Remote Race Payouts

  • Thread starter doctorrg
Gold Coast
Hi guys,

I've finally figured how this whole payout scheme works, and I figured some of you may be interested to know what's relevant, and what isn't.

There really only are three things relevant, and these are:

1. Which race you run.

Yes, the different races have different payouts. Some pay quite a bit better than others.

GraphiteGB just posted a complete list of max payouts:

Also note that you get more for coming 16th out of 16 in La Sarthe ($7,050) than for coming 11th out of 16 at the Nuerburgring ($6,850, you get a measly $4,570 for coming 16th).

2. Where you place. Yes, that's it. Despite any rumors to the contrary, your starting position has absolutely no effect on the payouts. Nor has the driver level any effect. It's all about where you place. Which leads me to:

3. How many drivers participate in a race.

Let me explain it on the example of La Sarthe.

Here's the full index:

  1. 23490
  2. 17620
  3. 15270
  4. 14090
  5. 13390
  6. 12920
  7. 12450
  8. 11750
  9. 11040
  10. 10570
  11. 10100
  12. 9400
  13. 8690
  14. 8220
  15. 7750
  16. 7050

If you have a field of 16 drivers, these are the payouts you'll get for the according place. Now, what if you have less?

What's happening here is that it starts at index position 9, and then it works its way out. In other words, if you have 2 drivers you get payouts 9 and 10. If you have 3, you get 8, 9 and 10, for 4 it's 8, 9, 10, 11, and so on.

This also means that coming last in a field with less drivers earns you more than coming last in a bigger field. Low level drivers who find themselves at the end of the field actually benefit from smaller fields, just like drivers who find themselves at the top of the field benefit from larger fields.

That's it.

Feel free to add or correct.

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should four drivers not be 7,8,9,10 ?
So if there are 14 drivers I'm guessing the only payouts you don't receive would be 1st and 16th. ?
Are my 6 bobs better in a 7 man race than a 16 man race. ?
should four drivers not be 7,8,9,10 ?
So if there are 14 drivers I'm guessing the only payouts you don't receive would be 1st and 16th. ?

I didn't try to understand the logic, I've only posted what I found. It does start at index position 9, then picks up 10, then 8, then 11. If you have 14 drivers in the race, you'll collect the payouts from index 3 to 16. Then you pick up 2, and 1 you'll only get in a full 16-driver race.

Are my 6 bobs better in a 7 man race than a 16 man race. ?

It all depends on where they place. If you tend to find your Bobs towards the bottom of the field, then yes, your Bobs would be better off in a 7-man race. If they tend to be somewhere around 9 on average, it would be pretty much the same, and if they tend to end up closer to the top of the field, you're better off with as large a field as possible.
Many thanks ! La Sarthe it will be for my Bobs :-)

Mind you, La Sarthe is only the highest paying race of the one's I've looked at. Makes sense for it to be the highest paying, but I haven't confirmed this. Would be great if people could post the payouts they get for other races, if they happen to come 1st in a field of 16.
Is it possible for info on xp which is more important I think. ? I have all the times for the 9 races number 3 ssr5 takes only 17m 50s which is up to 4 minutes quicker than some other races. I will post full list if it helps.
if I race all 9 races with 2 level 0 bobs this will give me some idea if there is better xp to be had on different races. ? Correct me if I'm wrong. ?
Not sure about XP, but GraphiteGB reported a max xp of 35000 on all races. So if you're doing it for XP, and not for credits, I'd go the shortest race timewise. B-Spec XP doesn't mean anything to me anymore (level 40 and all), so I'm merely doing this for the credits.
Not sure about XP, but GraphiteGB reported a max xp of 35000 on all races. So if you're doing it for XP, and not for credits, I'd go the shortest race timewise. B-Spec XP doesn't mean anything to me anymore (level 40 and all), so I'm merely doing this for the credits.

FYI GraphiteGB's XP numbers are for the 20 min. races - so the shorter races will have lower XP payouts.
Not sure about XP, but GraphiteGB reported a max xp of 35000 on all races. So if you're doing it for XP, and not for credits, I'd go the shortest race timewise. B-Spec XP doesn't mean anything to me anymore (level 40 and all), so I'm merely doing this for the credits.
I've sent psn friend request
I've sent psn friend request

Sorry, but I've got more than enough friends to join my races. Only really temporarily add people on here for trade. Hope that doesn't come across as rude or something, but I do rather race my actual friends, and stick to the deals I've made with them.
Sorry, but I've got more than enough friends to join my races. Only really temporarily add people on here for trade. Hope that doesn't come across as rude or something, but I do rather race my actual friends, and stick to the deals I've made with them.
No not at all I'm mowed under at remote racing now any way.

I'm figuring out all the places for the xp as we speak. I cashed out 1 driver yesterday and got 950k cash and 1.2m xp something doesn't add up I don't think. ?
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