I'm sorry I hurt your feelings Detroitbb, that's not what I meant, there is a misunderstanding here. I'll try to explain myself :
everybody is different, ethic code depends on where you're born, the education you had, your culture. For some people something can be right according to their own customs / culture whereas for other people it can be wrong. I'm living in China and trust me we sure have a different way of seing things. My wife is chinese, she has an Nintendo DS and downloaded more than 200 games, she loves download movies, music etc. I think it's wrong, she doesn't feel that way cause in China everybody is downloading, they ALL have a psp cracked with CFW, download all the games, everything. In France, downloading is forbidden by law. It's not because she's doing it that she's a bad person either, our ethic code is just different, I still love her !
According to what the scei says, we can't say that using CFW is legal, not using a CFW is part of our obligations, obligations we accepted the day we bought our psp. So, to me, using a CFW is ethically wrong because it is against the moral contract I accepted.
BUT I won't say that someone who's using a CFW is a bad person and I sure didn't say he/she's a cheater, I don't know where this comes from. I admit there are good stuffs with CFW (I'd love to have those screenshots to put in my website), but I just personaly don't want to use one because I want to do things I think are right. However, it's not because I think this is right that it really is !
So I was wrong to say "we", my bad (you'll see later why I used "we"). However I said "would like" not "want" cause I do know it is an utopia, it is not a real problem (/issue/matter ??? in french problem is neutral can be positive or negative, I assumed "problem was neutral in english but might be wrong...), and the rules I wrote and agreed to be in don't say that CFW user are banned, only CFW tuning, so I know with who I'm competing with, and I'm OK with that. I know you have a CFW, I know others do and that doesn't make you cheaters or even bad persons...
Again, I am deeply sorry I did hurt your feeling, please accept my apologies for that. I can see that the way I said what I said is really offensive, it didn't come out right (I'll try to find a way to delete these messages). But I have to say that even if I do think using CFW is ethically wrong, it doesn't mean I think I'm right and doesn't say that you are a cheater or even a bad person ! This is just my point of view, I was wrong saying "we". I was also shocked to see that someone who's promoting the use of CFW and write tutorials about it wasn't banned, but it does points out that it's not because I think it is wrong that it is. However how come someone who is promotting CFW in other threads is allowed to do so but once I want to speak about law what I think is legal and about ethic, I have this kind of reaction from members ? I accepted the fact that people are happy to use CFW even if it does hurts my feelings by being against my ethic code, but I did get over it because there are a lots of nice CFW users who do know that cheating is wrong, so same team ! Again, I even thanked you for the link that speak about CFW, and encouraged GTCr@zyPSP to host Hybrid TAC, which enhance the fact that I don't have problem with people who are using CFW !
Consequently, the competition I host is open to everyone, CFW users are welcomed as long as they don't use CFW tuning, hybrid cars. I do trust you, I told you I like the competition we have between us and I did know you use CFW ! We just have two different opinions about CFW, that's all. You like CFW, I don't, but we both like fair competition !
So why did I say that ? I was just trying to make a point to GTCr@zyPSP who has a tendency not to accept that other people can have different point of view. If he wants to use CFW and feels good about this whereas he knows it's not really legal, it's up to him, everybody has its own ethic code.
But cheating with CFW is against our rules, rules that don't ban CFW users. He did know that that's what we meant even before asking, we talked about it through PM, he said so too after, if I personaly think using CFW is wrong, he doesn't, you don't -different points of view, different ethic code, I respect that- but we all agree to say that using CFW to cheat is wrong that's why it is forbidden by the rules we wrote, and that's what important here and we are all ok with that ! You did read them too just before the thread was opened...
I was just annoyed by the fact that, according to what I already told him by PM, that he call me -"us" by the way that's why I used "we", but obviously was wrong cause I can't define "us" - "little sissies" because I told him I didn't want his challenge to be part of mine anymore because some of us saw the Qualify part unrealistic, the use of CFW didn't help it either, we were writting rules, I didn't know where we were going with that so decided to cancel the "qualify" part, he overeacted.
(Sorry it is a little bit easy now he's banned but I have to quote him : "
If you guys are going to be lil sissies and look for excuses as to why you cant keep up, thats fine by me...").
I forgave him wishing for the best and then I had a hard time to explain to him he misunderstood my reasons try to calm things down but he was stuborn, he saw the negativity everywhere and took shortcuts = Ban CFW tuning = ban CFW (I admit I did kinda do the same through those PM), CFW = Cheater (that I didn't !)! When I saw his apparently "naive" question, I reacted or I should say, overreacted, I wanted to push him telling us what he really wanted to say and he did...
Knowing something might go wrong, I did ask daan by PM about the message I posted, asked if I was doing/saying something wrong -he didn't answer my message though, I don't blame him either, no answer doesn't mean a yes or a no- : "
do you think I did something wrong with this last message (here) ? [...] I'm a little bit confused now : did I say something wrong ? Please tell me ...".
The only thing I saw after is GTCr@zyPSP's answer and then he was banned (for the 3rd time...)
So competing with guys using CFW is OK as long as they don't use it to cheat ! I would be glad you come back in the competition, you're a great and fair competitor... We just have different points of view on one subject, the CFW in itself, but as long as it hasn't a consequence on the competition, I'm fine with it ! Just different opinions.
Again, I'm deeply sorry to have hurt your feelings, I should have just said "yes" to his question, my bad... Could we start over and forget about this drama please ?
