gtd | A Cross The Universe: The Final

  • Thread starter gtuned
Well hello again, quite a while since an update huh ? Anyways thanks again guys, Mitch, I think you're past my level honestly, and i didn't enter the 2.0, mainly because i suck at the 2.0 comps, I haven't won a one, and only came close in the Ford vs. Chevy poll, and really, I'm not surprised I didn't make it past round 2, i naturally suck. And RcWr, I think you must have me confused with someone else quite honestly :lol: But, new set time, and one that I think is quite evil. The Buick GNX. Black on Black on straight RWD boxy goodness. For this short, but devlish set, i think Hellraiser by Motorhead fits well. A nice chunky thick bass and a killer riff.

That X2010 picture you posted a while back is abstractly perfect. It took me a second to figure out what I was looking at.
Oh man you're a machine! How do you keep producing so many high quality pictures? :crazy:

Great stuff!!!!!! That 2.0 win should be just around the corner!
Simply amazing creativity in those Viper shots man. I seriously run out of cool ideas when I'm shooting, and usually stick to the general angles and positions I think look good.

Maybe sometime this week I'll pull the 30 or so pictures off my PS3 and give them an edit and update my thread finally haha.

Oh and is there a particular reason you don't use Flickr to host? Maybe making a separate flickr for just your GT5 images would be a good idea. I made a separate account but just haven't uploaded anything GT5 related in awhile..
Thanks again guys, Now for a set that's been in my folder for 4 months, so i took them 4 months ago, so they probably aren't the best, and That I'm just getting around to. It's the best copy of the Nurburgring edition LFA I could make, and used it as a tribute to Hiromu Naruse, the Legendary Toyota test driver who died last year just outside the 'Ring. So this is his final lap at the 'Ring set to Broken Mirror by Buckethead I'm also trying out a new Distorted Banner style with this set.

Surprised No one has ever done this update before.Another Spectacular set I am not addicted to a daily Gtuned photo dosage
Thanks everyone, was hoping to get some more feedback, but still love the compliments from everyone. On this set, I figured out some more toning an coloring techniques that give my pictures a much needed sharper and cleaner feel. I went out and bought some random stock cars, and this Challenger happened to be one. So i took TCS off, and hooned it around Daytona. Song for this would be one of my favorite classic songs, Fever for the Flava (HP2 Edit) by Hot Action Cop. Also, my smudge plug in is being difficult, a.k.a, Not working at all. So jaggies will be rampant in any more updates.

Awesome Set love the colors and Daytona really provides some great lighting 👍 one of my all time favorite songs too
I have to say, your skills are going through the roof. I've saw some of the past updates I've missed, and I must say, you don't stop to get better and better in each update.

This new one is a pretty good update as well, I really like the two vertical shots, but I can't stop thinking you could have done better in some aspects, specially in the smoke artifacts.
(Oh and third shot links to the preview). :)
Cool Challenger shots. Can't really critique them, just nice pleasing shots. My favourite is Drift Brick. :D

Nice song choice also. :D