Mazda Cosmo Sport '68 Twin Ring Motegi Tour *CONGRATS to LITCHI!*

:lol: Yes... he set fast lap today at Road Course 2:35.5... and he says the car I sent is not broken in yet! :lol: :scared: (It must've been from a prize ticket... because I thought it must be from the OCD.)

Spouse found this model today for sale on the internets:



Yes it is! :D


Laps set:

Race #1:
7 laps @ Motegi West Course (1.39 miles)
Race #2:
15 laps @ Motegi High Speed Ring (1.50 miles)
Race #3:
10 laps @ Motegi East Course (2.13 miles)
Race #4:
7 laps @ Motegi Road Course (2.98 miles)
Well, as Chloe said, I tested the tracks a bit today.
Was impressed by the Ring. Don't come there like tourists guys. You really need a bit of practice if you wanna keep the pace on this track and not spin in turn 2...
Well, as Chloe said, I tested the tracks a bit today.
Was impressed by the Ring. Don't come there like tourists guys. You really need a bit of practice if you wanna keep the pace on this track and not spin in turn 2...


Turn 2 is a piece of cake compared to 3 & 4. :sly:

(Did anybody know the turns were numbered? I didn't until I looked at this map. :D)
The more narrow end is definitely confusing me as far as a good line in this car. My natural tendency is to dip inside on turn 4 but Litchi & Audiman2011 seemed to be getting far more speed swinging very very wide there.
Just realized that this race is on a Wednesday and I'm out of school at 12pm then. I guess I can make it after all :D
Will we have a grid start on the oval?

Is there a grid start on the oval? :odd:

There will likely be a standing start at the oval. Our test races yesterday involved a grid start
Will we have a grid start on the oval?

Is there a grid start on the oval? :odd:

Yes, there will be a grid start.
As much as rolling start makes SO much more sense on an oval... Especially in low power cars, so you start already at some speed...
Last year in our CUBES @ OVALS event, that's the only problem we had was DURING the rolling start. :( We had a crash during the countdown in one race at Indy.

This, as I saw in the replay, happened DURING the countdown:

Since poofs of smoke don't appear in the rear view mirror, I never saw this:

If it was a normal "lag start" - I would've called an ABORT, and restarted the race. But because I was already rolling away, I wasn't even aware of what actually happened. :grumpy:

A lag during a rolling start countdown in the Cosmos at the small Motegi oval, would be particularly bad, because I will likely be starting on pole because of coming in last in the first race. :lol: :nervous: Which means if we did a rolling start, the host (me) would likely be halfway around the track away from the back if a lag during the countdown happened in the back...

That all said, it's not too too bad from grid start on the oval in the Cosmo. The starting grid is not so tilted at Motegi as at Daytona, where often cars like the Cosmo would slip & slide a great deal at the start.
I might have to do some practice laps later to see what my times are compared to you guys.
My best times after a few laps testing.

Motegi West Course ............48.6
Motegi High Speed Ring ........47.7
Motegi East Course .............1'50.9
Motegi Road Course ............2'35.7

I'm looking forward to this. :D
I would like to join in, but due to other commitments I can only participate in the two first races, perhaps three depending on how long the races take. Is that okay or is it frowned upon?
I would like to join in, but due to other commitments I can only participate in the two first races, perhaps three depending on how long the races take. Is that okay or is it frowned upon?

That's okay.👍 Stay for however long your schedule allows.
Did you get a FR in on the PSN: VCRC club acct?
Should have less issues tonight, I hope. We just ditched crappy AOL and are now running Sky broadband :drool:.
I will be in the lounge now for warm-up. 👍

I highly recommend rebooting the ps3 & clearing the cache before entering the lounge. Many people say this has been helpful in eliminating/reducing problems.

Hopefully your problems are solved now Paulmac! :)

I believe everyone signed up now is added on PSN: VCRC
Please let me know if this is not the case, prior to 15 minutes before event time. Thanks!
Dinner, then will colour the car something (Not Pirtek :P). Then send to GTP, then join. Too much been happening this week :lol:.
Not gonna race today. I don't have the energy and concentration to do it. :guilty:
Ugh silly GT5 froze now I'm really behind, haven't painted or sent the car over yet :nervous:.

Edit: Found the colour I was after quite fast luckily, now just about to join on GTP.

Edit2: Problems with Audiman and Cob still un fixed, could be their end, could be mine, who knows..
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I guess it was Pauls end.. Great racing tonight! I managed to win one race, too bad it was the practise race ^^