~ Ready, Steady, Go! - Chapter 55 ~ (02/03/12)(56k/MobileApp Warning!)

  • Thread starter VTiRoj
Chapter 52 - The Keimobile

Night fell across Gion. Kei was sitting on the sofa in her apartment, configuring her new phone. After a couple of hours of fiddling, she finally managed to set the phone up with the contacts and media from her old phone, which was in several pieces on the table. She scrolled down her shiny new contacts list and dialled Yuka’s number.

Yuka: Hello?
Kei: Yuka!
Yuka: Kei! Hi! Your name didn’t come up, what’s up?
Kei: I got a new phone!
Yuka: Oh cool! Did your old one break or did you just feel like treating yourself?
Kei: The old one broke. Crappy Samsung…
Yuka: Oh. Yeah those don’t last too long.
Kei: Yeah… I replaced it with a nice HTC phone. I’ve never tried one before but everyone says they’re good.
Yuka: Yeah they’re pretty good, better than Samsung anyway.
Kei: Good then! So how’s the racing going? You’re coming home soon, right?
Yuka: Yeah. We’re heading out to London tomorrow. Just one race there and I’m coming back home.
Kei: Yay! Finally!
Yuka: I know, right? We’re staying at Kyoko’s place so we can save a bit on hotel fees. Maybe I can pick you up a keyring for your… Oh crap! Kei! Your driving test! How did it go?!
Kei: Hehe its fine Yuka. I know you’re busy with racing and I couldn’t call you anyway.
Yuka: Oh true. So yeah, how did it go?
Kei: I… I…
Yuka: It’s fine if you didn’t pass Kei, there’s always next time.
Kei: I love you!
Yuka: Kei! You… Oh you… So sweet, as always.
Kei: I know right? And that’s why you can’t resist me!
Yuka: Alright alright, I submit. But really, how did it go?
Kei: I passed!
Yuka: Wooo! Congrats Kei!
Kei: Hehe thanks! I pretty much did it perfectly! I got a minor penalty from exceeding the speed limit a bit but I was just following the flow of traffic!
Yuka: Yeah, don’t worry about that. So did you get your Copen yet?
Kei: I’m picking it up tomorrow, just need TJ to take me.
Yuka: Oh okay, that’s good.
Kei: I’m so stoked! I’m finally going to be able to drive on my own!
Yuka: Yeah! I can’t wait for you to take me home from the airport.
Kei: Yeah that too!

There was an awkward pause in the conversation, until Kei continued.

Kei: Oh! You were saying about a keyring?
Yuka: Oh yeah. I was thinking I could get you one of those cute keyrings where it’s a Mini Cooper but painted like the UK flag.
Kei: Oh you mean like the sort your dad used to sell? Sure I’d like one!
Yuka: I’ll try and pick one up for you then.
Kei: Yay! Anyway Yuka you probably need to sleep for your journey tomorrow so I’ll let you go now. I need to get my car insurance sorted out before I sleep.
Yuka: Oh okay then. I’ll talk to you soon! Goodnight!
Kei: Goodnight Yuka! Mwah!
Yuka: Mwah. Night!

Yuka hung up the phone. Kei laid down on the sofa and began wriggling in excitement, hugging her phone to her chest.

Kei: Ahh! My little Copen! Yuka! So exciting!

The next day, Kei went over to TJ’s garage, eager to go fetch her Copen. It was lunchtime when she arrived. TJ was sitting on the floor, working on the Atenza’s gearbox. Kei knocked on the door as she walked in.

Kei: Um…
TJ: Kei, hi. What can I do for you?
Kei: I passed my test and erm… Could you come with me to get my Copen? I mean if you’re not too busy…
TJ: Oh this gearbox? Nah it can wait. Let me wash up and I’ll drive you over to the Copen place. Oh and congratulations!
Kei: Thank you!

Later on…

Kei emerged from the sales office at Garage Kyoto Copen, swinging a set of Daihatsu keys around her fingers. She walked over to TJ, who was checking out the Copen.

Kei: Found anything?
TJ: Nope, it’s good to go. They even put fresh tyres on it, really good service here.
Kei: Yay!
TJ: So everything is sorted?
Kei: Yep! I’m even insured on it so you don’t need to drive me home.
TJ: Oh really? You’re certainly more prepared than I was back when I was in your situation. Yuka has been giving you advice it seems.
Kei: Yeah, sort of!
TJ: Well that’s good then. Is it okay if I go? Dave is panicking without me.
Kei: Yeah, you get going. I’ll be fine. Thank you TJ.
TJ: You’re welcome. Listen, if you need anything doing on the Copen, I’ll hook you up for free, okay?
Kei: Oh okay! Thank you!
TJ: Cool. I’ll see you around.
Kei: Bye!

TJ went back to his R33, fired it up and headed back home. Kei unlocked the Copen with the remote lock and got in. She slid the key into the ignition and twisted it once, turning the electrics on.

Kei: Oooh… So far so good. Here we go…

She twisted the key fully, engaging the starter motor for a brief second before the Copen’s 660cc engine fired right up.

Kei: What a nice sound, so soft and smooth. Hehe! Okay Copen, let’s go home. Go easy on me.

Later on…

Kei’s idea of driving home turned into an entire afternoon of driving. She took to the A-roads, B-roads, motorways and country lanes, enjoying the Copen’s semi-sporty handling during her first outing with it. Thanks to the Copen’s fuel economy, Kei barely wasted half a tank of fuel during the entire afternoon. She finished her first day with the Copen by parking it in the space opposite the apartment, where Yuka’s Civic used to sit.

Kei: I hope you don’t mind me stealing your parking space for now, Yuka.

If it's a wrestling match, I'll try to book a front row seat. :lol:

Also, I liked the reference to RTN. ;)

I'm glad someone noticed the reference, because I only noticed it after I proof read the chapter. :lol: At the time of writing it I was just thinking of a keyring that I saw at Manchester airport (I didn't buy it, my keychain already weighs too much :indiff:) and I just decided to include it in the chapter for my own personal fun. Then when I proof read it, the RTN reference hit me so I edited the dialogue a bit to include Yuka's dad. :lol:
this is awesome cant wait for the new chapters!

just on a side note, i see everyone is oggling over yuka and kei, but has anyone actually seen them yet? they could be extra ordinarily ugly :embarrassed:
Is Yuka gonna give lessons on how to drive crazily to Kei? :lol:
That sounds like a good idea, but I think Yuka knows how dangerous racing is and doesn't want Kei to be in any danger. :embarrassed:
this is awesome cant wait for the new chapters!

just on a side note, i see everyone is oggling over yuka and kei, but has anyone actually seen them yet? they could be extra ordinarily ugly :embarrassed:
I think most people have, seeing as there's a Character Biographies page. :P
I have an HTC aria. HTC is a great phone, great choice.

I have a Wildfire. It's my first smart phone and I'm very happy with it. :)
Chapter 53 - Route X Revisited

Yuka and Hitomi were up bright and early the following day, immediately setting about the task of loading up the Brera for their last cross-country drive to London. Yuka loaded up her own suitcase, then Hitomi’s, which had been growing heavier and heavier as the pair visited more countries.

Yuka: Damn it Hitomi, are you smuggling puppies back home?
Hitomi: I wish.
Yuka: Then why does your suitcase weigh as much as the car?
Hitomi: Don’t blame me for taking advantage of so many great shopping opportunities.
Yuka: I’ve been shopping too but my bag is still less than twenty kilos…
Hitomi: Meh! If I have to pay extra to send my suitcase home, I’ll pay extra. We’re freaking rich now Yuka, enjoy it!
Yuka: Whatever. Are you ready to go?
Hitomi: Yep! Just have to give the hotel keys back.
Yuka: Okay. You go take care of that and I’ll warm the car up.
Hitomi: Sure.

Meanwhile, in Japan…

TJ and Dave were once again at Route X, this time remembering to bring the slicks.

TJ: Alright, we’ll do a run on sports tyres, swap to slicks, then do another run.
Dave: Okay!
TJ: I’ve messed around with your first and second gear ratios, so hopefully you wont bog anymore.
Dave: That’s cool.

Dave got into the Atenza and lined it up. He waited for the signal.

Dave: Okay TJ, lets test these new gears.

The lights went green. Dave launched the Atenza as hard as he could. The Atenza’s front wheels lit up, wheel-spinning through first gear, before Dave quickly grabbed second.

Dave: Yeah! Now it’s launching right!


Fired up by the Atenza’s newfound performance, Dave focused on his shift times, attempting to demolish his previous results. Half a minute later, he finished his run.


Dave: Yeah boy! That felt a lot faster.

Dave returned to TJ, just as TJ pulled the results from the printer.

Dave: How did I do?
TJ: Lets compare, shall we? Here’s the old…

Results – Mazda Atenza
0-400m : 13.783 seconds
0-1000m : 24.122 seconds
0-100km/h : 5.918 seconds
0-200km/h : 16.931 seconds
G-Force at Launch: 0.68G

TJ: And here’s the new.

Results – Mazda Atenza
0-400m : 13.141 seconds
0-1000m : 23.433 seconds
0-100km/h : 5.112 seconds
0-200km/h : 16.031 seconds
G-Force at Launch: 0.68G

TJ: Hmmm. You improved your 400 meter dash by point six, your 1000 meter dash by point seven, your zero to 100 is point two better and you hit 200 point nine faster. Big improvements from a very simple change.
Dave: Wow. That’s amazing. Thanks TJ!
TJ: Yeah. Now lets get the slicks on and see how much more of an improvement we can get.
Dave: Okay!

Dave pulled into the pits, parking into the box that TJ marked out with a stack of slick tyres, wrapped around the same Enkei wheels that Dave had on his Atenza. The pair got to work, quickly changing the tyres over like a formula one pit crew. A couple of minutes later, Dave was back on the track, lining up for another acceleration test.

Dave: Okay, time to try these slick tyres…

The lights went green, Dave launched the Atenza once more. The immense grip of the racing tyres pushed Dave back into his seat. The Atenza barely spun off the line, but it didn’t bog either. The launch was perfect.


Dave: Holy…! Slick tyres make this much difference?

Dave finished his run and turned around, enjoying the high grip of the racing tyres. He launched the car again after he straightened up and raced back to TJ. He braked hard on approach to the pits, stopping almost on a penny.

Dave: Ahhh! Damn, tyres do make a difference to your braking. I thought it was all down to your rotor size…

Dave rolled up to TJ and lowered his window.

Dave: So, how much of an improvement?
TJ: I’ll let the results speak for themselves. This is your sports tyre run.

Results – Mazda Atenza
0-400m : 13.141 seconds
0-1000m : 23.433 seconds
0-100km/h : 5.112 seconds
0-200km/h : 16.031 seconds
G-Force at Launch: 0.68G

Dave: Uh huh.
TJ: And this is on racing slicks.

Results – Mazda Atenza
0-400m : 12.888 seconds
0-1000m : 23.145 seconds
0-100km/h : 4.844 seconds
0-200km/h : 15.617 seconds
G-Force at Launch: 0.76G

Dave: Daaaaaamn! Look at that!
TJ: Damn indeed. That’s a huge improvement across the board.
Dave: So, this is how we’re going to beat Shin, huh?
TJ: Yep. Organised events wont let you in with these though, so we’re going to have to test them in a few street races.
Dave: Got anything in mind?
TJ: Eeeyup.
They are gonna need something to make up for the power difference when the Mustang gets back. Wonder how this would have worked if we had NOS in GT5 :odd:

Oh nice chapter :D

Think of the effect that NOS had on the cars in GT4.
Chapter 54 - The Return To London

Disclaimer: The written starting grid has been removed from this chapter and all future chapters. I’ve realised for a while now that it shouldn’t even exist when I have an image-based starting grid below it. Alterations will be made to the image-based grid to be more informative.

Yuka and Hitomi were up on the top deck of the ferry, cruising across the English Channel to England.

Yuka: Goodbye mainland Europe, we had fun!
Hitomi: Yeah. It’s been fun hasn’t it?
Yuka: Yeah! Driving all these different cars, winning all these races. It feels good!
Hitomi: Just one more race left.
Yuka: Are you ready?
Hitomi: I was born ready.
Yuka: You were born two days late, how is that ready?
Hitomi: Don’t you get all technical on me! You were late too remember!
Yuka: Hence why I’m lazy.
Hitomi: You? Lazy? You’re more active than me!
Yuka: Exactly.
Hitomi: Huh?
Yuka: You’ll figure it out eventually.
Hitomi: Hey! Tell me!
Yuka: Noooope!

Six hours later…

Yuka and Hitomi finally arrived in London, after a long drive from the Dover ferry port. Yuka drove the entire way while Hitomi slept in the Brera’s comfy seats. They pulled up outside of Kyoko’s apartment. Yuka shook Hitomi awake.

Yuka: We’re here.
Hitomi: Hmmm…? Oh.
Yuka: I’ll go ring the bell

Yuka got out of the Brera and walked up Kyoko’s front door. She barely managed to push the doorbell before Kyoko opened the door and attacked Yuka with an enormous hug.

Kyoko: Yuka! Hitomi! I’m so glad you made it!
Yuka: Hi!
Hitomi: Hey.
Yuka: You’re squeezing me…!
Kyoko: I know! I’m just so happy to see you!
Yuka: I figured…!

Kyoko stopped crushing Yuka for a moment.

Kyoko: I should really invite you both inside, huh?
Hitomi: That would be good, yeah.
Kyoko: Well then, just head up the stairs and I’ll bring your baggage up.
Yuka: You sure? Hitomi is smuggling puppies in her suitcase.
Kyoko: I’m sure! You two look beat anyway, you need the rest.
Hitomi: The less heavy lifting I have to do, the happier I am.
Yuka: Well there are two bags, I’ll help.
Kyoko: Okay!

Hitomi sprinted up the stairs into Kyoko’s apartment, followed by Kyoko and Yuka, both struggling to drag the suitcases up the stairs.

Yuka: Ahhh, first driving for hours, now this…
Kyoko: Were you serious about the puppies?
Yuka: I might as well be.
Kyoko: She likes shopping huh?
Yuka: Oh yeah. She loves it. Every time we go to a new country, she’s straight to the high street.
Kyoko: Nothing new then?
Yuka: Pretty much!

Kyoko led Yuka into the spare bedroom and put the suitcase down by the wardrobe. Yuka did the same and then proceeded to collapse onto the bed.

Yuka: Ahhhh! I can lie down finally!
Kyoko: Haha! Don’t get too comfortable, Hitomi is sleeping there too.
Hitomi: I am?
Kyoko: Yeah, I only have this double as a spare. Sorry girls. Is it a problem?
Hitomi: No of course not, just Yuka is a blanket hog.
Yuka: Pfft!
Kyoko: Well I’ll let you two unpack while I go fetch dinner. There are loads of takeaways nearby, any requests? I’m going to McDonalds so I don’t mind stopping off somewhere on the way for you both.
Yuka: I’ll take a happy meal.
Hitomi: Yeah, just get me some McDonalds too.
Kyoko: Okay! I’ll be right back! Make yourselves at home!
Yuka: Will do!

Meanwhile, in Japan…

TJ and Dave arrived at Tokyo, where a group of street racers had met up for a race. Neither TJ nor Dave was invited.

Dave: What’s all this?
TJ: One of the shadier street racing clubs in Tokyo.
Dave: Shadier?
TJ: They deliver drugs for the various Yakuza factions around Japan.
Dave: I see.
TJ: They’re harmless, but fast, so this should be a good final test for you.
Dave: Would they even race me to begin with?
TJ: Nope.
Dave: Then…?
TJ: We’re just going to gate crash the race. Follow them when they start.
Dave: Are you serious?
TJ: Yup. Used to do it all the time back when I was a nobody.
Dave: Is that how you got so successful?
TJ: Haha, nope! They’re moving out now, let’s go.
Dave: But…

1. TVR Griffith 500 ’94
TVR Driver: A nice long straight and some fast corners. I knew there was a reason I imported this car.


2. Shelby Series One Super Charged ‘03
Shelby Driver: That Griffith is the only thing here that’ll match me. Unlike those slow Japanese cars…


3. Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec II Nur (R34) ‘02
Skyline Driver: Godzilla is going to terrorize Tokyo again!

4. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI GSR T.M. ‘00
EvoVI Driver: The Pretzel behind me isn’t my target today. Time to be put down, Godzilla.

5. Subaru Impreza Sedan WRX STI ‘10
Impreza Driver 1: Man this is going to be a Lancer versus Impreza war!

6. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X GSR P.P. ‘07
EvoX Driver: Time to own these chumps up.

7. Subaru Impreza Sedan WRX STI Spec C Type RA ‘05
Impreza Driver 2: My Impreza is top of the line. I will not lose to common models.

8. Infiniti Coupe Concept ‘06
Infiniti Driver: I hope the boss doesn’t mind me driving this…

9. BMW Concept 1 Series tii ‘07
BMW Driver: After that disaster at Tsukuba, I’ve started street racing. I’m much happier now.

10. Lotus Elise 111R ‘04
Elise Driver: These roads don’t suit the Elise at all…

11. Nissan Silvia Spec-R Aero (S15) ‘02
Silvia Driver: I’m so outclassed… Who’s that behind me?

12. Mazda Atenza Sport 25Z ‘07
Dave: Alright, time to gate crash!
TJ: Go for it!

TJ: Don’t brake!
Dave: What?!
TJ: Wait for my mark.
Silvia Driver: Huh? I don’t know you, were you invited?
Dave: TJ…!


TJ: Now!
Dave: Woah!


Dave: Immense brakes!


Dave: And handling!


TJ: Impressive isn’t it?
Dave: Yeah!
TJ: Alright, let’s clean house. Onwards!
Dave: Okay!


Dave: Wooo!
Elise Driver: What the hell?


BMW Driver: Hey! You weren’t invited!
Dave: Coming through!


TJ: Now you’re getting it.


Impreza Driver 2: What’s an Atenza doing behind me?
Dave: Move boy!


Impreza Driver 2: Impossible!


Impreza Driver 2: Passed like I was standing still…


EvoX Driver: Where did he come from?!
Impreza Driver 1: I got a bad feeling about this…


Dave: Move!
Impreza Driver 1: My word he’s quick. Stop that!


Dave: How am I doing, TJ?
TJ: Great. Now keep going.


Dave: Here’s where the turbo kicks in hard!
EvoVI Driver: What the?! How is a Mazda Atenza overtaking me?!


Skyline Driver: Hmm? An Atenza? Am I not pushing as hard as I think I am?


Skyline Driver: No way! He’s closed the gap already? What a monster…


TJ: The front end of the R34 looks good. I should get one.
Dave: Why not an Atenza?
TJ: Because they’re slow.
Dave: Huh?! But I just…
TJ: Haha!


Dave: A TVR? Very nice.
TJ: A classic British sports car. Trash its wheels off.
TVR Driver: Daaaamn! This guy is rapid! Can I even compete?


Dave: Don’t you dare block me…
TJ: Why not? His car is made of plastic anyway. Atenza parts are cheap. Shin wouldn’t hesitate, remember that.
Dave: Yeah…


TVR Driver: How is a family sedan beating my sports car?!


TJ: Just that Shelby left now. Pass it and take us home.
Dave: We’re not going to pass the finish line or anything?
TJ: Why? We’re gate crashing. Just make your point and leave. Don’t hang around.
Dave: Alright.


Dave: There it is!


Shelby Driver: What the…? Is this karma for what I said earlier? No. I’ll beat you.


Shelby Driver: So it’s a drag race you want eh? Fine by me!
Dave: Damn it he’s got me here.
TJ: Perhaps.
Dave: Am I wrong?


Dave: I’m… Winning?
Shelby Driver: No way!
TJ: Heh, that’s not a supercharged Shelby. Just an imitation.


Dave: Imitation?
TJ: Yeah, says supercharged but it’s really NA.
Dave: Oh.
Shelby Driver: How am I losing?!


Shelby Driver: He’s not braking? Fool! You’re going to die!


Shelby Driver: I give up. This guy… Unreal.
Dave: See ya! Wouldn’t want to be ya!
TJ: See? I told you. Racing slicks make everything so easy.
Dave: Yeah! Alright I’m getting out of here before they get my plate.
TJ: Haha, you’re learning fast.
Dave: Reckon I’m ready for Shin?
TJ: Yeah. I think you’re ready.
Dave: Shall we call him?
TJ: Get us back to the shop and we’ll make the call.
Dave: Alright!

Later on…

TJ and Dave arrived back at TJ’s workshop. TJ hopped out of the Atenza and grabbed the nearest phone and dialled Shin’s number.

Shin: Hello?
TJ: Yo, Shin?
Shin: Is it that time already?
TJ: Yup.
Shin: I’ll load my Mustang onto the next boat and I’ll see you in a week.
TJ: We look forward to it.
Shin: Likewise.

TJ put the phone down and put his overalls on.

Dave: That was a short phone call.
TJ: Me and Shin seem to have a certain level of understanding for one another.
Dave: I see.
TJ: Get Frank over here, we’re giving the Atenza a full rebuild before Shin gets here. I want this sucker at its best.
Dave: Aye captain!

Meanwhile, in London…

Kyoko returned from McDonalds with the girls’ orders. Half an hour later, the girls finished their food and began to lie back in their seats, holding their satisfied stomachs.

Yuka: Ahhh! So good!
Hitomi: I can feel my stomach growing…
Kyoko: Mine too! But I can’t resist fast food…
Hitomi: Me neither!
Kyoko: Notice how Yuka never feels fat?
Yuka: Because unlike you two, I don’t obsess over my weight. I’m happy with my figure and you two should be happy with yours, since you both look beautiful.
Kyoko: Easy for you to say! You never put on weight! You’ve got the perfect metabolism or something!
Yuka: Eh, probably. I guess I don’t look like someone who loves junk food huh?
Kyoko: Seriously Yuka, tell us how you do it. How do you eat so much and not get fat?
Yuka: I… Erm…
Hitomi: It’s Kei isn’t it?
Yuka: What are you suggesting?!
Kyoko: Oh I get it, she helps you exercise.
Yuka: …
Hitomi: Exercise, in quotes.
Kyoko: Can’t forget the quotes.
Yuka: You two are going to die a horrible death.
Every chapter forces me to think unsexy thoughts. Thanks a lot, Yuka.
You’re more active than me!
Yuka: Exactly.
Hitomi: Huh?
Yuka: You’ll figure it out eventually.
Hitomi: Hey! Tell me!
Yuka: Noooope!
Either I get it, or I need to stop thinking like every other Highschooler. :lol:

Either I get it, or I need to stop thinking like every other Highschooler. :lol:


I see what you did thar!!!!!!
xD easy enough for me, I'm in the middle of a junior high where everyone talks like gangsta's foo!
I see what you did thar!!!!!!
xD easy enough for me, I'm in the middle of a junior high where everyone talks like gangsta's foo!
Most people knock that off by highschool though. As my 6th & 7th grade Science teacher said "Middle school is probably going to end up being the worst three years of your life." So far, he's been right. I was 'jumped' middle school but so far not in high school.

Either I get it, or I need to stop thinking like every other Highschooler. :lol:


I'm 22.

You get it. :P

On a less in-your-endo note, RSG is going on a break after Ch.55 is posted. Sorry guys but technical difficulties are preventing any proper progress on my end. :( I will see if I can start something new in the mean time, but no promises. 👍
I'm 22.

You get it. :P
Yeah, I know you're 22, I've seen your profile. :sly: I just wasn't sure if you really went there or if I need to get my head out of the gutter.
On a less in-your-endo note, RSG is going on a break after Ch.55 is posted. Sorry guys but technical difficulties are preventing any proper progress on my end. :( I will see if I can start something new in the mean time, but no promises. 👍
Damn, that sucks. The most well kept and best-written fan-fic is going away for a while? Maybe I need to start one too.....

Naw, keeping a gallery updated frequently is tough enough already. I was actually going to start a tuning garage with Linkuiegman but he seemed to have sort of disappeared off the face of the earth. He was actually on earlier today but he signed off before I could contact him. :nervous:


I blame the economy!!! xP
Oh well, things happen for a reason I guess. :/
At this point, you can blame anything on the economy no matter where in the world you are and you'll probably be right, or at least somewhat right. My friend got an 8 out of 10 on his Spanish verbal earlier today, he said " I blame the economy" and he got a point of extra credit.



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