gtd | A Cross The Universe: The Final

  • Thread starter gtuned
I still have all the full size, it's just the smaller, preview pictures.
Also, I can't use my current, premium Flickr for GT5 pictures because once again, my parents get pissed when I upload GT5 stuff, because they say it doesn't matter because it's not real.

Excuse me, I think i'll go cry in frustration for the next hour.

parents ? i thought you are 20+ or so :P

do some fake flickr accounts then :P
I recommend Photobucket, G 👍

I've used it in the past, should work fine unless they pulled an Imageshack in the last few years.
Flickr isn't a subscription site unless you upgrade to Pro. My Pro account ran out on Sept there, I have around 2K photos on my account, and every single one of them are still active, only downside is, I can only see my first 200. When I upgrade again, all of them will be there, even my sets and collections.

Flickr is well worth the money and I actually miss some of the Pro features if I'm honest, but I need to wait until I have money to re-new my Pro account. ^_^

Don't leave us G! <3
I was just going to buy you a year of Flickr but it says you're already pro :confused:
Yes, I do have the gtuned.10 pro but it's supposed to be real pictures/buiseness only, you have no idea how much flack i get when i upload GT5. But I've decided I'm going to start a gtuned.gt5 flickr account. Hopefully by the time I have 200 photos filled up, I'll be able to buy a pro account.

Although what i'd really like to say, is thanks guys. If no one cared about the dilema, I would just let it die. But thank you for making me feel like a recognized part of the photomode community.
Gtuned, if I were you what I would suggest is this.

Make a flickr account. As you know you can store the 200 most recent pictures on the account if you are not pro, and sized up to Large, however, what I have done and what I find to be the best loophole for flickr, is to make a 'group' for your pictures. A private group that you can add all your photos to, and once your 200 picture limit is reached, all new photos can also be added to the group (virtually storing more than 200 pictures at once) and all for free
Me too... :'(

But even if you loose all your pictures, I/we always will have them in mind as one of the greatest GT5 pictures of all time. ;)

Yeah, G, we all know ya.
If you can't sort things out with imageshack, I can only advise you to start a new gallery with shots from form flickr. I'm offering a new gallery, cause the couple-thousand-shots-less gallery would look kinda wrong.
Just don't stop, aight?
my parents get pissed when I upload GT5 stuff, because they say it doesn't matter because it's not real.

Perhaps you could try to persuade your parents to allow you to spend your money on an Imageshack/new flickr subscription (or something equivalent) by showing them exactly what it is you are doing with Photomode and the galleries/competitions here at GTP...?

While Gran Turismo might be a game, I'm firmly of the view that it also qualifies as a hobby for alot of people too, and it is certainly not just about racing cars around a track... GTPlanet itself is a good example of something else that the game has spawned e.g. a community of real people with many shared interests. Photomode is perhaps the best example of an aspect of Gran Turismo that goes beyond 'gaming' - for some it may just be a neat little extra, but for others it's a legitimate hobby in its own right, one that involves creativity, artistic expression and interacting with other people e.g. your friends here at GTPlanet. As with any hobby, there's a limit to how much time (and money) it is wise to invest when you have other things, such as school or work, to be more concerned about - but that is perhaps beside the point. Like all good hobbies, though, there are definitely good things that can come out of it too - so perhaps if your parents knew a bit more about why you want to pay for the subscription, they might be more willing to see your point of view.

Anyway, I hope you get something sorted 👍
You should upgrade to a Pro account on flickr.
That's what I did when I reached the 200 limit and I don't regret it for a second.
I registered for 2 years for about 48$ and for me it's a pretty good bargain.
I guess you won't find a better offer for that level of service.
I hope you find a bit of money to buy a Pro account somewhere or that you can find an alternate solution.
That would be a shame to loose your pics. Some of them are pure art, it would be a big loss for the community.
Fingers crossed brother.
Welp, here's the official plan. I have the gtuned.gt5 flickr account. Hopefully I'll be able to get a pro soon, and update the gallery through there. As for the rest of my gallery, it will be just about destroyed, which sucks. Imageshack has told me to basically piss up a rope and that I'm screwed unless I give them 34$. As for the OP Layout, that'll be destroyed mostly as well. It'll end up being a banner with a showcase of my best shots, and as for the empty, 80+ updates... I don't know, I may try to fill them again when I get a pro. If anyone wants to save my pictures, do go and do it. Everything pre my 2012 Update preview will be gone. Looking back at my gallery, seeing the sets that will be lost.. I really don't know what I'll do seeing it just gone from here.
I'm Also thinking about releasing an unreleased pack of shots that I'll never use, to just give to you guys and see what you can do.
@Touring Mars, yes I've tried to convince and show them that this isn't just a game and that the game doesn't do all the work, and that this is wasted effort, that I'm actually part of a larger community who really, really do appreciate my work (srslyguys, choking up here.) Hopefully I'll find a way to get a pro Flickr and keep my stuff going without them knowing.
But for now, and from now on, it's a revolution. I'm not gonna let this destroy my enthusiasm and my creativity. The shots I have coming up are my best, and I'm not letting up, if anything, having my older works wiped out gives me a harder reason to push and get better. So here's the first. The Golden Bull at Kyoto. As for the most fitting song right now, I'm not Leaving by the Crystal Method ft. Martha Reeves.

Seeing this Update I remember the feeling I had when watching the V12 Vantage Sad Top Gear Review ,Simply Brilliant but could be an End of sort .Hope all goes well with you Gtuned you in Particular have been such an Inspiration to me and most of the Guys Here.

Edit:NVM I see the Problem :(
This is an amazing update, with a really good composition and editing. First two pictures have to be my favourite.

About the problem you had, it's really unfortunate to see all work disappear just like that. I remember all the work I had replacing all the links in my GT4 gallery, when Photobucket started to decrease the quality of all my pictures for no known reason and I didn't had as many pictures as you have here. But don't let that carry you away. ;)
Is there a way to get the originals of everything off of imageshack before the big deletion? If you can, you can just upload everything to your new flickr account, which I can sponsor with a pro subscription :D
Is there a way to get the originals of everything off of imageshack before the big deletion? If you can, you can just upload everything to your new flickr account, which I can sponsor with a pro subscription :D
I still have every original, unedited and edited in my folder, it's just the preview sizes, which I don't need now that I'm using flickr.
which I can sponsor with a pro subscription :D
... You're not serious right. Spending 24$ for my pictures ?
1st off great set for the Lambo, I like the Grainy half hidden stuff and the second pictures tones are fantastic, very nice.

"To Garrett's Parents,

Your son has a real talent when it comes to photography, he has a great sense of proportion, colour and composition. His skills using this games in-built photography simulation and the editing software used to manipulate his images is rated as one of the best here on He has a good following of people who really enjoy his work.

Even though this may not lead to a career in Photography or image editing he has developed allot of skills needed to pursue a job in Advertising & marketing, web development, photography, IT ect just by doing these images has shown great depth at learning new skills and been able to present them and a well thought out and constructive manner.

Yes we play this game as a hobby but as by extension to this the photography simulation side of it gives allot of people enjoyment and added longevity to a game otherwise could be completed and traded for in a short period of time. Its also fun, and can also be used a learning curve for things in real life.

I hope by way of this that you see your son has a real skills and a great eye for this kind of work.

Kind Regards

Martin P AKA Sprite (Holds BA. Hons in Multimedia Design and other qualification is Graphic Design, Digital Imaging and Art and Design)"
Wow, Sprite...
First off thank you for that, that's truly amazing coming from you. As from my parents, they do see my GT5 work as somewhat good I guess, and they do support my Real photography. I always expirment on GT5 pictures for editing ways and techniques for real pictures, But they just don't see the reason in me buying a pro flickr for GT5 as it doesn't earn me income :/ I Still can't thank you enough for the kind and amazing words and support Sprite.

Also, it seems like i will forever owe the amazing fan of ceilings. He's gone ahead and gifted me a Flickr Pro. I'm still in shock of the whole thing. Just amazing to see what the community will do for another. Thank you again ceiling_fan, I owe you big time.