American Cockpit Flip?

  • Thread starter Schmo
Hello, new here.. but been lurking for months. Tried searching but came up with nothing.

On Prologue, all the cockpits are set up with the driver on the right side as they are in Japan and EU. But as you know in the U.S. they are all on the left. Has there been any word to as if the cockpits will be flipped for the U.S. launch?

Its not a big deal but I'm building a cockpit and having the shifter and my right and the animation is on left, could get distracting.


After the latest videos to come out, I couldnt help notice the some Japaneses cars had the driver planted on the left side. Could it be possible that when buying a car that is available in different areas of the world, (lets say a Lancer in this example), that you'd have a choice to buy an American version (Left side Driver) or buy a Japanese/UK version (Right side Driver)?

And if this is true, (speculating at this point), would this falsely drive up the car count number have 2 different versions of the cars?
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I think it largely depends on where the car is from although there are a few exceptions. US, and European, cars should be left hand drive. UK, Japanese and Australian are right hand drive.

Welcome to :gtplanet:
No, in Prologue the side the driver sits depends on the car. If you drive a British or Japanese car then the driver sits on the right, if you jump into an American car then you are on the left.

You'll just have to bear it with your cockpit.

And welcome to GTP.
I doubt it, but there are cars with Left hand steering in the game. They wouldn't really model both left and right hand interiors unless the models were different in performance or in exterior appearance.

Oh and welcome aboard to GTplanet.:gtpflag:
I think it largely depends on where the car is from although there are a few exceptions. US, and European, cars should be left hand drive. UK, Japanese and Australian are right hand drive.

Welcome to :gtplanet:
Ok, thats what I figured. Which isnt a problem, guess that adds to the realism.

You could always build a new shifter unit that'd clamp to either side of your rig ;)

I dont think so :) Been shifting on my right for 15+ years, doubt my left hand is up for the challenge.

Thanks everybody for the welcome and replies.
By the way one of the think that I hate the most with american cars are the orange direction indicators ,they even butchered foreign cars with those ugly stuffs:indiff:
I don't think orange indicators really take away from the overall look of a car. And orange is a better color btw since people down here mistake a blinking red light for stopping.
If you are racing hard, you should be watching the track not your hands. The extra wheel and hands has never distracted me! Just pay more attention to where, you are going on track.
I don't notice the extra wheel and hands. I'm too busy looking at the trees...
From title these came to my mind: bear cans, greasy mc'donalds boxes on car floor and of course a "rocking elvis" on dash :D
From title these came to my mind: bear cans, greasy mc'donalds boxes on car floor and of course a "rocking elvis" on dash :D

:lol: That reminds me of so many cars of people I know. But I think most of us here prefer the Hawaiian hula girl instead. :P

By the way, this is my first actual post here. Been looking around for a little while but decided I would like to give it a shot. :)
:lol: That reminds me of so many cars of people I know. But I think most of us here prefer the Hawaiian hula girl instead. :P

By the way, this is my first actual post here. Been looking around for a little while but decided I would like to give it a shot. :)

Lol, your such a liar. You put a post in my thread yesterday.
Lol, your such a liar. You put a post in my thread yesterday.

Lol I'm sorry I just remembered that. I just checked to look. Now I feel so... what's the word... I actually came back here to edit my post 'cause I found that it was there. I didn't know it posted, power outages. :crazy:
[devil's advocate]
So why do single seater race cars have them on the right... :D
[/devil's advocate]

Because single seaters don't have a clutch that you have to sync one side of your body with...

I personally would like a choice of RHD/LHD for cars that can be bought in either format, to mimic real life..

I'm confident (even though I don't know) that once you've modelled the dash/interior one way, it's mainly a quick mirroring exercise with only minor positional tweaks applied..

In real life, if I bought a car, I'd obviously try and get it the correct orientation for the country I live in..
Hello, new here.. but been lurking for months. Tried searching but came up with nothing.

On Prologue, all the cockpits are set up with the driver on the right side as they are in Japan and EU. But as you know in the U.S. they are all on the left. Has there been any word to as if the cockpits will be flipped for the U.S. launch?

Its not a big deal but I'm building a cockpit and having the shifter and my right and the animation is on left, could get distracting.


Welcome to forums.

I just have one thing, to inform you - most of the EU cars have left hand drive. Only in UK they drive with right hand drive. And I think, that left hand is the proper side for EU cars and right for UK cars.

I would totally agree with phil-t's post - the option to pick a position for steering would be the only proper way to go.
After the latest videos to come out, I couldnt help notice the some Japaneses cars had the driver planted on the left side. Could it be possible that when buying a car that is available in different areas of the world, (lets say a Lancer in this example), that you'd have a choice to buy an American version (Left side Driver) or buy a Japanese/UK version (Right side Driver)?

And if this is true, (speculating at this point), would this falsely drive up the car count number have 2 different versions of the cars?
By the way one of the think that I hate the most with american cars are the orange direction indicators ,they even butchered foreign cars with those ugly stuffs:indiff:

Yeah we do that here in Australia too, damn compliance. How do yellow/orange indicators make a car safer? What a load...
After the latest videos to come out, I couldnt help notice the some Japaneses cars had the driver planted on the left side. Could it be possible that when buying a car that is available in different areas of the world, (lets say a Lancer in this example), that you'd have a choice to buy an American version (Left side Driver) or buy a Japanese/UK version (Right side Driver)?

And if this is true, (speculating at this point), would this falsely drive up the car count number have 2 different versions of the cars?
If you mean the Subaru rally car, It's based on the EU version in real life, and therefore has the steering wheel on the left side. Have you ever seen a WRC car with the wheel on the right side? ;)
Everyone knows that shifting with your left hand is the proper way :P

Wrong :P

Nearly all racing cars are made LHD, there is better coordination shifting with your right hand and clutch with left... doing both on one side of body can put you off balance when racing.. thats why even british race teams use LHD cars.
It would be nice if the EU and JP cars available in the US had the cockpit on the left for the US version.
I would love for there to be an option to get cars from the European manufacturers available in RHD in the UK, really bugs me when they are LHD, just seems so wrong! Wish I could get the GT wheel with the gear leaver on the left as well (but thats a different topic!)

Wrong :P

Nearly all racing cars are made LHD, there is better coordination shifting with your right hand and clutch with left... doing both on one side of body can put you off balance when racing.. thats why even British race teams use LHD cars.
Never realised that was the reason for it, always wondered why teams like Subaru who are UK based used LHD cars in WRC.
I suppose in part its because the big advantage of RHD not being relevant on a track/closed course. (that on normal roads its safer (something to do with empirical research showing the way your eyes work being more likely to see a pedestrian stepping out in the road in front of you sooner)

Looking at a few older photos from the BTCC, its only a recent thing British teams using LHD cars, as recent as the mid 90s there were still a lot of RHD cars (for example John Cleland's BTCC Cavalier was RHD)
Where I am from we have a lot of rhd cars (since we import them from japan and uk etc) so 95% are rhd while 5% maybe lhd. I have never driven a lhd in my life so thats why I constructed my cockpit with the shifter fixed on the left side because that's what I am used to. It would be a nice adition when purchasing cars in GT5 to have a choice either rhd version or a lhd version as long as it is available in real life . Just my opinion.
i actually like to drive car in that side as it is in the country it is built. Classic jaguar is just not the real thing if it has wheel on the left side :)
IRL i prefer lhd as we have right hand side traffic in finland.