Model Automotive Competition #1

  • Thread starter GBWH1991


Dundee, Scotland
Sinner Bopper
This will be a trial to asess whether the competition will be a success.


-Scale - between 1:32 and 1:18
-Editing - only levels, contrast and adding a boarder/watermark (keep it as stock as possible)
-Photographs must not be a 'snapshot' but must include some composition and effect - Base the photo on a studio shoot, or even use diorama/composition to create a realistic setting (you could position the model and camera in such a way in an outside setting so that it appears to be a 'real' car)
-No HDR shots
-Shots must be taken between January 2008 and the present day - exceptions can be made as long as the photograph has not been shown before the competition e.g. unposted work.
-Picture sizes - Must be no longer than 400px on the longest edge, full sized images must be no longer than 900px on the longest edge

-Deadline for each week will be 5pm GMT on a Wednesday, poll will be up by 6pm GMT
-Voting will close on a Friday at 6pm GMT

-If I am absent for reasons beyond my control, I will need someone to fill in for me in running the competition for that week.

The first competition will take place on Wednesday 14th January.


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Not sure how you want the preview to be set-up but I presumed it as a 400X200 or something like that linking to the full size image. I'd like to point out, I'm definately intrested in this as a competition. I might go and link it in the Scale Model Thread as I'm sure some of them guys wouldn't mind joining in.

This is one which hasn't been shown in my gallery, although was taken in the same set as a photograph featured. Anyway hope this competition has some intrest!
Excellent, I'm glad you are interested, as I had you in mind after reading the debate in the Automotive Photography Competition thread.

That's a nice shot, and it would be great to have some of the scale model guys involved.

I'll ammend the rules with picture sizes.
Will outside pictures like this be acceptable?

Although that picture is too old and has been shown elsewhere, that is the area I use for taking photos. I lack a setup for studio shops so thus I only have outside shots.
Just a heads up, I think you mean HDR. HDMI is a type of multimedia connection!

Sorry, I will ammend this.

Those posted are great, am I reight in thinking these are just showing what you do? The actual competition isn't until Wednesday, so I'm just making sure.
hmmm, i may also be interested in this, shall have to take some new piccys methinks, i've probably shown all the ones i've taken on here at some point...
just an example of one of my faves. :)

This is totally stock. I assume it it fine to enter.

Yes, this is fine to enter.

Everyone who has entered their final entry, please list your names - I save the pictures to my computer in folders to keep a record of the competitions.
Maybe I'll give it a shot if I can find a big enough model laying around here.
I dunno if I should enter one of my shots or not, don't think it will make the grade, plus I have issues resizing and stuff.

EDIT: Plus I just realised I have already posted the one I would enter, so that disqualifies me anyway.
im not gonna be around for the next five days and im not even sure my 'entry' is ok.
Im pretty sure i've posted it before and its not less than 400px on the long side.
If it is ok then i'll enter with it but if not then dont worry too much, i'll likely have to sit this one out...

Thanks in advance, cya'll in 5 days :D