What was this setup like on your rear tyres? It looks like a good qualifying setup or sprint, and I admit I have not driven with them yet ( stuck at work, on lunch hour looking for inspiration ) but it looks like a lot of the energy is going to go through the rears.
Come to mention it, what tyres did you use!?!
let's see you were asking about my tune? The one I started this thread with and that is still my fastest car 2 weeks later? Well I used racing hards, just as it says in the write-up...
but perhaps you might prefer a milder tune, one which does not utilize all the available improvements, which is, in fact, *cough* slower; fine. let's see what you got:
Spring 15.0/18.3
Hmmm, kind of rear stiff, well thats one way to compensate for the rear unweighting the drive tire when it bottoms, but how do you keep from skidding through the esses?
Height 58/60
Nice, maybe this way, the front and rear will bottom evenly
Bound 2/3
always liked low compression settings "let that wheel clear the bump"
Rebound 7/9
Oh oh, these very stable rebound settings are so different from the bound settings that the car is likely to lose control at the slightest upset
Camber 2.0/1.0
Far, far too conservative...
Toe -1/0
Um, this might help even the tire wear...
Stab 2/7
Same thing as the rebound/bound setting, when the car hits a disturbance, the front will try to be responsive, the rear will try to be stable and the driver will feel like the car is trying to tear itself in half
Brakes 12/20
This would probably be fine if you were using a pedal. And if the poster of these settings is using a button controller, it is clear he did not try the brake settings posted above (in the post that started this thread) which are even a bit high for my button mashing tastes...
Transmission auto setting 13
Presumably to invoke the luck of the numbers
I work very hard at my tunes and am very proud of their abilities. I would like to know how they can be improved, I do not enjoy people just shuffling their "favorite" tunes into this thread. If it is better, say so and WHY (you have a steering wheel tune, you have a endurance tune, you have a stabler tune, etc), if indeed it is, I will switch MY car to it. Otherwise, people come to a thread and find 27 different tunes, no comparisons, how do they know which to use?