GT5P Online Event Update. Friday 28th 5a.m.

The reality of any competition is that some people are faster/stronger/better than others.
Look at the spread of times in the IFTC for example. This tells me that I am typically a mid-pack runner. This is because of my relative ability. I can't and don't expect to be able to run with the fastest guys.

Don't forget, there is a big difference between Time Trial (and the huge amount of runs done for lots of top pilots) and Racing ;)

Racing vs other pilots requires other skills and you might be able top race top TT pilots :sly:
Love the ideal of no RBE but afraid a lot of us ( myself included ) will discover we are not as good as we thought. Hey Leadfoot havent seen you in a while.:sly:

Hey DaddyV! Been running TT's for the last few weeks sharpening my skills. :sly: I'm back online now so I hope to meet up with you more.

With the RBE disabled, our lap times will truly reflect how good or bad we are unlike getting out front and it feels like someone attached a boat anchor to the rear bumper losing 2 or 3 seconds a lap. Conversely falling behind and all of a sudden your running with standard physics with a boost in HP. Consistent handling and performance will help us all.
And grim, the way you worded the first post makes me worried. What's the bad news? :nervous:
The bad news?
In 48 hours, the No Mercy Event! Suzuka 650PP S2 Tires Event will be removed, I think.
So enjoy it while it's still available, everybody. :)
Pd should also remove the RBE from non-profesional physics, since, as I said many time, I play on standart physics, and I also hate goig 1st and see how the people catch me.
None, it's just an event change.

well its not like they ever mention a physics change in their description of past updates but there usually is one.

heres hoping i guess

edit ahh i see what you mean its just events only, and theres been many without physic updates
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The bad news?
In 48 hours, the No Mercy Event! Suzuka 650PP S2 Tires Event will be removed, I think.
So enjoy it while it's still available, everybody. :)


That would be a bad thing :scared:
PD could change it into a no mercy Suzuka 600pp event... It would be a change and it would deliver a more diversity of cars on the grid.

But 👍 for the expert races with no RBE
The bad news?
In 48 hours, the No Mercy Event! Suzuka 650PP S2 Tires Event will be removed, I think.
So enjoy it while it's still available, everybody. :)

they should leave that event till the next round of updates, just add a 750pp suzuka and a daytona road event.
As others have already mentioned, lets hope that we get some events that aren't run on n2 or s2 tires. Its a racing sim, lets use some racing tires.
n1 tires would be good, all the punters would stay away because they be sliding out before they could punt.

i'd rather have n/s tires than r tires.
Very happy with the news. After racing for a while in Suzuka no RBE, I raced in Fuji Ferrari event and was very much annoyed by the change in grip when the RBE is turned on or off. It really disrupts your driving. No RBE for expert events is an excellent decision.
I believe that the tire choice might be in effect as they said the RBE will be gone for all pro events.They never said that the events will be all "No Mercy".So give me Daytona road on R1's.Any PP.
Just a quick thought,A one car pro WE.If everyone was in the same car,this would be a tuners & drivers race.Maybe FR cars only.600PP
(bring on the Mustang):)
well its not like they ever mention a physics change in their description of past updates but there usually is one.

heres hoping i guess

edit ahh i see what you mean its just events only, and theres been many without physic updates

They have never changed physics with event changes (besides removing RBE if you count that), ever. The physics tweaks have only come in seperate downloads that prompt when you start the game (August 1st, October 3rd etc) and everytime the game update (not event update) is announced prior in the News section seperate to the event update news.
It looks like the update has already happened for PAL users,has Fuji 550pts & N3 tyres race and Daytona road in pro. Anyone else from Australia care to check and confirm i`m correct???
NTSC user here, and it happens here already to, ps, Suzuka 750pp extreemly puts a smile on my face.

Best update ever.👍
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It looks like the update has already happened for PAL users,has Fuji 550pts & N3 tyres race and Daytona road in pro. Anyone else from Australia care to check and confirm i`m correct???

Yeah, and dont forget the GT by Citroen race on Suzuka (S1). I am glad finally they have added a Daytona road race which isnt 5 million PP.
Update is here in the UK (PAL). I like the sound of the expert events (haven't tried them yet) but I'm already missing PP650/PP600, S2 tyres, Suzuka...

Expert Events:

PP550, N3 tyres, Fuji Speedway F.
PP650, S2 tyres, Daytona Road.
Citroen GT only, S1 tyres, Suzuka

None of the expert events appear to be World events :(

There's an Intermediate WE - PP750 Suzuka... but standard physics, urgh!
i Had so much fun at suzuka, every one drove competitive and fearce, there were times when the whole pack was together.. all in all this is the update i been waiting for. and its world..!!!!
hsr 650pp
suzuka 750pp
ferrari cali on eiger


In my eyes those are Intermediate-events, and Standard-physics. Did I misunderstand something?

New Expert-events are listed on post made by Obli.

EDIT: by the way... there reads nowhere that RBE is removed. We just need to trust that notification in news-section.
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sorry somehow completely missed that post by obli. must have been posted while i was typing up my message.