The cool flash game thread

  • Thread starter usedHONDA

Just turn your sound down when seeing the intro...

Happy Wheels for the win!

Our school got so sick of us playing it that they have now blocked it. It was almost like an epidemic, and up until last week our schools wiki page had (as a joke) how one of the pupils became mentally ill after playing the game so much and was suffering withdrawal symptoms. Oh well, they have blocked it now, and I can't find any proxy's that it will work on.
Our school got so sick of us playing it that they have now blocked it. It was almost like an epidemic, and up until last week our schools wiki page had (as a joke) how one of the pupils became mentally ill after playing the game so much and was suffering withdrawal symptoms. Oh well, they have blocked it now, and I can't find any proxy's that it will work on.

:lol: The worst that happened to me because i played this game, was that i got hated. You win...
What's the title of this thread, again?

:dopey: :dunce: :sly:

It has the potential for being a game. :sly: However I doubt any developer would be willing to use Flash as a platform for anything more than what they already use. There just isn't much of a market for immersive gaming via flash.
Can anyone remember that game where you have basically a blank box and you can draw up different materials to be structures such as different metals + explosives and add lava/acid etc.? It's kind of like Minecraft I guess but on a normal 2D screen.

EDIT: Found it. Give it a go it's fascinating.
I dread to think how difficult Christopher Robin is, I'm having more than enough trouble trying to get past Tigger at the moment. :lol:
I dread to think how difficult Christopher Robin is, I'm having more than enough trouble trying to get past Tigger at the moment. :lol:

He is TOUGH! He throws a combination of all other pitchers but faster.

Two days worth of playing...


I gave up at Kanga and Roo. I've heard that there's a Japanese version that's even more difficult.

The Japanese version, aside from the difference in language to the one I linked, is exactly the same as far as I'm aware. I took the liberty of testing it out after finding the English one anyway in order to see if they really were different, but apparently not.

And I see that some people have managed to defeat Christopher Robin, as well as coming 1 home run short of beating him. That must hurt. :lol:
Got to the owl, was a little addicted and decided to quit. Did it pretty fast though, about half an hour, maybe some more, did the roos in one go and the rabbit in 2, the owl was just too much with 35 pitches

Anyway, I remember a game where you could pit a bunch of production cars agains each other in a kind of sim where you could see how they would be in a race, anyone know what it is?
I can't get past the owl, I hope Tigger is easier, seeing how the bunny was easier than the kangaroos. My best so far against the Owl has been 15 out of the 19 home-runs I need.

EDIT: Passed the owl! 15 out of 28 in my first try against Tigger.
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I gave up a couple days after my previous post, finally got past Tigger. But Christopher Robin is way too hard, the best I managed against him after 4 or 5 attempts was 24.

I was playing Tigger, I had three balls left. If I scored a home-run in each one of them, I would reach 28. Sadly I failed the first two, and scored the last one, reaching 26/28. Oh well, at least I'm getting the hang of it.

What this game really needs is a restart button.

EDIT: This mother:censored: is harder than obtaining Lulu's Celestial weapon in FFX.
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Yeah, Tiger is very hard. Chris is impossible. But, I got it done. Now you know why it took me two days. Tiger took me about 3-4 hours to beat, actually. Chris took about 5-6 hours. Wasn't going to shut my PC off until I beat them both. I wish there was a way to save my game. I'd play it more often.
So I found this ridiculously simple thing where an orca follows your cursor around the screen. Linky.
Thanks for the link to Dr. Meth. For such a simple game, it's a great time waster. 👍 Been playing for the last couple of hours

I think I'm done with it. I've upgraded everything I can and bought everything I can. Didn't collect all the trophies due to a glitch, so no sense in going any futher with it.

Well, finally got the meth purity multiplier. That thing is a pain in the ass! Got it past 100% to 101%. Since I don't need the money, I'm not going any higher. I just wanted to see if you can go higher than 100% and apparently you can.

^ Should I be worried that there is a place marker on that map for Fargo? :lol: