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London, Ontario
league has been put back into the right hands :)

Welcome to the Manufacturers Global Team Championship!




Below you will find a list of manufacturers. Each racer will select a manufacturer to be "sponsored" by, on a first come first served basis. There will be two racers per manufacturer, they can be a friend of yours, or we'll select a team mate for you. Once you select a manufacturer to sponsor your team, you can ONLY use vehicles from THAT manufacturer for all races. The goal is to find out which manufacturer reins supreme! Ideally, you'll end up using cars that don't typically get raced, as well as some of your favorites. It pits one manufacturers "best in class" car against the others to determine who has the best overall stable of cars! How can it NOT be fun? I don't think it's ever been done!!?!?!

Race Details


There will be a series of races for this championship. For each race, there will be a PP value, and some restrictions (like aero, yes or no). So for example, week 1 might be a race with a PP limit of 375, but week 6 might have a race with a limit of 700PP, so it is in your best interest to be sure that your manufacturer is able to offer you vehicles that fit the widest range of PP through tuning and limitations. The number of races is yet to be determined, and we're open to suggestions on the matter, though being it is a championship to determine the "best manufacturer" in the game, we're anticipating at least 6 races.

In selecting a manufacturer, take note that YOU will need to have the cars required for your team between the two of you. You will also almost certainly need to employ standard vehicles. For example, Audi will likely need the use of cars such as the A2/A3 for some of the lower end races. If for some reason you select a manufacturer that does NOT have a vehicle that will fit into a specific race category (no examples come to mind), it will be up to your team to figure out a solution, and propose it to us, or simply skip the race and lose the points. That said however, I have nearly 600 unique cars, so I'm sure if a team needs to borrow a car here or there, we can make it work.

Specific Rules^^^

  1. Race Track, PP Limit, and any restrictions (HP, Tires, Aero, etc.) will be given with 1 week notice.
  2. Driving Aides will be set to off with the exception of Driving Line, and ABS. No traction Control Permitted.
  3. Grip Reduction will be real, Penalties will be off, Damage will be full. We expect that drivers will race respectfully.
  4. Penalties are unrealistic, but so is cheating. In the event of a complaint, please PM me and me and my co-host will review the event. Any details will be helpful (time, place, etc.). We won't hesitate to just boot someone if they're driving poorly or unfairly. That said, we're pretty poor drivers too, so if you're new to this... please feel welcome.
  5. In the event of an accidental corner cut, or accidental collision, please make it as right as you can on the track. If you've overtaken someone because of "questionable tactics" please allow them to get ahead of you. If it means losing, so what... it's a video game.
  6. The only form of reducing a vehicles PP will be with ballast. No power limiters will be allowed. If your manufacturer does not have a vehicle that can be made to comply with the regulations through these methods, you'll need to contact us as soon as possible, and we'll work out a solution.
  7. We have the final authority, always. You have the option to quit whenever you want.
  8. Races will be chosen through a random track generator so that we have no more advantage than you.
  9. Race length will be roughly 1 hour. Tire/fuel consumption will be on. Expect to pit.

* All of these manufacturers have been setup in a fashion that seems to be favorable to all. Our goal is to get you to use cars that you love, or otherwise may never use/tune/race. If a manufacturer that you wish to use seems to be paired with another in a way that isn't favorable to you, we're accepting requests to split them or combine them in different ways, so let us know. For the most part though, we feel that we have the teams aligned rather solidly. Also, there are some manufacturers that simply don't have enough cars to participate (we feel), if you decide that you want to use one of these (Holden comes to mind) then you're welcome to let us know, and we'll handle it case by case.

We would like 2 member teams, if you are alone on a team, you are guaranteed not to be successful.

1. Acura: 392-524
2. Audi: 296-705
3. BMW/Mini: 361-645
4. Chevrolet/Buick/Cadillac/Pontiac: 352-630
5. Chrysler/Dodge/Plymouth/Eagle: 344-633
6. Citroen: 204-681
7. Ford/Ford AU/Mercury: 276-635
8. Honda: 263-586
9. Infiniti/Nismo: 366-512
10. Isuzu: 335-459
11. Lexus/Scion: 388-589
12. Mazda: 207-708
13. Mercedes: 315-722
14. Mitsubishi: 296-515
15. Nissan: 280-717: Mitchman17 and Jesse208
16. Opel/Vauxhall: 326-581
17. Peugeot: 354-697
18. Renault/RenaultSport: 353-521
19. Subaru: 230-566
20. Suzuki: 291-734
21. Toyota: 279-723
22. VW/Bugatti/Lamborghini: 206-638
23. Volvo: 309-417
24. Hyundai/Oullim: 366-482
25. Alfa Romeo: 329-538
26: Fiat/Ferrari/Lancia: 213-871: FunkMuffin
27: pending manufacturer: Jknee7
Points System


A little story about the league:
This league started back before the summer of 2011,( the good ole days :sly: ) Team subaru which was ran by Jesse208 and I, had a fierce battle throughout most of the season taking turns winning against team Audi. the further into the season we got, the bigger the lead audi and suby had over the rest of the feild.. unfortunatly In the final race, things got a little bit Un-Organized and Audi never had the chance to make it to the last race giving Subaru a win by Default. Therefore Subaru is unable to be used by any team this season. Last season was fun guys, lets keep the ball rolling!!

Note: this race series is a very fun, pretty laid back, yet intense race series. it wil be 6-8 races long, Held at a certain time of a certain day (same time/day every race) the 1st season was very succesful, sign up while you still can!
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-------------------------Race 1 Information------------------------
Time: To be announced.
Date: To Be announced.
Track: Laguna Seca
Weather: Dry
Host: Mitchman17
PP Limit: To be announced.
Tires: To be announced.
Aerodynamic Parts allowed: To be announced.
Race Cars/Race Mods allowed: To be announced.
Concept Cars allowed: To be announced.
Driving Aids: Driving Line and ABS only.
Penalties: Off
Track Edge Grip: Real
Damage: Full

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Sweet! First pick, huh? I figure it really depends on how many people we get and who I can team up with...

For now, I'm gonna go for Fiat/Ferrari/Lancia.
We could use more drivers, the thread kinda died :P
I can promise that this league has alot of potential for fun and should be thought about before not joining
I'll second that - season 1 was a lot of fun. One of the things I liked about it was picking and tuning a new car each week, trying to find a way to squeeze max performance from a specific pp limit.

One of the other cool details is that you need to consider what the other manufacturers provide for the other teams to try and find an edge.
exactly, thats the main reason i loved season 1, subaru proved well beyond hwat i though it had in it to me,
You guys are killin me with this. What time date everything are you planning on doing? Lance and I were trying to work things out for a December season (with time off for the holidays of course, but PLANNED this time lol).

But the race would need to be run on a weeknight for either of us to get involved.