The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Now in wallpaper form:


I know that the individual drawings were featured in tonight's Drawfriends, but I swear the Celly one was already featured in Drawfriends back in November, and the Luna one in December.

Also, more stuff from Raikoh:



Good night.
*Browsing the booru*

Oh, what Do we have he...



Looks like she's using her imagination, and my GOD that is nice. Of all the days to log on earlier than normal, this is one of the best.

Also, RD taking part in a sport that is relevant to my interests:


I really miss going to Motocross events almost every weekend. Good times.

I don't get it. What happened to her? Well, maybe the second page will tell me what is goi-


Oh. So that means on the first page she was hav-





My first public livestream!

Okay, don't expect high quality videos though.

It will be a WebCam livestream. I can't run a capture program and Pixlr at the same time on my machine. (Most already know about this)

The room is open. I will start shortly.

The theme is 'The Star Armor". I want to show how Stars looked like while they traveled to the Moon.


Will show various music and video clips. So I hope it's not going to be too boring. ^_^'


I hope everything will go as planned!
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So I just stumbled upon a very small spoiler. I'll be changing my avatar as soon as the episode finishes tomorrow.

Eh, maybe, anyway.
So I just stumbled upon a very small spoiler. I'll be changing my avatar as soon as the episode finishes tomorrow.

Eh, maybe, anyway.

We'll just see about that. If it's better than your current one, then it must be quite something (or it's relevant to your interests).

Nice beat.


Star Fighter as a ...starfighter? um... SPAAACE!

Well, that's how I see those stars that freed NightMare Moon.

A big Thank You to those, who watched and survived a 5 hour webcam livestream!
A big Thank You to those, who watched and survived a 5 hour webcam livestream!

Right, so when do I get my shirt saying "I survived unit's live stream"? :lol:

As for the drawing; it's an interesting concept really, Star Armour. It looks quite striking too.



inb4 Toro.
Hi guys. Sorry I wasn't on yesterday but since we're kinda busy with the shop I didn't want to be distracted. Also I'd be on the chat now but no-one is there...
Where did you all go?

Anyway just thought I'd let you know what's happening.



Unit, your drawing makes me think of one of those new pokemon.

*Begins search for a Dash salute with manly tears.*

Our Unit Stream is offline! I was at work all day, I can check it out on Sunday if you're willing and able, m'lad.

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A popular TV station in Ireland (RTE) recently did an interview about the Irish Bronies.

In my opinion it isn't really negative that much. (especially if you compare this to FOX :lol:)

Also, Happy St. Patricks day to everyone! :P
That's good, finally someone being positive towards Bronies. :D It goes to show that America is the most afraid of things that are deviant, no offence to American bronies. Just the ones that go on television and do what Fox does.

Also, it's playing music from a Father Ted episode about a minute in.
It's certainly showing Bronies in a more positive light rather than negative. I'm just waiting for the day they do a piece about Bronies on British TV. If they already have however, then I wasn't informed about it.

Also, it's playing music from a Father Ted episode about a minute in.

My Lovely Horse :lol:

