Since the thread has been a little slow this week and not a lot of advice/discussion about the track, I'm going to do a little DHolland-style walkthrough of my lap. Obviously it won't be alien-perfect but hopefully it can help someone who's struggling or is late to the party.
For reference my shift points in all 3 cars are 115-140-185-235 km/h, using gears 2-6.
Sector 1: Stay as far left as possible coming into turn 1, brake point just passing the shadow from the stands. Turn in pretty late and coast into the apex at about 65, 2nd gear. Partial throttle out until almost reaching the left curb then short-shift to 3rd and full power, don't go too wide. Swing right but again don't use all the track, lift-off at 135+ and coast to apex, no brakes, stay in 3rd. Partial throttle just before you hit the inside curb at ~115 then full throttle as you approach the outside. Next brake point is hard to judge but you should basically follow the dark line in. I come off the brakes pretty early and coast from ~100 down to 80 at the late apex in 2nd. Next part is the crucial point in T1 in my opinion; You HAVE to get on the gas pretty early, before the big round spectator stand in the distance is center-view, then a short stint of full throttle in 2nd aiming for the middle of the road. Trying to hug the left too much to set up for the next right will lose loads of time. At the same time it's really hard to get on the throttle enough while still turning, I've spun here more times than the rest of the track combined

. Lift off at 115 and short-shift to 3rd while turning right. Back on partial throttle at 105+ before the apex, avoiding inside curb then full throttle out.
Sector 2: Brake point last cone on the right, brake to 155 then coast to just under 140 at the apex in 4th. Quick full throttle run then brake just before the left curb ends, down to 3rd and coast to 95. Full throttle out just before apex. Brake point for the 180 just after the grey mesh starts on the left side. Let off the brakes and coast pretty deep (double-apex style). Downshift to 2nd to help the car turn then short-shift to 3rd at the midpoint and partial throttle until the big tent comes into view then full throttle out, using all the outside curb on exit.
Sector 3: 5th gear, ride all the way up on the right-side curb and turn-in hard with a short lift at the same time. Get back on the throttle before the left apex, ideally at 185 without touching the left curb. Ride all the way up on the green stuff on the inside and throw the wheel hard to the right. Short run in 6th then brake just as you pass the light grey section on the right. Let off the brakes pretty early and coast into the apex in 3rd, dipping just below 120 then full power out touching the outside curb but keep turning hard to get to the left side of the track quickly. Straighten the car and tap the brakes down to about 140 while turning in. Coast down to 125 in 3rd and partial throttle before hitting the apex then full throttle out, again using all the left curb including the green stuff on exit.
Sector 4: I'm really unsure about this chicane but for me the fastest way through has been to always keep two wheels on the tarmac. Riding up on the curbs any higher unsettles the car more than it's worth. Brake point: who knows? Roughly midway between the 150 and 100 signs I guess

. Downshift to 2nd and let off the brakes early as you turn in. Coast through the first apex of the chicane then half throttle as soon as you pass, hitting about 80 at the first apex and 90 at the 2nd. Full throttle as soon as all 4 wheels are on the ground. Brake for the final turn as you cross the white line and stay left for a pretty late turn-in. Down to 2nd to help the car turn, ease off the brakes at ~115. Coast until the pink building comes into view and stay above 95. Full power out, either in 2nd or shortshift to 3rd seems to work. Some sliding is ok as long as you don't need to countersteer, use all the track and curb.
Final tip. Don't know if this is obvious, but you can't get a good start following a hot-lap. If you take the final turn the fastest way possible in a lap-time sense, you'll cross the line slower than if you purposely go very wide on entry (almost in the sand) to set up a good launch. For me the difference is almost 2 car lengths against my ghost at the end of the start/finish straight.
Hope this helps and good luck!