I was on the web reading some blogs, and on some video game site, there was a individual saying that he thought that GT4 graphics were better than NFSC on PS3. I will admit myself that when I first played the game the graphics didn't blow me away! But once I got deep into the game, and released all the sweet rims, candy paints, body vinyls, window tints etc. etc. I can't stop playing the darn game!! It even has a interesting plot!! So I came to the conclusion that either this person is not playing in High def, or he was just playing the game at the local Gamestop and couldn't go home and get into it. Because after really getting into the game I love everything about it. I really dont get into the body moldings and things like that( I think that they look cheasy and hurt the graphics). But I do upgrade the performance, and hook up the window tint and sweet paint jobs(sometimes even painting the rims). Basically I feel that this game is 10x better than GT4(being a hardcore GT fan myself) But I would like to know what you guys think.
NOTE: In no way am I saying that NFSC is going to be better that GT5!!
NOTE: In no way am I saying that NFSC is going to be better that GT5!!