Yamauchi's interview in Finnish Pelit magazine

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Here's the most important questions and answers from the interview by Heikki Hurme from Pelit magazine.

So there will be less cars in GT5 than in GT4?
- I believe so. It’s impossible for us to create 500-600 cars like in our previous games.

In Prologue's main menu there are different weather conditions from all over the world. What kind of plans do you have concerning the weather and time in GT5?
- I can’t answer that yet. We have the prologue done, but we haven’t thought all the possible features that GT5 will have. There are still many things open in GT5.

How accurate do you model the car damage and how does it affect the driving of the car?
- It’s almost impossible to make the damage completely realistic, because even a minor damage can make the car impossible to drive. That’s why the damage must be balanced in a right way. Car damage will most likely be more of a visual effect than changing the way the car behaves.

Do you think you will improve the opponent AI?
- We are constantly working on that.

What kind of rallying we can see in GT5?
- We will have rallying in GT5. There might be also special stages like in real rally races.

Other points (old news) from the interview: Car damage should be out this fall. They haven’t decided will there be more downloadable cars and tracks for Prologue. They will add lots of community features like communication and private lobbies.
Thanks for the post, some good questions were asked. I'm still curious why no one has asked them about Porsche and Lamborghini yet, or that this interviewer didn't go a step further and ask if there will be tracks from the places in the 'weather list'.
It’s almost impossible to make the damage completely realistic, because even a minor damage can make the car impossible to drive. That’s why the damage must be balanced in a right way. Car damage will most likely be more of a visual effect than changing the way the car behaves.

So there will be less cars in GT5 than in GT4?
- I believe so. It’s impossible for us to create 500-600 cars like in our previous games.

In Prologue's main menu there are different weather conditions from all over the world. What kind of plans do you have concerning the weather and time in GT5?
- I can’t answer that yet. We have the prologue done, but we haven’t thought all the possible features that GT5 will have. There are still many things open in GT5.
That can mean only one thing. Delays, delays and yet more delays. => More realistic release date = 2010!

How accurate do you model the car damage and how does it affect the driving of the car?
- It’s almost impossible to make the damage completely realistic, because even a minor damage can make the car impossible to drive. That’s why the damage must be balanced in a right way. Car damage will most likely be more of a visual effect than changing the way the car behaves.
This sounds more like an arcade thing. Damage = visual and mechanical. It's afterall "the real driving simulator".

Do you think you will improve the opponent AI?
- We are constantly working on that.

What kind of rallying we can see in GT5?
- We will have rallying in GT5. There might be also special stages like in real rally races.
Sounds good, although I'm not a rally fan at all!

All these answers are personal opinions, nothing more!

Damn...less cars than GT4??!! But then again most of the cars were duplicates, triplicates or (if this makes sense) quadruplicates of what was basically the same car. Again returns my argument - don't waste your time on 'tuned cars' (by this, I mean cars that don't actually exist in real life like the tuned elise, gt, vette). There are other real-life cars that can fulfill what the tuned cars can as well, possibly to a greater extent - for a rival to the tuned Elise, may I point towards Caterhams, Radicals, Atoms, Grinalls...oh, hang on, wait for it, was there something called the Lotus Exige S? Tuned GT/Viper/Vette? Well there is the Ford GTX1 which to my knowledge is more powerful than the stock GT. The brand new ACR Viper would I think have been better. And as for the 'Vette...only 3 letters are necessary...Z R 1. (if 1 counts as a letter)

I want GT5 to have at least double the amount of cars offered in Forza 2, and I don't really care about damage.
How accurate do you model the car damage and how does it affect the driving of the car?
- It’s almost impossible to make the damage completely realistic, because even a minor damage can make the car impossible to drive. That’s why the damage must be balanced in a right way. Car damage will most likely be more of a visual effect than changing the way the car behaves.

I'm a bit disappointed with the answer, as I'm expecting to have some kind of mechanical failure caused by the crash. :ouch:
Damn...less cars than GT4??!!

You do realize that making a car in GT5 is orders of magnitude more work for PD than in the PS2 right?

GT4 cars had around 5,000 polygons, cars in GT5 have nearly 200,000 polygons. takes them 6 months of men hours to do one car in GT5.

The ammount of detail that can be achived with a PS3 = a LOT more work for PD.
Isn't the point of damage to make the car almost impossible to drive? It's supposed to be realistic! Yes, the physics will be amazing, but we desperately need damage that deters you from driving into walls or other cars. What a disappointment. I hope they change their mind.

Glad about rally, though, and I understand the reduction in number of cars.
Isn't the point of damage to make the car almost impossible to drive? It's supposed to be realistic! Yes, the physics will be amazing, but we desperately need damage that deters you from driving into walls or other cars. What a disappointment. I hope they change their mind.

Glad about rally, though, and I understand the reduction in number of cars.

I totally agree, i see no point in adding damage at all if it's just for cosmetic purposes, it's why i think the damage in Forza is crap in the first place.

They could leave the cosmetic damage for the arcade mode, and just have varying degrees of damage for pro mode that people are willing to compromise to.
I've always hated how you can take that ramp in the nordward track at full speed and not completley destroy the suspension.
in a real situation like that you would have to slow down before taking that ramp considerably to avoid busting your car down.
Lets not even get started with people using you as a brake before a turn.

I think it's really simple. just have arcade mode be fully cosmetic damage, and for pro mode have a scale from 1 to 5 or something like that.
Regarding the damage, in real life a 30mph crash into another car could end your race easilly, a 20mph crash into a wall could end your race. No game simulates that. What he's saying is that visually it will be greater than it is mechanically. He's not saying there won't be mechanical damage, but hes saying it won't be done to the level that the game isn't playable.
Alright. Let's do this...

* Less Cars. He noted this as impossible to make 500 to 600 cars. Anything north of 200 is usually fine with me. I prefer just enough cars to not feel like I'm racing the same kinds of cars over and over again. I'm pretty fine with this. If they can get to 500 or 600, fine with me. Just make sure to have enough of cars so that it doesn't seem like you're racing and racing against the same kinds of cars all at once.

* Weather Conditions. I'm actually cheering on PD to come up with that. If not weather, then at least time changes. Racing tracks at different times of day and night are always interesting. Just don't make me race at 3AM in the morning on a street course for the Sunday Cup or Clubman Cup. As far as weather goes, look at Enthusia. You could race against another contender running Marco Strada at night in the rain, but you could also run at Tsukuba in wet conditions in either day or night. I'd like for PD to continually work on this for dynamic weather effects.

* Car Damage. I saw "Beyond the Apex" from someone on YouTube. Kazunori Yamauchi noted that it breaks his heart to see a ride crushed. He didn't want damage initially just to show off the beauty of the cars. Most of you Ferrari fans who love damage in games probably go to http://www.wreckedexotics.com a lot. I'm not excited about crashes. Never have been. Never will. The only reason I can think of visual damage only is mostly since PD will have to continually rework the driving model to include parts of the car not working. I'll be okay with visual damage. Damage is what most of you want, right? I think PD may include visual + physical damage if they really put some time and thought into it in the future.

* Artificial Intelligence. They've whacked me. They've rubbed me up. But they rarely ever knock me off the road making me throw my DualShock at the television screen. "Better AI" really needs to be defined. Are we talking more competitive? Smarter on the road? This really needs to be clarified.

* Rallying. There will be more tracks in GT5 by virtue of including more stages. ToCA Race Drivers 2 and 3 feature point-to-point rally events. ToCA RD 2 has four stages at a venue in Spain while ToCA RD 3 has three stages around a British venue. Let's not forget the rallycross action. GT4 added some more traditional style of rally courses with tighter roads. I don't consider roll-overs as damage all that much. I think the possibility of rollovers would make the rally experience better, as well as more unforgiving. Maybe even add in a few more historic and vintage rally cars

It's otherwise to get this kind of progress report on GT5. A real progress report would be the next game show that GT5 is showcased.
Amount of Cars
To be honest I couldn't do without at least 300 cars. I love having a good variety of cars, but when i say 300 cars, I don't meen 200 cars and most Japanese cars having 3 or 4 different version that are exactly the same, just with different colours and names.
I'm still curious why no one has asked them about Porsche and Lamborghini yet.
Yeh me too! Minus the Porsches. I don't like Porsches at all sorry. But Lamborgini are cars I would like to see in the game. Also companies like Noble, Ariel and Ascari and other little companies would be nice to see in the game.

Weather would be great to see! Like on PGR4, as that was very realistic and I'm sure PD could do even better at that; they did in GT4 with Tskuba.

His answer has really disapointed me! I was really hoping for good damage with mechanical AND cosmetic. But as Dave A said, it may just be scaled down to make the game still playable, I hope this is the case. Maybe a good idea would be to have an option to turn full Driving Simulater damage on and then have a non Driving Simulater damage option. That way you could have it ultra-realistic if you like and make it less realistic, to keep the playability for less hardcore players high. You could also make it work for online too by changing settings (pick between ultra-realistic and not so realistic) and the ultra-realistic mode would keep the idiots who ram you away. That's the theory anyway :lol: Also Roll-Overs would be good to have.

AI Improvements
This is something that really does need improving from GT4. They are just not a challenge at all, as once you are infront, the only way they will re-pass you is if you go off the racing line. If you go slowly, but on the racing line they will just hit the back of you, which is annoying.

This really doesn't bother me at all. If it is going to be on it, make the dust fading more realistic. That's all I have to say about rallying.
Before I comment I must request a link or some kind of confirmation of this.
I don't think it matters how many cars are in the game initially. With the advent of downloadable upgrades they can easily do more cars and put them in downloads when they are finished.

I don't care when it comes out as long as they get the premier release right it can only get better from there. I'd rather they did a good job to begin with.
Everything seems to be in order, except the damage. WTF?? What on earth would be the point of mere cosmetic damage? If I had to choose between no damage and cosmetic damage, I'd choose no damage. Seriously, the only reason we want (and really, need) damage is for added challenge, more balanced gameplay, and to further validate GT's tagline, "The Real Driving Simulator".
You all are dismissed from this post if you aren't against the Car Damage comments. But... do any of you at least believe that visual AND physical damage is somehow going to wind its way into GT5 in the future? Or do you think we'll have to wait until GT6?
It's going to be a part of GT5 and maybe even a part of GT5p after the update at the end of this year.

PD if you read this thread, please change your idea about damage.

Damage = visual, mechanical and it has to affect the driveability (or is it rideability) of the car. And give us realistic crash physics.

If it's only visual than it's better there is no damage at all!

Even Invictus, who created 1sane in 2001 had damage (visual and mechanical) and it affected the cars! Codemasters DiRT has a nice damage and crash physics and it affects the car!

No doubt, perfecting the damage modelling requires very much work. I can understand PD, because there is so many variables in different crash scenarios. They can't just put like one kind of a damage, when you for example crash your front right. So could the damage modelling be evolved from patch to patch..??
No doubt, perfecting the damage modelling requires very much work. I can understand PD, because there is so many variables in different crash scenarios. They can't just put like one kind of a damage, when you for example crash your front right. So could the damage modelling be evolved from patch to patch..??
Yes! Great idea!
I too expect damage modelling to be mechanical but I don't want it to be totally realistic. If my race is over after several hours racing because someone gives me the slightest of taps that puts me in the wall and destroys the car, I think I will get too frustrated with the game. I expect in the above scenario to incur the likes of punctures, broken spoilers, rubbing guards, bent steering and broken suspension (plus cosmetic damage) BUT I expect to be able to continue to drive with affected performance at least back to the pits to get repaired. I also expect the repairs to not take as long as they would in reality or be terminal.

For my car to be undriveable I think I would need to have a head on with the wall that in real life would kill the driver.
I still don't know how valid this post is, but on the topic of damage I can only say one thing:

I could DNF on racing games on my Commodore 64. If I have damage that is purely cosmetic I will just likely turn it off. I fully expect to deal with terminal damage.
This reminds me of something else I seen from "Beyond the Apex." The narrator said that making the game realistic is walking a fine line. If realistic, then it remains playable and fun. Make it TOO realistic (like GTR), then it isn't really playable. I guess you could say that the ToCA Race Driver series has a favorable damage model that doesn't seem completely unfair. I'm mostly talking about not having the pro damage on. After all, I'm a veteran in racing games, but not THAT much of a veteran. My level of play is nowhere near professional. I just love the thrill of driving and racing.

To accomplish this, PD and the automakers they are in contact with will have to really agree to showing off car damage. They have to negotiate destroying cars while in action. They COULD have a one-size-fits-all model that takes care of damage ranging from a Subaru 360 all the way to the Nissan R92CP. They have to program a favorable model that will appeal to all fans (or as many as possible). For now, though, Gran Turismo is still seen as the global face of automobiles past and present. You wouldn't want a public face to show cars damaged. That is, unless you're Volkswagen last year or so with intense crash commercials. So it boils down to two things:

1.) Are the car manufacturers and race constructors willing to allow totalling or badly-damaging cars in a game in a series that was never about intense automotive savagery?

2.) Does PD have the resources and will to make damage intense to appeal to hardcore racers as well as most regular gamers? Then, can they program everything successfully to satisfy even the most discriminating GT fans?

Intense damage isn't going to happen (for now) unless there's a real drive and motor to make damage as realistic as possible.
Looking at GRID's videos, realistic looking damage is possible. How this affects the cars, we don't know yet.

EDIT: in this interview, Takau Imasaki says that there will be around 700 cars like in GT4!

Allow me to say - if PD make damage, they may as well do it properly. Precedence? Well, I would say that they have pretty much modelled the cars to perfection. I would recommend that they

a) removed by mod damage
b) make loads of cars and stuff
c) Then, in GT6, create damage as well.

I'm a long-term GT fan, I'd say. I mean, if there is only going to be cosmetic damage this game will be no different from PGR, what with its scratches. Try to please everyone and you will please no one.
EDIT: in this interview, Takau Imasaki says that there will be around 700 cars like in GT4!

There were also several sources claiming they were told to expect around 900 cars. Those were obviously very early predictions for Polyphony, and they're only now realising they don't have the time to make that many.
Why is everyone acting like Kaz has said there is only going to be consmetic damage, he didn't say that. He said it will be more cosmetic than mechanical, not that there wouldn't be any mechanical. No game so far has accurately simulated damage to the point that at the right angle simply clipping another car can knock your wheel off.
Why is everyone acting like Kaz has said there is only going to be consmetic damage, he didn't say that. He said it will be more cosmetic than mechanical, not that there wouldn't be any mechanical. No game so far has accurately simulated damage to the point that at the right angle simply clipping another car can knock your wheel off.

True. The way I interpreted Kaz's statement made it sound like the mechanical damage would be absurdly minimal though. Of course, it could just be poor translation (hopefully).
I want damage equivalent to the TOCA Race Driver series, mechanically speaking.