late next week.

You could use this issue as a blessing in disguise - use the opportunity to make FC "pretty" again, sort out the jaggies. Slip that fix under the radar with the online fix.
How does GT5P get 60fps with the quality of graphics they have, when others stuggle to manage 30fps with less polygons?

That aside, I haven't noticed any framerate improvements with this latest patch. Only a downgrade in graphical quality. I bought the PS3 for HD, this isn't it.
S3 will have a much smaller team of developers and a much smaller budget. That's pretty much it really.
I must confess to being quite amazed at this!!!!

I mean most of the people on my friends list have PSN IDs with less than 10 characters in the name, how does that not get picked up? If it was causing an issue with people with 2 or 3 character PSN IDs I can understand how that may slip through testing, but 10 characters!!!!

Come on S3 - you have a good game here and yet are somehow managing to snatch failure from the jaws of success.

OK... I have been away for a few days. Is patch out? If so, how do I tell if I have new patch... I haven't downloaded anything or been prompted to update FC and I played Friday Afternoon.

P.S. I live in USA... Does Europe have patch and States don't?