I saw Wall-E on Thanksgiving afternoon, and I think I was the only one in the room who liked the "quiet" of it all. It is rare to see a Disney movie where everything is not a polished piece of visual perfection with too much singing and dancing.
Not very big on jokes and humor, although I found myself laughing while everyone else was quiet, especially at the neck-less, ankle-less, people who believe blue is the new red. Say what you want about it being "anti-corporate", but I personally think it was showing people the danger of identifying yourself with a brand name, instead of being an individual (which is a common Disney theme of sorts).
What happens when civilization collapses? The only remnants were trash, decay, and an incomplete vision of the future. Of course there's an irony when Disney owns a piece of my state that's 50 square miles in area. So a beautifully displayed movie, but predictable and unlovable characters. Visually memorable, but there's only so much warmth robots can show on a screen.