AdrenaTune ~ GT500 Nissan GT R

  • Thread starter Adrenaline
United States

All tunes are created online(as of The Oreca Viper), Grip Real, DFGT, AT, ABS @ 1, with the Driving Line in Chase Cam. Maxed out on Racing Softs, unless stated otherwise.

I am not accepting requests. Please understand that I will only be tuning a very limited amount of cars.
I'll only be posting cars that I have spent extensive amounts of time on. Weeks, up to months of tuning, testing and tweaking.
I can't guarantee my tunes will work for everyone, but I can guarantee that any tune posted here, is faster than any other tune I've tried of the car to date, for my driving style.
I do a lot of testing and driving of others tunes. If I feel their tunes are faster and can not be improved upon, then I won't bother wasting anyone's time with something of a lower quality.

Perform a full review to have a quoted excerpt of key points added to 'User Feedback'. Lap times are encouraged as well and will be added to each tune in a leader board fashion.


How to adapt my tunes to your personal preference:
1: Transmission Final Drive
Each gear is spaced as close as possible and the only adjustment you should need is the Final Drive to adapt to each track.
If one Final Drive is given: Reset to Default, Set Final, Set Top Speed, Set Individual Gears.
If two Final Drives are given: Reset to Default, Set Final 1, Set Top Speed, Set Final 2, Set Individual Gears.

2: Quick Fix: Ballast
The GT5 ballast function allows you to move weight without adding it to the car.
So, if you want to modify the tune, by adding oversteer or understeer, this is a quick and easy way to do it.
-50 is to the front of the car and will add understeer / Tight condition.
+50 is to the rear of the car and will add oversteer / Loose condition.
You can move it anywhere in between to fine tune the feel, that best suits your needs and style.

3: Brake Balance
I prefer a rear bias, for a few reasons, but mostly to avoid overheating the front tires before a turn.
It also helps to allow the front to rotate into the turn easier.
This setting can easily be adjusted to your preference without any issue.

4: LSD
Below is my explanation of the LSD system works in GT5.
Initial: Effects the cars stability throughout the entire turning process.
High Initial, usually means more understeer, better forward bite.
Lower Initial, usually means more agility, less acceleration.
*Use the highest Initial Setting possible, without experiencing understeer.​

Acceleration: Effects the car under acceleration while exiting a corner and distributes the power between the inside and outside tires.
High Accel, usually means more outside tire spin.
Lower Accel, usually means more inside tire spin.
*Use the highest Accel Setting possible, without experiencing excessive outside wheel spin.
For longer races with tire wear, I recommend using lower numbers to prevent exaggerated wheel spin under low grip conditions experienced when tire life is lower.​

DeAcceleration: Effects the car while braking, coasting and entering turns.
Higher DeAccel, usually means more understeer on corner entry & coasting through the center.
Lower DeAccel, usually means better agility, but less stability, potential oversteer on entry.
*Use the lowest number possible, where you can safely drive-in as hard as you like, without losing control, or experiencing oversteer.

Final thoughts: Increasing or Lowering the Initial has a partial connection with Accel & DeAccel settings.
Since raising the Initial creates more 'lock' it will effect the balance of the Accel & DeAccel that you may have already tuned.
Another noteworthy aspect, is that many, many, different variables will effect your LSD balance. Including but not limited to:
Transmission Gearing, Downforce, Ride Height, Spring Rates, Brake Balance and so on.
So keep that in mind, when making other adjustments, that LSD balance may have been compromised.
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Lotus Elise 111R RM


Test Tracks
Deep Forest Raceway: 1:07.035
Tsukuba Circuit: 50.741

User Lap Times
Nürburgring Nordschleife - - Drewsifer3x
Trial Mountain - 1:17.780 - Basilea

Online Adjustments
In progress

User Feedback
I know you mentioned your Elise tune was no good for the online seasonals. But just so you're aware, I aced the Elise one with your tune. Ehhhh.... maybe eagled it.

Won the expert seasonal event with your Elise 111R RM tune adpted for the road car. Thanks a lot for this great all around tune! 👍
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FTO Super Touring Car


Test Tracks
Trial Mountain: 1:16.438
Laguna Seca: 1:17.984

User Lap Times
Nürburgring Nordschleife - - Drewsifer3x
Trial Mountain - 1:17.780 - Basilea
Trial Mountain - 1:16.4xx - BANZAI BAM

Online Adjustments (In progress)
Deep Forest - Best 1:06.008 - Lap 10 1:07.06x
Rear Aero 60
Ride Height -5 / -5
Front Spring Rate 10.9
Ext 6/5
Comp 7/5
Front LSD 6/20/5
Rear LSD 14/15/5

User Feedback
Your fto supertour tune is well... Super.
by the way the FTO is freaking awesome, probably the BEST 600ish pp car in the game, was using it with the online setup online & ended up running a 6:12 on nurb with improvement, love it.
I knew that this car is very fast and I would have considered tuning it but now this is just redundant! The first 5 laps on Trail Mountain where with the default settings and I could run a 1:21:358, then I changed to JG's settings and within 5 laps the top time was a 1:19,873. Not so bad I thought while setting up the car with your tune and go... 1:18.276 and this after just 15 laps in total and only 5 laps with your settings! A great improvement to the car! 10 more laps with your tune: 1:17.780
Thanks for the FTO setup. Still has a bit of understeer on exit of corners under full power, looks like both the front wheels are off the ground at points! Managed a 1:17.483 with a little tweaking on your gear ratios, which is 1.2 seconds faster than previous best! Sweet setup!!!!!

FTO touring car 1:17:024 online. Good car,,, car got me the win. Was my last lap too. Sealed the deal.👍

Your FTO Super Touring Car, and Nissan GT-R Concept LM tunes are absolutely brilliant. Thank you.
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RUF Yellowbird Co-Tuned with Rotary Junkie


*This car can only be driven one way; her way.

Test Tracks
Deep Forest: 1:11.281
Trial Mountain: 1:23.626
Top Gear Test Track: 1:05.662

User Lap Times
Deep Forest - 1:15.311 - EivlEvo

Online Adjustments
In Progress

User Feedback
In driving the AJ [Adrenaline Junkie] car, the car INSTANTLY felt more dialed in. Despite not wanting to run the car last night since I had been driving another Yellowbird tune for most of the day, I couldn't wait. So I strapped in, and ran some laps. It made me giggle a little bit at how the lap times just kept melting off. 1:19, 1:17, 1:16 until finally I settled on a 1:15.311. Running a 1:15.311 on Deep Forest is currently the fastest time I've been able to put down in any of the Yellowbirds...
Your tune is fantastic on bumpy tracks, but it loses a bit on flat circuits.
The driving behavior is very neutral with a little tendency to understeer at corner mid (especially in fast curves) and has just a bit oversteer at the corner exit (hey, it's a YB!).
I'm retuning my yellow bird actualy, and i'll take one TOE set from you and adrenaline. It fit perfectly like a glove to this car. Thanks to share this.
I like the YellowBird 👍:)

Much more stable and predictable. The stiffer rear springs work wonders in reducing the pendulum action, tramlining was also greatly reduced. With this tune I was able to run far more normal lines and have far more confidence in high speed corners in the 2nd half of the lap. Far more stable under brakes than default settings. Anyone jumping straight into the AdrenaTune Yellowbird will find it to be an overpowered, angry beast. But if you try it "stock" first, you will see that the tune has made some great improvements to an inherently unstable car.
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Nissan GT-R Concept LM Race Car


*These ride heights are positive(+)
Online Tune!

Test Tracks
Grand Valley Speedway: 1:36.757
Trial Mountain: 1:11.904
Deep Forest Raceway: 1:02.249

User Lap Times
Deep Forest Raceway - 1:04.665 - SGETI
Trial Mountain - 1:13.466 - br1x

User Feedback
You nailed it. Fantabulous. This is a dream setup. The enter balance, and mid corner balance under braking or throttle are so stable, fast and smooth it feels as if you are driving a slot car. Throttle response mid corner gives unlimited grip and confidence. The exit balance is near perfect. On the exit the rear sometimes would become a little lose when I applied throttle.
Big improvement, no more understeer in midcorner and it's way easier to hit the throttle when exiting a corner, though oversteering was still present in 2. gear and sometimes even in 3. gear, but that's just what happens when you have 700+ horses i guess. It was easy to get down several clean laps in a row and the way this car corners now is flat out amazing. But more importantly I am REALLY happy with this tune, it turns a fast but hard-to-handle car, into an even faster and easy-to-drive car, that you can really enjoy.

Wow what a machine, corners like it's on rails. easy to drive consistant would have to be one of the best cornering cars i've used, great job 👍

Your FTO Super Touring Car, and Nissan GT-R Concept LM tunes are absolutely brilliant. Thank you.
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I like the Garage name. (still working on a new one for mine)

Nice to see you opening a Garage. Good luck on your Tunes. I like the look of your pic/sheet very nice. It seems people are stepping up their presentation, good to see.

Woah what do you expect when to release the Yellowbird tune?
I'm so nervous, cause if your tune is faster than mine, I would have to update it again. (Damnit!)

Lap times are very good. But that's no surprise..... well let's see.
It'll be very similar to the one RJ and I posted in the old thread, just want to give it some more time, before I/we decide it's finished. I'm out of town, but I'd say the end of May is a fair expectation.
I need to find a yellow bird.
Your fto supertour tune is well... Super.
I'll run some laps and get more specific later.
Also. Skimming over things and missing the finer points is one of my main faults...
I think you have something wrong in your transmission for the Elise, at 112 mph/final 3000 i could not get the rest of the gears to line up correctly, but i set the top speed to 124 and everything lined up correctly. by the way the FTO is freaking awesome, probably the BEST 600ish pp car in the game, was using it with the online setup online & ended up running a 6:12 on nurb with improvement, love it.
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Any interest in a tune for the mercedes c63 amg? Im comparing the ones I find online to see what fits best and would love to see what you cook up with it
I think you have something wrong in your transmission for the Elise, at 112 mph/final 3000 i could not get the rest of the gears to line up correctly, but i set the top speed to 124 and everything lined up correctly. by the way the FTO is freaking awesome, probably the BEST 600ish pp car in the game, was using it with the online setup online & ended up running a 6:12 with improvement, love it.

You are correct... 124mph is the accurate setting. I'll update the tune.
As for the FTO, the online set up is still rough around the edges, I only had about 30 minutes to work on it, but I noticed right away that the offline tune wasn't working online. It's a huge improvement, but this is a car I use often enough, that you can expect to see small online adjustments continue to progress each time I drive it, until I literally feel like I've perfected it. Also why you won't see many cars from me, because that's how long I spend with each car.

Any interest in a tune for the mercedes c63 amg? Im comparing the ones I find online to see what fits best and would love to see what you cook up with it
Unfortunately I won't be able to help you there. I'll only be tuning very specific cars, and the list will be rather limited, on top of my limited online tuning time. I can assure you, that the quality of LDP and RKM's tunes will more than fill your needs for this car. Two extremely talented tuning garages, that I highly recommend.
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Unfortunately I won't be able to help you there. I'll only be tuning very specific cars, and the list will be rather limited, on top of my limited online tuning time. I can assure you, that the quality of LDP and RKM's tunes will more than fill your needs for this car. Two extremely talented tuning garages, that I highly recommend.

No worries thanks for the links though.. ill check them out
FTO Super Touring Car

I just took that car out for 5 little laps just to have a different ride, during that testing with a car I'm working on. I knew that this car is very fast and I would have considered tuning it but now this is just redundant! The first 5 laps on Trail Mountain where with the default settings and I could run a 1:21:358, then I changed to JG's settings and within 5 laps the top time was a 1:19,873. Not so bad I thought while setting up the car with your tune and go... 1:18.276 and this after just 15 laps in total and only 5 laps with your settings! A great improvement to the car and I will have to give it an other go in the next days!
how is the GTR concept tune progressing? Looking forward to try it.

It's very close, I'm just trying to hit my Trial Mountain Goal of breaking into the 11's. So far my best is a 12.1. But I took the car to Deep Forest and Grand Valley and ran about 50-60 laps total and fine tuned the shocks a little more. With these changes, the car should be ready to take back to Trial Mountain and try to hit my goal, then I've gotta take it to Cape Ring and see how she handles the Loop. Then it'll be finished.

Last night when a guy named "Grinols" popped in to a room I was racing in I thought it looked really familiar, thinking maybe you were someone I had raced before, but couldn't quite put my finger on it. Now I realize it was This probably isn't the place for it, but you are one gentlemanly racer!! It's pretty rare that anyone lets you go on by when they bump you, even unintentionally, but you did and that makes you about the most courteous driver I've ever seen online, outside of racing series.

My hat is off to you sir and I hope we meet was a real challenge!!! 👍

Last night when a guy named "Grinols" popped in to a room I was racing in I thought it looked really familiar, thinking maybe you were someone I had raced before, but couldn't quite put my finger on it. Now I realize it was This probably isn't the place for it, but you are one gentlemanly racer!! It's pretty rare that anyone lets you go on by when they bump you, even unintentionally, but you did and that makes you about the most courteous driver I've ever seen online, outside of racing series.

My hat is off to you sir and I hope we meet was a real challenge!!! 👍

It was a pleasure to race with you, you're very fast.
Seemed like the only difference between us was track preference.
Shot you a friend request on PSN, hope to catch you on the track again!

On another note, the Nissan GT-R LM Race Car is all finished.
Can't wait until you upload that Team Oreca Viper tune.
This is going to be a very tough one! It already handles great and almost doesn't need any big changes... but I'm also looking forward to it!

Some would have said the same of the FTO as well ;)

The Oreca Viper is easily my favorite car in the entire game.
Not only is the older Viper body style drop dead gorgeous, but I also feel that it is the sexiest sounding car in all of GT5. If you see me online, 9 times out of 10, you'll find me in this car. I've castrated it to get into HP or PP limited races and I've also entered as an underdog in rooms with much higher limitations, than the car can reach. I've put Minolta's, GT One's, C9's, R10's and even a few FGT's to shame with this beast. The tune sheet will also be the best looking so far.
On another note, it'll be the second tune that Rotary Junkie had a hand in... He set the Tire Pressures for me ;)
Here's a little preview:
Nissan GT-R Concept LM Race Car

You nailed it. Fantabulous. This is a dream setup. The enter balance, and mid corner balance under braking or throttle are so stable, fast and smooth it feels as if you are driving a slot car. Throttle response mid corner gives unlimited grip and confidence. The exit balance is near perfect. On the exit the rear sometimes would become a little lose when I applied throttle. This is where driving style comes into play. Anyone who tries this tune or any other tune should realize you will need to play and adjust the settings to suit your driving style, not the tuners. One shoe does not fit all.
Your lap times are just beyond my driving skills. My best at Deep Forest was only a 1:04.665. I am not even going to tell the other lap times. This is a great tune and I am sure the highly skilled drivers (which I am not), will agree. Look forward to your next tune.
I do have one problem, I just passed up the Viper in the UCD. Wish I had bought it.

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