ORS | SEASON 4 | Hybrid vs Petrol TC Championship

  • Thread starter Oniichan
••• ORS | SEASON 4 | Hybrid vs Petrol TC •••

Open to Australia and New Zealand ONLY.


A new season begins on the 5th of December 2011. Details below.

The Cars
Car: Honda CR-Z TC & Mazda MX-5 TC
PP Limit: 470PP
Tuning: No Modifications. Cars remain STOCK!
Tyre limit: Racing Medium

The championship will consist of up to 3 driver teams (Teams to decide their car colour).​


Race Day
Day: Every Monday night
Qualifying: 8:30pm (Sydney Time)
Race Time: 9:00pm (Sydney Time)
Duration: 1 hour (30-45 laps)
Host: Oni_chan
Backup Host: TBA


The Tracks

The series is 8 rounds with 1 round each week (8 weeks).

Round 1: Trial Mountain - 5th December
Round 2: Special Stage Route 5 - 12th December
Round 3: Deep Forest (Sprint) - 19th December
Round 4: Nurburgring GP/D - 16th January
Round 5: Cote d'Azur - 23rd January
Round 6: Rome (Sprint) - 30th January
Round 7: Grand Valley Speedway - 6th February
Round 8: Laguna Seca - 13th February


The Rules
Track Edge: Real
Penalties: OFF (May change)
Damage: Heavy
Driver Aids: All OFF except ABS
Tyre Limit: Racing Mediums

To ensure closer racing all around i have implemented a 3 tier handicap system for the drivers
who are not able to maintain a pace similar to the tier 1 drivers. The way the system will work is as follows;

Tier 1 Honda CR-Z TC
Tier 2 Honda CR-Z TC or Mazda MX-5 TC
Tier 3 Mazda MX-5 TC

All drivers start the race and qualify on Racing Hards.

Pit lane opens at the end of lap 5 for Racing Mediums. You cannot change to
Racing mediums until the end of lap 5.

Note: If you receive damage on lap 1-5 that needs to be repaired via pits
you CANNOT change to Racing Mediums until lap 6.
Example; you receive damage on lap 3 and need to pit. You must stay on Racing Hards.

Corner cutting Rules
1st offence: Warning
2nd offence: Point deduction
3rd offence: Point deduction & Disqualified (Given a DNF)

2 wheels must be on the black stuff at all times! In other words.
2 wheels must always be inside the white track edge lines.

Failure to comply results in a maximum point deduction of -15pts

Foul Language and Ramming Not tolerated!! - Instant DQ and removal from the Championship.


Racing Stewards


The above stewards will review races and give out warnings, penalties and DQs.


The Drivers

The Teams

Super Sic Racing

Team Colour Blind

Team Retina Burn

Team Gold Member

Team Nipple

Spidey Sense

Team Figjam Racing


Wildcard Drivers
In the event a driver is unable to attend a Wildcard driver may fill that teams spot.


Point System

1st = 25 points
2nd = 20 points
3rd = 16 points
4th = 13 points
5th = 11 points
6th = 10 points
7th = 9 points
8th = 8 points
9th = 7 points
10th = 6 points
11th = 5 points
12th = 4 point
13th = 3 points
14th = 2 points
15th = 1 point
16th = 0 point

Qualifying on Pole = 5 points
Fastest lap during race = 1 point

Sprint Race Point System

1st = 12 points
2nd = 10 points
3rd = 8 points
4th = 7 points
5th = 6 points
6th = 5 points
7th = 4 points
8th = 4 points
9th = 3 points
10th = 3 points
11th = 2 points
12th = 2 points
13th = 1 point
14th = 1 point
15th = 1 point
16th = 1 point

Qualifying on Pole = 3 points
Fastest lap during race = 1 point


There will be driver prizes. The top 3 drivers off the series gets a prize each.

1st Up to 1 million car from the dealership
2nd Up to 500,000 car from dealership
3rd Up to 250,000 car from dealership

Prize Note: The credit limit can be spent on any single car from the dealership the way you see fit.
(Example; 1st place wants a Ford GT + Max Modifications = Under 1 mil so is ok!)

If your keen to enter or be a Wildcard Driver sign up now. Only a few spots left!
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Championship Standings

The final podium details are;


1st Place: Oni_chan
2nd Place: Mrtaital
3rd Place: Evan1080

1st Place: Super Sic Racing (Oni_chan & Evan)
2nd Place: Team Nipple (Waynz & Taital)
3rd Place: Gold Member (Willco & Spinner)

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Yeah. I won't have time to set one up this week and we should get this ball rolling.

I'd say we go with last series teams.
Yeah. I won't have time to set one up this week and we should get this ball rolling.

I'd say we go with last series teams.

Didn't we get away from teams points, just have 2 different drivers series?
Wildcard please Oni. :) Cheers mate , thx for the prize car from last series too mate !
Pre Race Round 1 Warning Issued: Beware the Monster of the Mountain. :scared:

Yep wildcard for me to. I won't make the first race but should be ok for the second. See ya on track.
Jazza (Jasr73) has kindly put his hand up to host a qualifier to sort out the teams while i'm busy with work.

Make sure you all have him on your friends list.
Is there 2 spots still avail me and a mate are thinking of joining if so my psn (ashbrownie) and my mate (MAX_GOD_FATHER) thanks
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Yeah, Fk it, im in for both series. ONI-MAN, the only one I probably cant make is the 2nd Jan race.. Cheers!
Is there 2 spots still avail me and a mate are thinking of joining if so my psn (ashbrownie) and my mate (MAX_GOD_FATHER) thanks

I'll keep you posted. I may have 2 spots left. I am still just waiting on confirmation from a few more drivers (Mic, Bono, Bronco).
that mx5 looks snazzy hows all been and haha rota read your comment in other thread about think u know were ive been haha classic old nz tv ad.

Competitors are trembling in fear, the fans are crying in anticipation waiting for the new Hybrid vs Petrol TC Championship to debut the most exciting new series since the last one!

One of the series competitors MrTaital, has today unveiled his team at a launch in Ahrweiler Germany. In the falling snow infront of a Christmas Tree for the festive season, MrTaital has spoken to the fans and the waiting media that he will be approaching the new series with a different attitude. With the new professional team look and driving attitude, the fellow teams have reportedly been seen cowering in there booties.

Along with the team launch they have also unveiled their team name.

Team Nipple!!!!!!


The team also took the launch to some funny name in i think it's italy where they also took the fans by storm!

Also, to add another dynamic to this championship i'd like to get other drivers to unveil their driver/car combo and team names for the new championship.

I think most of you will agree it adds a fun dynamic to it
taital you funny bugger! man all your car needs now is a big DONUT KING logo on the side lol.

Lost mate when you coming back?
Out takes from the photo shoot!


Photo bombed at the Red Bull Hanger!


Roota and Willyco were seen pulling faces behind the camera, MrTaital tells them where to go.


Sexxay thing, striking a pose!
Great photo's Taital!!

Go the Nipple, team Nipple. "The nipples are out the front!!"

Oni, I can't say right now about my participation in the series yet. Monday nights still aren't good for me. But I'll let you know asap when my situation changes and I can make it.
That's one sexy looking title photo for the thread Oni. As for yours Taital... no... just no :lol:
Just jokes, love the idea of the team names :)

Jazza, when will we be having the series qualifier? And can you release details about the track/car etcetera?
cool! looking forward to it! let me know when you plan to have the qualifier.. :-) nice work oni!
Before anyone tries to steal it..

My car colour is white with red rims. Ill be wearing the racing number 58 this series instead of my usual no.17 as a tribute to Super Sic #58 (RIP Marco).

I'll post an image when i find the time.