Suzuki GSX-R/4 Sprint Race Cup *MCRC* Congrats @ Phouchg the swede! :D

United States
Suzuki GSX-R/4 Concept
Sprint Race Cup


Bring out your best racing suit!


Sunday 9 September
@ 3pm US EDT / 8pm UK BST / 9pm CEST / 10pm EEST / 19:00 UTC/GMT

Event Duration: Approximately 90 minutes, likely less
Race Lengths: Average 10 minutes per race

Car Regulations:
Suzuki GSX-R/4 Concept '01
Tuning Prohibited, stock tires (sports hard)
Allowed: oil change, engine rebuild, chassis restoration, & paint

This car is currently available in the OCD (Online Car Dealership)! 👍
This is also a prize car for winning Bspec Extreme Series Formula GT

Race Procedures:
Scheduled time is arrival time to begin qualifying
10 minute qualifying duration
all cars stay on track until race start to preserve position
Grid Start, Fastest First, for Race #1
Reverse Grid Order for following races
3 minute breaks in between races (approximately)

Race #1: 4 laps @ Trial Mountain Circuit
Race #2: 4 laps @ Quant Hill (Eifel Circuit) by wat3rm370n
Race #3: 4 laps @ Pescara Reborn (Toscana tarmac) by turbogeit
Race #4: 4 laps @ Suzuka Circuit

Quant Hill (Eifel Circuit) by wat3rm370n

Pescara Reborn (Toscana tarmac) by turbogeit

Flat points based upon race participation.
(ie: 8 cars, 1st place gets 8pts, 2nd place gets 7pts, etc.)

Race Regulations:
All aids off except ABS (ABS is driver's choice)
tire wear on
damage light
slipstream weak
grip real
penalty off
boost off
visible damage off

  • Please familiarize yourself with these rules prior to the event.
  • You are expected to behave like sporting gentlemen at all times. Dirty driving is absolutely forbidden.
  • If you cause a contact, you must make contact concessions. ie: no bump-passing
  • Failure to make contact concessions will result in a post-race penalty concession. (ie: you will be placed below that racer in the results)
  • Caution must be exercised when re-entering the track after an off-road excursion caused by any reason.
  • Carless driving, recklessness, & aggressive risky maneuvers may result in post-race penalties, and will certainly result in your fellow racers being ill tempered.
  • Retaliation, "payback", & monkey-see-monkey-do rule flouting will not be tolerated.
  • The in-game penalty system is switched to off to prevent ghosting, with the understanding that GTPlanet racers do not need the in-game penalty system to follow posted track rules. Shorting the track is strictly prohibited, must have 2 wheels on the tarmac (or rumble curbing) - this includes "going wide", off-roading in the grass or dirt, or using tarmac outside the parameters of the track, is forbidden.
  • In case of any incident involving a crash or rule violation, please review the replay before drawing conclusions. Note the time and location of the incident. Try dialogue with the other driver first with Private Messaging. You may report the incident via Private Messaging, with details, in a timely manner (ie: soon after the race), if warranted, so an appointed steward &/or the race director may review the incident.
Race will be hosted in the MCRC_Lounge,
add PSN: MCRC_Lounge

Note: This account is just the club lounge account. It will rarely be signed on.
Get the FR in a.s.a.p. to assure acceptance in advance of racing.
In order to check the league lounge, you must click on the coffee cup,
and wait for the room content list to present.
No yellow people icon will show, even when the room is full.

Also please note that all club communication should be done through GTPlanet,
and not directed toward the PSN acct, as nobody checks messages there often, if at all.
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Sign-Up Registry:
Please include:
GTP Name / PSN Name / car colour
  1. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Matte Pink
  2. MSTER232 / MSTER232 / (tbd)
  3. GranTurismo916 / atongo619 / Matte Blue
  4. Phouchg / xNikodemusx / Mustard Yellow
  5. wolfdragon97 / wolfdragon97 / Performance Blue GSX
  6. Ridox2JZGTE / GTP_Orido / Saturn Black Metallic
  7. bdubclub / bdubclub / Lime Green
  8. Geeky30 / Geeky30/ tbd

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Phouchg / xNikodemusx / Mustard Yellow (20pts)
GranTurismo916 / atongo619 / Matte Blue (17pts)
watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Matte Pink (12pts)
Ridox2JZGTE / GTP_Orido / Saturn Black Metallic (12pts)
4) turbogeit / turbogeit / yellow (6pts)
5) MSTER232 / MSTER232 / red (5pts)

Race #1: 4 laps @ Trial Mountain Circuit
  1. Phouchg / xNikodemusx / Mustard Yellow
  2. GranTurismo916 / atongo619 / Matte Blue
  3. MSTER232 / MSTER232 / red
  4. Ridox2JZGTE / GTP_Orido / Saturn Black Metallic
  5. turbogeit / turbogeit / yellow
  6. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Matte Pink

Race #2: 4 laps @ Quant Hill (Eifel Circuit) by wat3rm370n
  1. GranTurismo916 / atongo619 / Matte Blue
  2. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Matte Pink
  3. Phouchg / xNikodemusx / Mustard Yellow
  4. Ridox2JZGTE / GTP_Orido / Saturn Black Metallic
  5. turbogeit / turbogeit / yellow
  6. MSTER232 / MSTER232 / red

Race #3: 4 laps @ Pescara Reborn (Toscana tarmac) by turbogeit
  1. Phouchg / xNikodemusx / Mustard Yellow
  2. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Matte Pink
  3. Ridox2JZGTE / GTP_Orido / Saturn Black Metallic
  4. GranTurismo916 / atongo619 / Matte Blue
  5. turbogeit / turbogeit / yellow

Race #4: 4 laps @ Suzuka Circuit
  1. Phouchg / xNikodemusx / Mustard Yellow
  2. GranTurismo916 / atongo619 / Matte Blue
  3. Ridox2JZGTE / GTP_Orido / Saturn Black Metallic
  4. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Matte Pink
  5. turbogeit / turbogeit / yellow
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Signing up for many races now but sundays are good so i'm in!

Phouchg / xNikodemusx / Mustard Yellow (of course)

Lots of custom tracks in your series.. I have barely driven on custom track before, except seasonals. :P

@atongo you can bye it in the OCD if your old one is tuned ;)
Weird! The grey part on the side of the car became brown when I made it yellow ^^ pretty ugly.
I'm up for this, if nothing pops up that day. I'll be running a Performance Blue GSX, although that may change. :sly:
This car is so much faster than any of the cars in your other series ^^ but it's fun to drive! (and ugly as ****)
I'm tempted but 4 laps seems a little amount of laps.. :indiff:
I'm tempted but 4 laps seems a little amount of laps.. :indiff:

I am with paulmac on this one, I would like to have a few more laps.. That being said, I am in either way, just would like the races to be a bit longer. Maybe you could eliminate one of the rounds and add some more laps on the other rounds??

Anyway, sign me up
bdubclub / bdubclub / Lime Green
RE: laps
This is sort of a testin' it out event. :lol:
I have a feeling that these cars on these tracks can get spread out pretty quick.
I wanted to make a series of tuning probihited with these and the Caterham in a split class style sorta thing. Imo they both stuck to the road like glue, both were on SH tyres too :).
I wanted to make a series of tuning probihited with these and the Caterham in a split class style sorta thing. Imo they both stuck to the road like glue, both were on SH tyres too :).

That's a fantastic idea and I'd thought of that myself awhile back!

I tried to get people together for Caterham tuning prohibited. The persistant complaint about it was that the stock gearing on the Caterham makes it a bit unpleasant to drive on any tracks that it's suited on. :boggled: :( :(

A pal of mine recommended trying this car, and I found that it's geared spectacularly well!
If only the Caterham was!

I don't know why the stock gearing in some cars is SOOOO terrible!!! :grumpy:

But depending on how this goes... I may do a mini-endurance with this car, with heavy damage in a lengthier race... If it turns out to be enjoyable racing it.

This car is so much faster than any of the cars in your other series ^^ but it's fun to drive! (and ugly as ****)

Absolutely true.
But most of my interest is not predicated solely upon lack of speed, but rather oddness. :lol:
The fact is that most of faster cars are not all that peculiar.

An exception to this would be the Yellow Bird. :lol:
I would like to eventually do a race with that as well.

I do stay away from super cars and GT300s & such... I consider them "common" race choices.
I'm also lousy with driving them. They're too good for me. :lol:
I actually do better racing with other people if the cars handle fairly poorly. (Though not so poorly as the Interceptor or vintage BMW - that's pushing it. lol)
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A very uncommon one make race would be tuning prohibited Cizeta V16T with CS tires at 24H Nurb with weather change ( rain )
I wanted to make a series of tuning probihited with these and the Caterham in a split class style sorta thing. Imo they both stuck to the road like glue, both were on SH tyres too :).

I like that, when does it start. :dopey:
From the Tuning Prohibited Explained
posted in the VCRC social group forum

Tuning: Prohibited

What it means when a race is restricted to "Tuning: Prohibited"

Must be in original stock condition the car comes with, as is essentially.

The only things you can have changed on the car are:

Oil change (GT Auto)
Engine Rebuild (GT Auto)
Chassis Restoration (GT Auto)
Wheels (GT Auto)
Paint (GT Auto)
Wheels Paint (GT Auto)

Allowed Adjustments:

Brakes: Brake Balance CAN be adjusted to preference.

Engine: Power Limiter IS allowed :boggled:, but I doubt anyone would see that as a really good idea in most cases. ;)
(The only usual reason to use this would be if there was also a HP or PP restriction.)

Tires: Whatever the tire restriction for the race, is the tire type you can use.
(In many of our races, we use the tires the car comes with, but there may be exceptions to that, depending on the car.)

These things will flunk the car out of qualifying to enter the track:
(Once these things are done, they can't be taken off, and therefore make the car permanently disqualified.)

Cannot have Engine Stage upgrades 1, 2, or 3.
Cannot have Weight Reduction 1, 2, or 3
Cannot have window weight reduction
Cannot have carbon fiber hood
Cannot have Chassis Reinforcement

These things must be set to default parts or settings, or the car won't be able to enter the track:

Cannot have Aero kits or body kits installed (GT Auto)
If there's an aero kit or body kit installed, you must go to GT Auto, and have it taken off, and restored to its original parts.

Body/Chassis: Ballast @ Default (cannot add ballast)
Engine: Default computer chip thingy
Intake: Default intake parts (must un-check any added parts)
Exhaust: Default exhaust parts (must un-check any added parts)
Turbo Kits: Default parts (must un-check any turbo or superchargers)
Transmission: Default Transmission (if default transmission is fully custom, default settings must be used)
Drivetrain: Default parts (if any default parts are customizable, the default settings must be used)
Suspension: Default suspension (if the default suspension is customizable, the default settings must be used)

handy reference 👍

Best way to check your car is to go to your own lounge, set tuning to prohibited, and then try to enter the track, and then you'll know for sure. 👍 👍
Thanks! These sound like my kind of thing, as I'm terrible at tuning on any game...

I'll join in with these soon, just 12 hours of Le mans left...
Thanks! These sound like my kind of thing, as I'm terrible at tuning on any game...

I'll join in with these soon, just 12 hours of Le mans left...

Good luck with that. :)

Yeah, I'm mostly like a blind squirrel finding a nut once in awhile with tuning. :lol:
Takes too much time for me to be tuning cars... precious time on the ps3 that I'd prefer to spend just racing. 👍
So nearly all the races I organize are tuning: prohibited.
I have updated the Rules section on the OP, for clarification purposes.
Please note the bold portion which has been added.
I hope this clarifies the issue so we may enjoy fair racing with clear understanding.
Thank you. 👍
  • Please familiarize yourself with these rules prior to the event.
  • You are expected to behave like sporting gentlemen at all times. Dirty driving is absolutely forbidden.
  • If you cause a contact, you must make contact concessions. ie: no bump-passing
  • Failure to make contact concessions will result in a post-race penalty concession. (ie: you will be placed below that racer in the results)
  • Caution must be exercised when re-entering the track after an off-road excursion caused by any reason.
  • Carless driving, recklessness, & aggressive risky maneuvers may result in post-race penalties, and will certainly result in your fellow racers being ill tempered.
  • Retaliation, "payback", & monkey-see-monkey-do rule flouting will not be tolerated.
  • The in-game penalty system is switched to off to prevent ghosting, with the understanding that GTPlanet racers do not need the in-game penalty system to follow posted track rules. Shorting the track is strictly prohibited, must have 2 wheels on the tarmac (or rumble curbing) - this includes "going wide", off-roading in the grass or dirt, or using tarmac outside the parameters of the track, is forbidden.
  • In case of any incident involving a crash or rule violation, please review the replay before drawing conclusions. Note the time and location of the incident. Try dialogue with the other driver first with Private Messaging. You may report the incident via Private Messaging, with details, in a timely manner (ie: soon after the race), if warranted, so an appointed steward &/or the race director may review the incident.
One of my favourite cars in the game...but I won't be here :ill::guilty::indiff::ouch: Best of luck!!!👍