
  • Thread starter Crispy
United States
Allen, Texas
Scars, the blemishes on your skin left after burns, cuts, scrapes, practically anything that damages your skin. Here's a thread to talk about your scars and their stories, maybe even add some pictures and see who's is worse if you really feel like it! (Just keep it AUP friendly) Even ask questions if you need answers.

My worst scar is on my left knee. I got it by riding my bike. Basically my friend and I were racing our bikes going about 35 miles per hour, when my friend cut me off and I hit his rear tire, sending me flying and skidding on the concrete. I broke my wrist and left a scrape on my left knee about 1.5 inches. Currently its been healed, but not without leaving a bad scar. It basically looks like normal skin just a light shade of purple.

A scar question I have is after three or four months should a scar continue to change colors? My friend has a scar on his arm he got while cooking and it's starting to get darker a couple months after he got it.
All proper Villains have at least one scar.


Some have redundant scars.
I have four scars. Stupid scars too.

One is from a toy screw driver for a hot wheels that I got for Christmas like in 2003. I though it was a good Idea to put it to my thumb really hard so now I have a cross on it.

Two is from a cat dog Mcdonalds toy. I fell on it fairly hard and it left a square print on my kneecap.

Three is from getting burned by a popcorn kernel

Four is from falling off a moped like 2 years ago because the county didn't finish a side walk and it had no signs around it. I was also going up hill too.
When I was 4 years old I ran into some barbed wire and it when near my juggular vein in my neck and i have scars from it on my face and on my neck.

Another scar I have is 7 yrs ago I accidentally Skil(C) sawed my right leg open the cut was 6 inches long and 5/8" deep and the best thing I did not have to go to the hospital, for surgery, I did my own fix up job. Now I have a scar from that.
That is my scar from my torn ACL(ruins my football career). I also had my ear ripped of from an American rugby game so I had a scar from that. I have two on my arm because my bulldog bit me. Last I have one on my forehead because I got hit by a chair.
Voldemort tried to murder my family when I was just a lad. While he did succeed in killing both my parents I was left with only a scar on my forehead.
I have my stigmata/Temujin scar on my right arm from when I was like 3 and tried to open a hotwheels set with a knife. It was one of those hard plastic things. Anyway, the knife slipped off of the plastic and plunged straight into the underside of my forearm. I remember it being a big huge gash where I could see red and white. Good thing I missed any vessels.
I have a scar on my forehead, from falling down some stairs when I was 2.
I have a small scar on my little finger from falling off my bike and crashing into a bin.
A scar on my big toe where I dropped a toy tractor on it when I was very little.
A scar on my knee where I fell over and landed on a sharp rock.
That's all I have....
I have a scar below my thumb from carving pumpkins and accidentally cut myself. I also have one on my arm which I don't know how I got it. O_o
I've got loads of little nicks all over, scars from sports and accidents.

I've hole in my left leg, right down to the bone where I fell and hit my shin 45% on a tree stump.

Scars on my head from chicken pox.

Scars over my torso from fighting and getting stabbed by my brother numerous times.

And where to start with the mental scars......:scared:
Pic or it didn't happen....

Cut clean through the Tendon right down to the Bone. I cannot bend my finger anymore as the tendon although repaired, is still damaged to much. This little beauty cost me 3 days in hospital :grumpy:
What caused it? My brother. We decided to have a "sword fight" with kitchen knifes....we were both around 14/15 and it seemed like a good idea at the time, turns out it wasn't.

A less impressive scar, this happened whilst taking an engine out of a Vauxhall Cavalier.

Burnt by an Iron when I was little (4?) was "skiing" on 2 briefcases standing up, one leg on each and holding onto the Ironing board nearby and of course I fell off and dragged the ironing board with me, the hot Iron that was sitting on it fell straight onto my wrist. 3rd degree burns, mum was not happy.


I used to be a moto rider until I took a stick to the knee....
Had to get surgery to remove it haha was a solid effort. Luckily no side effects and its all good.


This scar on my back shoulder is from an operation when I was a toddler for my heart, its called a "shunt" not sure exactly what it did/does :lol:


top left side = Pacemaker scar
Just under it is another "shunt" scar from when I was little, it wraps right around to under my arm.

The big bastard in the middle has been cut 4 times since the age of 4. Open heart bypass with full rib splitage!

Also got multiple "stars" on my chest from drain pipes etc, plus a few spots on my wrists from collapsed drips over the years.

Lastly I have one on top of my forehead (5 stitches worth) caused by my mum kicking me into the bed side table at the age of 5 because I had tickled her foot when we were wrestling on the bed with dad :lol:

/ Thread
When I was a kid, I was out swimming alone at the beach and suddenly got smashed into a huge rock, resulting in a pretty decent size scar on my forehead.

But, scars serve as memories for me.
I once took an..... oh nevermind.

Will be be hard pressed to beat the dare devil moto x fool above(yeah yeah, came from something more boring, but also more empresive)

Did I kill the thread?

Or maybe everyones eyes burned out because I had no shirt on :ill:
Ohh god I can see a return of Pako's meatflap coming...

The only noticeable scar is from when I was about 1ish. I was messing about on the sofa and then fell and landed on the corner of a coffee table. It's just under my eyebrow about 2cm away from my eye. Lucky I'm not blind. :P
I have a piece of graphite embedded in my left forearm, from where my sister stabbed me with a pencil when we were kids.

That's what you get for scribbling on a siblings paper while they are trying to draw a picture.
I have a relatively small scar in my chest, hiking in 5th grade I got a branch and decided to walk with it. I ended up stabbing myself. It wasn't too bad and the scar isn't exactly big.
My knee, when I was younger I had a pair of pants with a zipper on the knee and I fell, even though it was on the outside it cut into my knee. Not badly it but I still have a scar. o_O
I have a scar above my left eye from when I fell into a tree branch in primary school.
1cm over and I would have lost an eye.

3 inch scar left fore-arm, mulitple small scars on left knuckles, TB jab scar approx 15mmØ on left shoulder, 2" scar above that - quite wide too. 2" Scar left pectoral, can't really see it for hair these days, 2 matching 1 inchers on ribs, 1" scar right shoulder, 1 inch slit near right kidney - bizarrely enough despite having that one for ten years it seems to have healed alot all of a sudden! Used to have a scar on my cheek too, fortuately that was only a hairline one anyway and is less noticable. Scar where my right ear was properly re-attached has also gone.

I kill owned the thread?

Or maybe everyones eyes burned out because I had no shirt on :ill:

Fixed lol

Looks like you've been through quite alot, interesting stories to them as well. I think scars always make a man look more manlier in my opinion. 👍

Joker should give his trademark line to you now. :lol:
I have a 2-inch scar right down the middle of my head where I tripped on the door frame and hit the corner of a wall when I was around 6-7 years old. It was 2 days before my Grandad's wedding so instead of stitches, which would require shaving my hair reverse mohawk style, I had to get it basically glued together instead (After locking myself in the bathroom for an hour screaming don't touch it, it hurts :lol:). No idea what it was they glued me up with though, but it's some alternative to stitches. Now I have to keep my hair long-ish on the top otherwise you can see it, it's about 5mm wide.

I've got no others that I am aware of.
I have one from a vaccination, on my left shoulder.

There's another one from a rather nasty bicycle crash which happened on December last year. It's about 2 inches long, and on my knee :indiff: