How Do You Drive Fast In GT5?

  • Thread starter jack5428
Ok ive been studying and license testing and seasonal TTing all in an attempt to really conciously understand the secrets to true ultimate lowest lap times in GT5. trying to learn the esence of TRUE SPEED, so to speak.

just curious if anyone out there feels they for sure know and can enlighten me.

Yes i can and have finished in the top ten in a seasonal TT but wrapping my concious mind around the illogical things like for instance...if you obtain a higher speed than the leaders ghost after a corner you will lose tenths of a second maybe up to a half second or more....the higher the speed you obtain than him the more time you will lose.

thats just not logical but i see the same pattern over and over and over and over and altho i dont know why its true i know its true. so i guess it means in some way to actually go faster than have to go slower than him? thats not logical at all either.

i kinda think i might be getting close to an answer for it but i dont quite have it.

so i ask and see if some driving guru can enlighten me to what the essence of true speed really is in GT5. im talking driving not tuning.

also im just curious about others thoughts on the subject of TRUE SPEED regardless of experience or skill level. if you got speed theories blast away.
One peeve I had in this game, was on the "Like the Wind" event, where my lap time was actually slower, or just about average, as when I would slipstream for a highspeed straight, it didn't shave off time at all. The corners were the same as the rest. I felt the speed, I saw the speedometer, but the lap clock didn't register me a faster time.

Apart from working to getting gold on the challenges, tests, and seasonals, the rest of the game is just leisure, and discovering all the interesting cars, with no desire to win "too quickly". Just know the corners of each track well enough to quickly adjust to the car your driving, is the joy i get from the game.
if your in the top ten in time trials. can i ask whats ur point in studying AI's? what a joke!!

i am far from an awesome driver and finished 960 out over 64,000 on nascar time trials and laugh at the thought of studying AI's. want to be faster, race faster people than you. when the network is back up of course.

but to your point i think, need to be smooth and fast. just because you go fast to a straight and the slow down to the speed you take in that corner. sometimes your braking longer than you think, instead of being a smooth flow, maybe
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The key is to not only go fast in corners, but to be able to floor the gas as close as possible to the apex of a corner onto a long stretch that doesn't require you to decelerate. A newbie will almost always be faster if they just don't do much with the throttle in a corner or set of corners until the last possible moment where the final apex is.

There are critical points of a racetrack where paying extra attention is not beneficial, and then there are critical points where you really want to focus on accelerating to wide open throtte and keeping it there down a long stretch.

The best way to learn is to go through all the license tests and get silver on them all. Make sure you shortcut as much as possible, where you basically get two tires off the road in every corner. Know which cones will disqualify you and which ones will not, and take those shortcuts as well. Then start knocking out golds. You will learn everything you want to know about speed this way. be warned, going for gold on the licenses without driving as dirty as possible is probably impossible. ;)
i want to thank you guys for your responses. individually you didnt provide the excact answer i was searching for but together you made me think differently and see what i couldnt before.

im making 2 mistakes quite often that make me slower driving wise in TT.

1 and i cant believe i still do it but i know now for sure i still do it...trying to catch a draft off the ghost car. basically setting up for a more slow in fast out line to try to pass him after the corner. thus achieving a higher speed after that corner and a slower lap time as well.

2 attempting to hit higher speeds than anyone in top ten at a certain point after a corner. if you know how to take a corner as quickly as possible, it cant be done any faster and then you try to achieve a higher speed after that corner, say at the checkpoint on a lap, you can only take the corner slower before the checkpoint to achieve that higher mph reading and that makes you run a slower lap time. the extra mph cant make up for the time lost setting up for the extra mph exit.

whether this might help anyone else i dont know at least right now i see TT logic where i saw none before in two non logical things that happen quite often when i can run right on the bumper of the fastest guy in a TT and then he pulls ahead and speedometer logic says no way im going faster than he does here!

theres alot of other ways to lose time. ive figured out alot but i doubt all yet. ill keep on trying to reduce lost time. would like to finish top 5 next. thats my new goal.
The quickest way to drive fast in GT5 and also in real life is to minimise steering input as much as possible. This is what I've learnt from seeing other peoples ghosts and from real life onboards. Positioning of the car is vital and exits matter the most if there is a quite a long straight following. The key also is to maintain as much traction out of corners and also stability in braking. A higher cornering speed is more essential than going into a corner faster as you will lose speed on exits which will be carried all the way on to straights. It is good to find out the best brake markers to use to be consistent in hot lapping and a key to nailing a lap is maintaining traction and perfect positioning on the car bang on the racing line. Also using less of the brakes when you only need to dab them and to let the car roll through parts of a corner as it may be quicker than losing traction through accelerating too early.

I noticed my raw pace is always about 3 seconds of the fastest times set off time trials and can usually get within about 1 second of the best depending on how long the track is. It is something I will hopefully improve on when I have a bit more time but I know that finding speed is one of the hardest things to do and nailing a lap as the top guys can is very hard. I'm amazed how consistent F1 drivers are as in the Ferrari Virtual Academy and in GT5P time trials with the F2007, I found it so easy to drop tenths of seconds on corners. It is so hard to put a lap together as you could have sectors as good as the best but to put them together is another thing as everything is right on the limit throughout the lap.
Another tip is to avoid cooking your tires. Watch the tire indicator. You want tires white (not red or blue). A white tire can hold more grip than a red or blue tire. Even if braking late and letting the tires turn red entering a turn feels faster, it actually forces you to drive slower to maintain the same turning radius. Any time you gained from dive bombing the turn is lost mid corner or on exit because the tires stopped providing grip for you. The same applies to exiting a turn. If you cook the rear tires, you aren't accelerating as fast as if you had provided less throttle and kept the tires white.

There are exceptions obviously, and even the best drivers will occasionally cook tires...but learning your way around the track without overheating the tires is the first step in driving quick.
I'm trying to understand what you mean by you beat the ghost leaving the corner but get beaten by it? does it pass you 1/2 way toward the next corner or something? might all be down to tuning.

theres a huge amount of difference between my skill level and a TT winners skill. first of all this guy will run a lap perhaps only a few tenths slower than his finishing best lap in the first few hours of a TT.

not me. no where close. ill learn the track. figure out why his tunes so fast. what the heck is he doing exactly in this super hard corner. how i can after wrecking 50 not a bad driver. but i know i have alot more to learn still. its alot easier because i have someone better to follows ghost. i doubt he followed anyone or anyone taught him how to go as fast as possible in that car that track. he already knows.


i know he goes 107 at the checkpoint from watching his replay. we enter the corner before the checkpoint im 1 car length behind as were going down the straight its like he has nitrous man. the gap gets enormous between us. i hit 110. a personal best. happened to me at trial mountain the Ginetta G4. seen it many other times. go faster but lose time.
The quickest way to drive fast in GT5 and also in real life is to minimise steering input as much as possible. This is what I've learnt from seeing other peoples ghosts and from real life onboards. Positioning of the car is vital and exits matter the most if there is a quite a long straight following. The key also is to maintain as much traction out of corners and also stability in braking. A higher cornering speed is more essential than going into a corner faster as you will lose speed on exits which will be carried all the way on to straights. It is good to find out the best brake markers to use to be consistent in hot lapping and a key to nailing a lap is maintaining traction and perfect positioning on the car bang on the racing line. Also using less of the brakes when you only need to dab them and to let the car roll through parts of a corner as it may be quicker than losing traction through accelerating too early.

^^ This is how you get faster.

You might find you can carry more speed in to the apex than the fastest drivers, and this may get you ahead of their ghost for a short time. But they will be using less steering angle and will be on the throttle harder and earlier... meaning they will pass you along the next straight.

Once you get this thought in to your head and focus on minimising the amount of understeer you create, you will get faster. Then it's a matter of being able to 'feel' where the grip is on both ends of the car, and pushing just up to that limit, but almost never beyond it.
yeah i like Saidur_Ali and Chuyler1's and your post Stotty.

i will tell you the one thing i learned driving wise that made me alot faster. i learned to do what i call high speed drifting.

how did i learn? following Zoky_Cro in a seasonal TT. hes crazy good at it. i just try to finish within 1 second of him. always works for a great high place on the leaderboard.

yeah drifting...well almost drifting but you coast and dont get your tires red is really fast for sure in GT5.
The quickest way to drive fast in GT5 and also in real life is to minimise steering input as much as possible. This is what I've learnt from seeing other peoples ghosts and from real life onboards. Positioning of the car is vital and exits matter the most if there is a quite a long straight following. The key also is to maintain as much traction out of corners and also stability in braking. A higher cornering speed is more essential than going into a corner faster as you will lose speed on exits which will be carried all the way on to straights. It is good to find out the best brake markers to use to be consistent in hot lapping and a key to nailing a lap is maintaining traction and perfect positioning on the car bang on the racing line. Also using less of the brakes when you only need to dab them and to let the car roll through parts of a corner as it may be quicker than losing traction through accelerating too early.

I noticed my raw pace is always about 3 seconds of the fastest times set off time trials and can usually get within about 1 second of the best depending on how long the track is. It is something I will hopefully improve on when I have a bit more time but I know that finding speed is one of the hardest things to do and nailing a lap as the top guys can is very hard. I'm amazed how consistent F1 drivers are as in the Ferrari Virtual Academy and in GT5P time trials with the F2007, I found it so easy to drop tenths of seconds on corners. It is so hard to put a lap together as you could have sectors as good as the best but to put them together is another thing as everything is right on the limit throughout the lap.

Yess!!! perfect words, i learn this thank to one of my first simulators, the Indianapolis 500 a 1989 PC simulator!!
Jack its do with the mapping and programming of the game.

Imagine if you take away the in game graphics and replace these with just lines and measurements like on graph paper. imagine there is a driving line about a mm wide on the screen, if your car veers left or right on the line or in a band understeers or oversteers or loses traction. its not that it actually takes you longer in real seconds, but the in game timer will slow the tiniest bit. thats why a wheel is so much quicker because you can hold the car straigher on bend.

There has been tests before on this using the in game timer against stop watches and other computer programs there is always a slight variation from the timer in gt and what its timed against. To explain in an exaggerated way, an s2000 does a clean lap but not fast at 1.48, another s2000 does a fast lap drifting a bit but holding quicker mph in the bends and feels quicker but would only run 1.50 because that is what the in game clock shows after it has adjusted when you have went off the perfect driving line and lost traction in places.

Get a mate with a playstation along side you, someone good who runs times close to you, same car and track, you run the car on the driving line and let him run on the outside of each bend and pass the line at the same time and compare laptimes, I have seen it as much as a second off I **** you not. and it doesnt work in 2 player split screen. there is also a degree of catch up logic which is a whole other post altogether!!

A game will never be able to recreate perfect laptimes as in real life.

I had thought about this countless times after running laps that feel faster than the last one, and in actual fact, on gt3 and gt4 in endurance races i ran quicker lap times when my tyres only had about 30% life in them, because on bends i had less response and the car naturally swayed toward the outside of the track and onto the driving line, and i had less oversteer.

I gave up on lap times, i was really into getting as fast as possible but now i just do the races for fun and try to make them challenging with underpowered cars.

BTW I hate that in GT5 there is no split time counter to compare against your last lap on different sectors.

And in gt5 my better times have been in races when im not concentrating fully not trying to brake late and go faster in a turn or even trying to get a quick laptime.

what all I have said is obvious enough its just driving physics and if you try too hard you will be slower and if you drive too slow you will be slower, but the point im making is just simply to make the game work better the timer is rigged to be slightly off according to play so as someone cannot drift round the track and not use a driving line and still beat the the same car who uses the driving line, because it is possible except the timer wont show it that way.

whay saidur ali said above is true in game and in real life also but the clock wont slow if you arent on the driving line in real life

heres another point to ponder. I struggled in the historic car cup, monaco track, i cant remember what car i used, countach i think, but when i was in the car really going for it the front car a chapparal was lapping for talks sake 1.30 but when i also got the chapparal didnt try as hard because it was easier the al wasnt lapping those times anymore, i was able to tell this by the total time counter plus the split difference between me and him, so when i was driving better because i had a better car i was doing similar times but the second guy wasnt.

THE GAME IS CORRUPT!! but i love it
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yeah Jack_GTR super super fast in and super super fast out is fastest for sure. hahaha the High Speed Ring current TT leader as of yesterday takes the last corner so insanely.

so do i but he does it about 3 tenths faster. his minimum speed is 6 mph faster tho. i can see how he does it but...i cant yet and dont know if i will be able to either. he does basically a double drift move. just one id say like i do is 1 in 100 chance of not touching the guard rail and redlighting. ive only nailed it once so far and im .9 behind the leader because of it now. two must be 1 in 1000 to do successfully. the more you do these extreme moves the higher probability you will succeed and the risk lowers alot.

i quit trying to follow anyones ghost this TT. i have my ghost and if it gets ahead i turn it off. if i dont i just blow a corner because of poor visibility. i really just try to get ahead and stay ahead of it. its working good. im in top 20 as of yesterday on my temporary newjack5428 PSN ID. just over one tenth out of top ten. if i want top ten i know the move i gotta learn to do for sure.

Neil 1280 i hope your theory is wrong but i have beaten the time of a ghost car just ahead of me before so some timing discrepency does exist sometimes in GT5 for sure i know.
I found through racing in a league, that driving smooth above all else (once you have the fundamentals of the course, and other base techniques) is what has improved my overall lap times on majority of circuits.

driving smoothly also aids in proloning the life of your tires, etc etc.......
hey im in top ten again at the current HSR seasonal TT. :tup:currently 8th.👍 yup some advice in this thread helped me get in top ten again for sure.:)

some i didnt follow because well getting the tires red is the fastest way i can figure out how to take the 2nd half of the big chicane ATM. besides it has a big coolness factor. hahahahahaha

i know theres a faster non red tires way. just havent found it yet...i think?
hey im in top ten again at the current HSR seasonal TT. :tup:currently 8th.👍 yup some advice in this thread helped me get in top ten again for sure.:)

some i didnt follow because well getting the tires red is the fastest way i can figure out how to take the 2nd half of the big chicane ATM. besides it has a big coolness factor. hahahahahaha

i know theres a faster non red tires way. just havent found it yet...i think?

what setup are you using? i have all suspension settings as stiff as possible, ride height +50 front, -25 rear, ARB 1 front, 7 rear and 205 top speed.

i have a 1:09.9 with that.
i got the same ride heights...imagine that! lol

my transmission top speed 195 final gear is 2.0 my brakes are very weak 1 front 2 rear. lsd 5 5 5, ballast all the way to the rear. my springs are 10.5 front 8.8 rear. dampers all 4 except front extensions 5. ARB both are 1, camber 3 2, zero toe. i adjusted all the gears individually for best cornering i could get and lowest time.

i to was at 109.9 and so was half the top ten leaderboard so i kept trying to get just 1 more tenth. i finally got lucky. beat myself to 2nd checkpoint by 1 tenth and then made darn sure i didnt wreck in the last corner. loads of room between me and the guard rail. lmao yet it wasnt a real slow way to take the corner. i was kind of worried but it all worked out.:)
just an update. i had to go 5 tenths faster to just end up finishing 8th at the HSR TT#13

i gotta say the competition was brutal this TT. how close you have to run to the leader and finish top ten is getting alot tighter.

everyones stepping up their game. glad i didnt just slack off totally during the PSN outage.

glad i created this thread asked for some ultimate speed thoughts of others.

THANK YOU ALL! yeah i got alot better i think. in TT toward the end to run just 1 tenth quicker you have to go alot faster. really its always crazy just how much faster you gotta drive just to run 1 tenth a lower lap time.

i finished 2 tenths closer to a leader than ive ever been. before that would have gave me a much higher finishing position. not this TT. lol