On my Trek Mountain bike I can get 13.8-ish in about 48 minutes. Just out of curiosity, is that decent? I figure I could cut a whole lot of time if I had a) a bike that fits and b) even better: a road bike that fits.Raptor65Man, i would kill to run a mille (I assume you mean a mile) in 6:30. Heck, i wouldn't mind 7-8 minutes. But i'm not a good runner anyway, but I can ride 22 miles (In very hilly terrain I might add) in about 1 hour 22 minutes with an avg. speed of 16.5 mph.
BTW- That's road biking.
Are you sure about that bodyfat % number ?.... Saw a program on teenage bodybuilders, and one of them had a bodyfat % of 4... And he had NO fat on his body, whatsoever.. Just the thinnest layer of skin and nothing more...the_cobbinatorBut yeah, I consider myself in shape. I run a 5:30 mile, weigh in at 140 with a height of 5' 7.5". I've got something like 3% body fat and a resting heartbeat of 56.
sUnTo me being in shape means being able to run around your street 4 times without breaking a sweat.
BTW- That's road biking.
I've got something like 3% body fat