Hmmm... this is a toughey. I'm getting a little crazy with this, but here's another idea (nothing BAD has been mentioned yet, I'm just ranting more to keep creative juices flowing and whatnot)...
What if we start a new thread, or edit this one, and have people nominate themselves as judges, then have the forum vote on those, say, 5-10 people, then pick the top 5 people to be judges. The judges can then sort through every picture each week (it's not TOO bad of a chore
I did it when I voted 👍 ) and pick their top 25. They can then assign a points system. So say I think image "x" is the best image this week, so it's number 1 out of 25 for me (this is assuming there are more than 25 entries each week, but I don't think that will be an issue
). So we do points = inverse rank. Meaning rank 1 gets 25 points, rank 25 gets 1 point. You then take all of their ranks, assign all the points to the pictures (like, go down the list of pictures and check to see if the picture is ranked for each person, and what rank it's at) and then add up the points value for each picture.
I think that explains it pretty well.
I'm a pretty mathematical person though, so some of you might be confused, if so lemme know and I'll explain further. I'd be willing to take each week's ranks from each judge and assign the points values and total them up. I could do it in 20-30 minutes
Like I said before, just some more food for thought! It's still your project