VCRC: Torneo Italiano @Toscana Targa Florio 2 - Congrats to gazelle68!

I haven't driven it in about a month or two and wouldn't be able to do a lap in my head so that's my excuse.:P

I assume they all oversteer like crazy anyway apart from the Alfa, so driving the Miura won't be too much different then driving the Stratos.
BIte your tongue!! The Muira Bertone is a lovely automobile!!!
Never to be compared with the death trap that is the Stratos. :lol:
I wish I wasn't working during this race. Bummed out once again. I like this idea. Great cars, course maker makes it interesting. I'd like to share my toscana track. I have it in different widths too. It's kind of like the real targa florio, or like a mini nurburging

Imagine if the real targa Florio was in GT5? That would be incredible!!! Has anyone else raced on it in rFactor? Its a mammoth of a track. I've only been able to drive the whole thing a couple times. Drove a Skyline 2000GT-R hard Top C10, and a Radical Sr3 the whole way through. Think I'll try taking the Lotus 49 around
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Oh! i forgot i still need the miura... well i gonna get some b-day tickets today and get the car :)
Hi everybody, I'm afraid I won't make it for 8m tomorrow. In the best case, I'll be home for the last part of the event.
My UCD struck Gold and I bought an FTO Super Touring and a 2D, so I won't be able to get the Miura for the final race tomorrow, sorry.

Just like to say I regret nothing.:D
Akmuq pointed me here, I'll take an Alfa please. PSN Furinkazen.
Akmuq pointed me here, I'll take an Alfa please. PSN Furinkazen.

hey Furi ... fancy meeting you here.

If you still want to do this now you have discovered it's 5 races & you need any of the cars - I can send you one - I am the official used car salesman of the VCRC

Oops!... I take that back you got in before me
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Welcome Furinkazen...

Obviously akmuq has not driven the Muira Bertone - or he would know what he's missing!!! :lol: :sly:

If anyone's missing one of the cars in the end, they can skip that race & just do the others. Will effect championship points, but we're not turning anyone away!

However, if you don't participate in the previous race, you will wind up #1 on the grid position for the next race, so you will be expected to drop back & start at the back upon the start flag - just so nobody scoffs. ;)
(It's a big scoffing point. But we don't have time to be qualifying for every race, so RGO it is.)
hey Furi ... fancy meeting you here.

If you still want to do this now you have discovered it's 5 races & you need any of the cars - I can send you one - I am the official used car salesman of the VCRC

Oops!... I take that back you got in before me

Oh hello again jack, jumping the gun again :lol:

Welcome Furinkazen...

Obviously akmuq has not driven the Muira Bertone - or he would know what he's missing!!! :lol: :sly:

If anyone's missing one of the cars in the end, they can skip that race & just do the others. Will effect championship points, but we're not turning anyone away!

However, if you don't participate in the previous race, you will wind up #1 on the grid position for the next race, so you will be expected to drop back & start at the back upon the start flag - just so nobody scoffs. ;)
(It's a big scoffing point. But we don't have time to be qualifying for every race, so RGO it is.)

I may have a spare 67 ticket Akmuq ;)
I will not be able to come tonight :/
i will have to help out my cousin tonight and will not have time for this i'm sorry :(
Ah... I got a reprieve today as it's been too windy to work on the garden. :lol:
So I'm pretty fresh. :D Just about to have lunch & then go to the lounge. :D

If anyone makes it there before me, please note the restrictions & settings from the OP in this thread, and make sure tire wear is on, grip is real, tuning prohibited, etc. 👍

Congratulations gazelle68!


  1. gazelle68 / gazelle68 (77pts)
  2. mike 5927 / Mike_5927 (71pts)
  3. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n (69pts)
  4. jackargent / jackargent (62pts)
  5. John Wells / johnwells69 (57pts)
  6. akmuq / GTP_akmuq (47pts)
Race #1 - Lancia STRATOS '73
  1. mike 5927 / Mike_5927
  2. gazelle68 / gazelle68
  3. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
  4. jackargent / jackargent
  5. John Wells / johnwells69
Race #2 - Alfa Romeo GIULIA TZ2 carrozzata da ZAGATO CN.AR750106 '65
  1. gazelle68 / gazelle68
  2. akmuq / GTP_akmuq
  3. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
  4. mike 5927 / Mike_5927
  5. jackargent / jackargent
  6. John Wells / johnwells69
Race #3 - Ferrari 512BB '76
  1. akmuq / GTP_akmuq
  2. gazelle68 / gazelle68
  3. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
  4. mike 5927 / Mike_5927
  5. jackargent / jackargent
  6. John Wells / johnwells69
Race #4 - Lamborghini Countach LP400 '74
  1. akmuq / GTP_akmuq
  2. gazelle68 / gazelle68
  3. mike 5927 / Mike_5927
  4. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
  5. jackargent / jackargent
  6. John Wells / johnwells69
Race #5 - Lamborghini Miura P400 Bertone Prototype CN.0706 '67
  1. gazelle68 / gazelle68
  2. mike 5927 / Mike_5927
  3. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
  4. jackargent / jackargent
  5. John Wells / johnwells69



















Thanks everyone for racing! Very exciting.

Sorry about the issues hold up there. Bit of a cluster-muck.

And thanks to akmuq for the great custom track!

Thanks Watermelon for a great event (bar the technical problems) and congratulations to Gazelle68.

P.S. I love the picture of my red Miura in the sunset.
Shame I couldn't make every race, ah well.

I'm surprised I had my first proper drives of the 512BB and the Countach and didn't spin them at all, in fact, I won both those races.:D Brilliant cars, will deffo be driving them a lot more in future.👍
Melon thanks for another great night and thanks to everyone involved...great bunch

mike and akmuq.....great close racing guys cheers

pity akmuq couldnt have made all races, probably would have changed results.

Looking forward to sunday jag event at monaco 👍