Mars’ cockpit

(I am sorry for my bad English, if anything is not understood tell me and I’ll try to fix it)

Here is my cockpit! Actually my second. Not so attractive but surely solid like a rock and quite compact with small dimensions (frame nearly 1m x 0.5m)! The width depends on the seat size. My seat is a used one from a Toyota (I bought it 40euro). The cockpit is not designed for use with a shifter, just with my DFGT (maybe latter…when I’ll get a G27).
If you love the “do it yourself” thing, you could use my project for inspiration to do, maybe, even a better one! I know, there are, at this site, many other good projects but I think one more proposition wouldn’t cause any harm…

So, I used a metal frame as a base, made from 4x4cm angle-iron bars. The rest is build from MDF wood material. The cost for doing such a construction is extremely low (I used junk materials from my dad’s garage). The only barrier to construct this could be the electric welding skills that you certainly don’t have, if you never have been involved with such a thing… In that case you may ask for help!

Here is my first attempt which looked nice and quite light, but surely wasn’t stable enough to support my “brutal” style of driving (I am 1,85m tall and weigh 100kg) :


So I proceeded to my present project which I designed it to fit my size (and much more) and temper. Actually the size can be so flexible, to fit even my 5 year daughters.




I attached View attachment cockpit2 an Illustrator file so you if you are interested you can have the dimensions. They are scaled 1:10 in cm (10cm = 1m). And a jpg copy with the basic dimensions:


Feel free to ask me whatever you want, I’ll be happy to help you:)!


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Nice project man!

Very Do-it-your-own-ish, I like it. I wanted to ask what was the material you used to make the yellow stripe on your steering wheel, I've been thinking on doing something alike on my G27 but I don't want to ruin it.
Hello Gt people, I was thinking to construct a new cockpit, while waiting for GT5 (I know I have plenty of time!), upgrading to a new one that will support a shifter too. That means also an upgrade from the DFGT to a wheel with an H pattern shifter.

The money I can afford, at the present time, tally with the G27 (unless Fanatec will do the surprise with the new –low budget- 911 Carrera wheel).
So, having in mind the G27 I used the Google SketchUp (free) software to design the new cockpit.

The new one is actually based on the present one. The big difference is that I decided not to use a metal frame for easy construction.
This means: the minimum possible dimensions (to fit everywhere), sturdy and solid structure, practicality, the lowest possible cost while keeping the aesthetic pleasure - high. I also added the possibility to use the G27 pedals inverted.

I am not going to construct it in the near future, at least until I decide with the wheel purchase, but I can give the SketchUp drawings (files) to any interested G27/25 owner.

Here are some pics

COCKPIT 3bW1_1.jpg

COCKPIT 3bW1_2.jpg

COCKPIT 3bW1_3.jpg

COCKPIT 3bW1_4.jpg

COCKPIT 3bW1_5.jpg

COCKPIT 3bW1_5XR.jpg

COCKPIT 3bW1_6.jpg

COCKPIT 3bW1_8.jpg

COCKPIT 3bW1_7.jpg

Here is a comparison, in size, to the Wayside’s cockpit (based on Chillicoke’s), which I consider very well designed (but too bulky for my needs).


wayside_scrc_2010 2.jpg
I would encourage you to keep the distance between wheel & pedals adjustable (in lognitudal direction) as it is in your previous cockpit too 👍 (what allowed your daugter to drive it also) If I understand right, at least when using those inverted pedals, it's not now possible?

Always nice to see these designs :cheers:
I am so selfish that I decided to exclude my 5year daughters from this joy!

I am kidding of course:dopey:, but they don’t show, anyway, much interest to my beloved hobby…
Well done...

Great example of a cockpit for little extra expense.
The seat looks comfy too.

Give it all a nice painted finish though that whould improve it even further mate...
Here is the SketchUp file to download. :) View attachment MARS' COCPIT

Feel free to use it and even to modify it. I’ll be glad to know that somebody found this useful to build his own cockpit!

Make sure that you have (at least) the 7.1 version of Google SketchUp, otherwise it may be unreadable.

(The material I chose can be found at DIYs stores – like Practiker, for the frame I used 4.5 x 7.5 wood beams and the rest is 18mm MDF)
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Really nice! I love the wheels... such a good idea.

If i hadn't just finished my modest rig (pics and post coming soon!) I'd totally rip off yours.
real quick question. Are the measurements on the pedals pretty close to the actual ones? Im building one from scratch on sketchup, and I would like to use those model for the pedals for measurement. Need to make sure they match with my car ^_^
My new Porsche 911 GT3 RS V2 Wheel is coming tomorrow, so after this significant wheel upgrade it’s time for a cockpit upgrade too!!!
Here is where I’m going to attach my Porsche wheel, and we all know that a picture worth’s like a thousand words, so enjoy many photos instead of boring words… (* the construction will soon begin) :

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Nice looking, I like the pedal arrangement 👍 Is the handbreak a little low?

I' m glad you like it:), because i highly respect your opinion.
About the handbrake: i just left free space for the upcoming Fanatec's one ( if it will be released), so later maybe I'll need to do an adaptation...
I have made some changes to the design, the wheel's height is adjustable now and ordered the parts...


...The parts came yesterday (40Kgr)...


...So I'll be very busy in the Weekend:sly:!!!
Really nice looking parts 👍 👍 What, from where and how much? :)

I think it is called Melamine Coated MDF, I find it in DiY stores, and costs a lot! My rig parts costs 195€...

By the way, i saw the last pictures of your super cockpit! If I was not so capable with the DiY thing I would definitely be your buyer...👍
👍 That's nice work buddy! Well done (matches the wheel nicely too).

I'm also still working on the bass shakers / tactile feedback... :)
Really clean 👍 Loving the deep brown wood color there! GF approval factor is quite high I think! 👍

👍 That's nice work buddy! Well done (matches the wheel nicely too).

I'm also still working on the bass shakers / tactile feedback... :)

Really nicely done and congrats for finding a color that matches your wheel that well.

That is just brilliant.

Could you explain how exactly you drilled the clubsport gas pedal like that.

Really clean 👍 Loving the deep brown wood color there! GF approval factor is quite high I think! 👍


Thank you guys, it was a tricky construction but everything was solved. I'm very happy with the result!:cheers: