Brud101/Users/jenrichfall/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2012/Apr 13, 2012/IMG_0331.JPG
/Users/jenrichfall/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2012/Apr 8, 2012_2/IMG_0315.JPG
/Users/jenrichfall/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2012/Apr 16, 2012/IMG_0347.JPG
/Users/jenrichfall/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2012/Apr 8, 2012/IMG_0306.JPG
Ford Gt 05 (no stripe) - 9.055 pic sill be added latter
Woah! Create a FREE photobucket account, upload your photos from your computer to photobucket, copy the IMG Code and paste that into here 👍
Woah! Create a FREE photobucket account, upload your photos from your computer to photobucket, copy the IMG Code and paste that into here 👍
So its just a 0 O_o', why don't you just put 0 instead lol.
YourSlaggyNanHow do you make images bigger?
JustBecauzNissan Skyline R32GTR N1 '93
(fastest so far?)
Picture to come
viperbeatsvetteSounds like a good time mate, but I doubt many others have tuned that specific model. Try this tune on the premium r32 👍
Haha yeah it's bit more powerful and a bit lighter than the normal. Haven't been beaten by another r32 before in it. And had guys on here saying that 'obviously you haven't been in the right rooms', since been in their rooms and won hahaha